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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by luvjacob

  1. Hey i saw in the clothing x-change that you are near lehigh valley, pa. I am in allentown and weigh in for my 6month in two weeks. Then i just wait for the approval from my insurance company. I was wondering if you could tell me about your expierence you have had in this journey. Thanks !

  2. Hey i started Sept 12 and go to my Month 3 Next week, I am excited that i am half way. My only concern is the 6month weight loss program isnt going so well for me, but i still have 3 more months. So next week, i will talk to my doctor and nutritionalist about whats been going on. Anyways i thought it might be good to find other people going the same speed (around month 2-3) and taking the same route (lapband), kind of like a support group. That way we can see how everyone else is doing and their progress, and we will also all pretty much have the same surgery dates.. Who's in??? First off, Im Heather , 25years old mom of a 4 year old boy. From Sacramento California but living in Allentown PA for my husbands job. ... Just thought it might be good to know a lil about me
  3. Sorry it took me so long to get back on here. Where in Cali are you originally from?? It is definatley something to get used to being all the way over here. I am from Sacramento, and miss my home too. But if i never came here, then i might have never known about the surgery. Wow, thank you for telling me about being denied for surgery if you gain even one pound on the supervised diet. I think thats crazy but understand. Have you lost any weight on your diet yet? and if so, how much. I was just trying to compare progress, even though i have pretty much made NONE!! lol But at the group meetings, they don't talk about weight gain during the program. I would have never known until i came upon this site. Well i hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!!!!
  4. Well congrats on quitting smoking, thats got to be very difficult!! But yeah i just went to my month three group appt and should be having surgery around the same time you are. The only thing i am worried about is my weight gain before surgery. I was unaware until i came upon this site that we have to actually LOSE weight before the surgery. I was kinda border line on the diet, so i figured that the only bad thing would be to lose too much weight. Then i justified my eating because i wouldnt be able to eat what i want after the surgery. Needless to say, im up 10 more pounds in the three months. So now after reading the helpful posts about maintaining or losing weight, i know i have to lose that 10 pounds and then some. lol.. im trying to stay focus and not worry too much but just eat healthy. I know i could do it if i could exercise. So im trying to join the gym, there just so freakin expensive. What are you doing to burn calories?? i would love ideas, i just cant go outside too much right now cuz i have a toddler son that shouldnt be out in the cold weather. and btw, thanks for your response
  5. Thank you so much for your response. Its nice to know that someone else is struggling with these pounds to lose. lol. i have been feeling like such a failure but try not to get discouraged. And congrats on making it through the six months, it seems to be going by faster than i thought. And please keep me updated... !! I wish you the best!:thumbs_up:
  6. okay next week is my month three appointment. I am having a horrible time trying to lose weight. After my month one appointment i wasnt really trying to lose weight because i knew i would be restricted after surgery.. so this was my time to get in what i could. lame i know... wish i would have found this site before hand. Anyways after my month two appointment i had gained almost ten pounds!!! Then i learned that i need to show that i can lose weight before surgery, so i put my butt in high gear and did what i could to eat way better. Honestly i stuck to the diet to a "T". I ate under my intake of calories i was supposed to a day,and kept a daily food journal. Well i went to my PC and how about i gained 3 pounds! what the heck!! i dont want to keep adding on more pounds and i especiallly dont want to get denied for suregery.. any advice. One other thing i am having trouble working in a way to burn calories. I am a stay at home mom and cant really go outside that often if its too cold for my son.... ideas????
  7. First let me say, hello fello sacto!! i was born and raised in sacramento. I moved a lil over four years ago for my husband's job. well as for your question, i am not exactly sure the correct answer since i dont know what kind of insurance you have or anything like that. I just was wondering if your insurance required a 6 month supervised weight loss program before surgery?? Cuz i am currently in one, and the program i am in, is still good for two years after completed. This is good for numerous reasons. Maybe somebody does good on the weight loss program and feels that they dont need the surgery anymore, but eight months down the road they gain it all back. So i guess i just dont know what you mean by if you have to start over at the begining again. Anyways, i wish you the best of luck and hope you get what you are wishing for!!! Maybe Santa will give it to you if you've been a good boy. lol jk
  8. luvjacob

    Medicaid Appeal??

    I currently have Medicaid and in the process of my six month supervised weight program for bar iatric surgery. They said that in the fifth month we will get a surgery date. And as long as all the insurance information goes through, that will be the for sure "date". But my question is.... does Medicaid deny people a lot the first time around? I’m afraid of the whole deny and appeal process, making the time for my surgery even further away. Don’t get me wrong, ill wait. I just want to be prepared.
  9. luvjacob

    Medicaid Appeal??

