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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lcdragna

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/26/1976
  1. Happy 37th Birthday lcdragna!

  2. Happy 36th Birthday lcdragna!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary lcdragna!

  4. I have been banded for 3 months now. Love it!!! Would done it over again without thinking! I was little gassy after surgery but not in pain. Had gallbladder out the week before and that was worse than lapband surgery. And honestly that wasn't bad at all! Good luck!
  5. Would do it over again in an heartbeat!!!!
  6. lcdragna

    New Orleans and Surrounding Area!!!!

    Hi I have been banded one month today! Would do it all over again!!!
  7. lcdragna

    December Delights 2009

    Went for two week post op visit this past wednesday...lost 26.4 pounds!!! Feeling really good! Still get hungery but I know when I get first fill after holidays that will help! Hope everyone who got banded or getting banded has happy holidays!
  8. I am 5 days post op..gas is almost going! Gas was easier with lapband than gallbladder surgery! I just hope I am getting in enough water and protein! Hope it gets better for you!
  9. lcdragna

    December Bandsters 2009

    Tomorrow is my BIG day!!!!! Getting nervous and excited!!!
  10. lcdragna

    Is this right for me?

    I went back and forth for one year myself! Well I am getting banded Dec 2! Its a tough choice but only you can make it. I really think you will find the support on here that your looking for! This ladies are awesome and will help you with everystep! Good luck!
  11. I am a low BMI but still a week before i get my band! Let me know if anyone responds to you! good luck
  12. lcdragna

    December Bandsters 2009

    Had bloodwork done today! Getting excited and nervous all at the same time!
  13. lcdragna

    December Bandsters 2009

    Surgery is Dec 2nd!!! Had gallbladder out 10/30/09! Dr said lapband surgery is easier!
  14. lcdragna

    Having gall bladder out Wed...UGH!!

    Had my gallbladder out in preparation for lapband! Gallbladder surgery was very easy so hopefully lapband surgery will be smooth sailing!

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