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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susanD36

  1. Micheleangelina- Hi, sounds great! I was banded on May 12, 2009. I see you you were a few days before me ? ...cool...so how is your experince so far post-surgery? I am feeling better today, (day 5) but still dealing w/ some gas in shoulder/ chest! ouch! I have one incision that hurts more than rest..I wonder if this is the Port? hmm..well I go for my first post op visit on Monday(tomorrow 18th) so i'll keep posted! God bless!
  2. susanD36

    Post Band Pain

    I also had a hiatal hernia repaired so that may be why I was not one of these 1 day recovery ppl! :0) Today is day 5 and I am feeling much better. Still some shoulder gas pain, but much better. I heard a lot of ppl & the Doc talk about the gas pain but I had no idea it would be so awful! who would have thought that "gas" could be such a big deal! lol! I've just about used a whole box of gas x melty things...still gassy. lol. thanks for reply / sharing. I am new to this thing but the site seems very useful. So when were you banded?
  3. I had lap band May 12, 2009. I also have been experiencing this for a couple of days now. I was wondering the same thing! It it's good to know it gets better. The gas / burping /hiccuping pain is the worst! ugh!:scared2:
  4. susanD36

    Post Band Pain

    I had surgery on Tues. May 12, 2009 and would not been one to go back to work the next day. The incision pain wasn't that bad but I used pain meds for 4 days. The GAS is awful! It was trapped in my shoulder and chest and excruciating! However it has been 4 days & It is finally getting out! My kids got a good kick out of all the uncontrollable burping though! Maybe this is a strange problem but the gas was worse than the incision sites!
  5. susanD36

    Me Easter 09 (310)

    you are really pretty.
  6. The diet from Hell? Okay..now I'm getting scared! So the diet in the first few weeks is terrible? What is life like after healing has taken place? Of course the point is to eat less, but do you lead a normal life afterwards? Can you eat out with friends and not have to watch everyone else while you drink your tomato juice? What is it like in every day life with the LB as far as eating somewhat normally?



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