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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ltgordon

  1. ltgordon

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    I am joining too! good luck everyone Name...........Start Lbs...........Current..........Goal..To Go Barb12590......185...................185...............175.....10 Bonnielass......168..................168...............159......9 Brandy...........198..................198...............190......8 crztchr...........250...................250...............240.....10 janesays.........230...................230...............215.....15 kikival315........219...................219...............210......9 leslie2lose.......229...................229...............219......10 LilMissDiva.......253..................250.6.............242.6...8 Loveislovely.....223..................220...............208......12 ltgordon..........264.8................264.8............250.......15 misskitty84......313..................263...............243......20 SanDiegoPhotog..263...............191...............179......12 Tabithan.........246..................246...............236......10 Terilynn112.....224..................224...............200.......24 Tuger............192..................192..............185.........7 twinmommie....207..................207..............193........14 wowox7.........173..................173...............163........10 __
  2. hey mamanmidwife - looks like we have similar stats and i will be crying for joy at 250 on valentines day too!!
  3. ltgordon

    Can you relate???

    Oh Juli said it quite eloquently! At my surgeon's support group they say that we had surgery on our stomachs not on our brains. not only does that effect our relationship/addictions/issues with food but also with our self image. I have lost 74 pounds so far and sometimes I feel "skinny" (at 264 pounds no less!!!) and then other times i realize that i am still obese and have a long way to go but i do feel like a new person and that is worth the "price of admission" to me!!!
  4. ltgordon

    Protein help?

    Jackie, I will certainly keep my fingers crossed and you will do just great with the fill. i am going to try the eggbeaters too to reduce the fat in my egg consumption. By the way, having the tuna too wet just can make it slip through the band too fast. You can play that by ear as you start eating solids. If it isn't keeping you full long enough then try it a bit drier. At this stage it is alot of experimenting. Have a great time tomorrow!! Laura
  5. thanks and good luck to you this week too!!
  6. ltgordon

    Protein help?

    you are doing great smiles!! i personally didn't eat tuna until my solids but when you do eat tuna you can mix with lowfat/notfat mayo, lemon, yogurt, etc. i just wouldn't make it too wet. also, do you like scrambled eggs? they are higher in fat but good protein and satisfying. also, not fage greek yogurt (with a little splenda mixed in) is amazingly high in protein. keep up the good work and keep smiling!!
  7. have you thought about why you are not motivated? Do you have alot to lose? does your surgeon have a support group? well, I haven't had a problem with motivation but i think you may need to "re-set" your self. lots of people use the 5 day pouch test to get back on track. you could also limit yourself to one high protein, low carb food (ie cottage cheese or tuna) for a few days. i haven't needed to do it with the band but have done it before. certainly wouldn't be "doctor approved" but for 3 to 5 days couldn't hurt. basically, anytime you are hungry or think you are hungry you could eat but only that food. breaks both any carb addiction and your food relationship in general.
  8. hey azlife, looks like we are on about the same track - both banded in august, both down about 70 pounds with about the same left to go. good luck and i will watch for your progress!!
  9. WOW! 30 pounds by valentines day?? i will be pullin' for you!! i am just hoping to do my 15 by then!! Maybe on valentines we should all set a new goal for st. patrick's day and i will do another 15 for that goal.
  10. ltgordon

    3 weeks postop

    From the album: progress at 6 months

  11. ltgordon

    surgery day

    From the album: progress at 6 months

  12. ltgordon

    Protein help?

    i don't use any protein supplements/shakes. i get tons of my protein from cottage cheese. super satisying and has 12g of protein in a 4 oz container. i get the little "on-the-go" 4 packs of 4 oz each and they are great. i either have plain or with a bit of fruit, a bit of salsa or even some diced avocado. yummy, satisfying, lots of calcium and protein. yummo!!
  13. ltgordon

    Help! Totally off track!

    just checking in msracefan - -are you getting back on track and feeling better?
  14. i have been bouning back and forth the same pound for about a week and a half now. also have had ham the last three days so drinking tons of Water today and tomorrow - -hoping to be down to 262 on my monday weigh in. can anyone help me with the ticker things and fun signature? thanks!!
  15. I want to join in too! My goal is to be at 250 on valentines day (and to have a valentine!!:hurray:) so that would be 15 pounds by valetines day and a total of 88.5 since Memorial Day.
  16. ltgordon

    Help! Totally off track!

    hey, don't get down. just make little choices. for me, fast food was a tempation so i decided that i WILL NOT eat fast food. i don't even go thru a drive-thru to get a drink so that it is a clear rule. i would encourage you to make a choice to start with "i will not go into dq" and stick to it. that one change could make a big difference. once that change becomes habit, make antoher choice. i know for me, i keep cottage cheese in my fridge at home and at work. i NEVER have the excuse that there is nothing healthy to eat. one of the little 4 oz "on-the-go" cottage cheese containers fills me up with 90 cal, 12 g Protein and costs less than $1. win, win, win. keep the faith and you will get back on track!!
  17. ltgordon

    Im new here

    Hi Darla, Good luck to you. I am another SoCal Girl and was banded at UCSD in August. Consider yourself blessed because i was told by Kaiser in July that they do not do lapband so i was 100% self-pay at UCSD. I am not sure the "system" that you will go thru but know that the lapbad is a life changing (for the better!) experience. Surgery was a breeze and this is the first time i have been able to lose this much weight (63 pounds so far with 100 to go!) and be able to do it without "white-knuckling" it and i feel great!! good luck to you - you will do great!!

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