    Well let me first start off by saying Congrats!!! I am so happy for you. And thank you for your response, it makes me feel a little more at ease knowing that other people had an easy expierence getting approved. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing you loose them pounds! p.s. i like your quote.
  10. Thank you for your reply. Yeah i know its a slow process, and thats whats always discouraging. But i am ready for change. We all wish it was a miracle diet but nothings that easy. I dont think that until i stumbled upon this site that i really understood how much work "I" am really going to have to put into it. Im ready. The best thing i can do, is try to lose as much weight before the surgery and its bound to come off one way or another. Lastly, i guess i need to become active. So i will take your advice and start walking. Thanks again!!!!
  11. luvjacob

    fat and tired

    hey i saw that you were in PA. where are you getting your surgery done at?? im having mine at LVH and in month 2 as well. next week is my month 3 appt.
  12. luvjacob

    kinda dissapointed...

    I first want to say that you seem to be doing awesome!! You have already lost twenty pounds! And you are weighing yourself at the gym so that’s great that you are going to the gym.lol I am not banded yet but I have worked at the gym before (yeah chubby me) and have had like three personal trainers, etc. etc... The scales are all different and your body is different weights at different times of the day. Food, water, and even going to the bathroom can change the pounds, not to mention different scales. I was told to have one scale put in the same spot, flat as possible everyday. It is better to weight myself after I wake up in the morning before I drink or eat anything and either wear the same clothes or no clothes. So I started waking up and weighing myself naked in the bathroom and writing it on the calendar once a week. That way I have no clothes, food, water, or bad scales discouraging or "messing with my head a little". I would also suggest measuring yourself. I know it sounds like mubo chumbo but really muscle burns fat but is heavier than fat. Have you been doing only cardio or weight training as well?? It’s good to do both, and if you are doing weight training that is where you are getting your muscles from. But don’t stop doing weight training cuz it makes you weigh more. Yea cardio helps burn fat and keeps burning fat for about an hour after wards. But weight training not only tones, tightens, and burns fat but eventually after you have enough muscle mass, you will be burning fat all day!!! Even when you’re sleeping.... and you can only get to that point my weight training. well i seem to have gone overboard with the reply.. ttyl xoxo
  13. luvjacob

    New to the site Philly

    Hi, I too am currently in PA but from somwhere else (Sacramento), however im in Allentown. I was wondering if you were considering the lapband surgery? I joined this site last week, and am addicted. Its an inspiration to read all the successful stories, and its also good to know EVERYTHING that it takes to be successful. As far as i know (not banded yet), you will have to change your eating habit after the band. The band is only to help you eat less food, and if you arent able to change your eating habits then the band will not be successful for you. Well i really just wanted to drop by and welcome you! Good Luck!!
  14. luvjacob

    Medicaid Appeal??

    I am currently located in PA. I went to a seminar on lap band and talked to the bariatric center and asked who they work with. PA offered three different types of health care plans. And, the Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, said that they dont work with Gateway or Unison, but they do work with AmeriHealth Mercy. They do all the work. As long as you have a BMI of 35 or higher and a health related problem retated to obesity, you will get approved. However, i dont have a health related problem due to obesity but have a BMI over 41, which makes me eligible for the surgery without a related illness. You just have to go through a six month weight loss program supervised with the bariatric center and they will submit all the information for you. It just seemed too good to be true so i was wondering if they often appeal, making the process longer.
  15. luvjacob

    Pain ball out finally

    lol.. okay this might sound stupid. but what is a pain ball?? haha im a lil scared if this has to do with the lap-band..
  16. Hi, everyone. I am in month two of a six month weight loss program to prepare me for lap-band surgery and the life afterwards. I am currently trying to lose some weight before hand to show the doctors my commitment to life change and was on www.caloriecounter.com when someone mentioned to check out this site for any information on lap band. I have yet to browse and see all the benefits of this site, but my expectations are high. I have heard a lot of good and bad things about lap-band and want to make sure that I know what I am getting myself into. I have come to the site to learn as much as I can and find the good, the bad, and the ugly... So please feel free to educate me!
  17. luvjacob

    Im a NewEE at LaPbAnDtAlK!!

    Thank you so much. I am on calorie counter but it seems that everyone there is so biased and thinks that the lap band is ridiculous. But then again, the majority of them have never been obese and had to lose a hundred pounds. I will definitely use your advice. I have been using a food journal since Monday, and it does make me think twice before I eat something because that means I have to own to it. It’s a journal that is going to the doctor.lol... again.... Thanks!!!
  18. OMG!! You look Awsome! Good Job... you go girl!! haha. Damn.. no pizza, huh?? thats one of my favorite foods.. but i would rather be fit and healthy then stuffing my face with pizza.

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