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About bhamfroggergirl_5

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/05/1980
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, bhamfroggergirl_5!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday bhamfroggergirl_5!

  3. Happy 32nd Birthday bhamfroggergirl_5!

  4. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary bhamfroggergirl_5!

  5. bhamfroggergirl_5

    Marathon/Half-Marathon Anyone?

    I particiated in my first half-marathon this last September. It was amazing to be able to actualy finish 13.1 miles. I want to do more half-marathons and my goal is to do a full marathon in the fall of 2009. I am going to do the Rock N Roll half-marathon in Seattle, WA in June. Here is there web site if you want to check it out http://www.rnrseattle.com/ I would love to get some people together and do it together. I currently just walk them but would like to eventually work up to doing some running too. If anyone is interested let me know. Crystal 340/233/160 Banded April 2007
  6. bhamfroggergirl_5

    Hello Everyone

    Hi I just came across this website this evening and signed up this site is amazing so much great information and encouragement. I was banded in April 07. I have lost a total of 110 pounds. It is amazing how I have lost so much and still feel like I still have so much more to loose. I am currently struggling with overeating and not eating the right foods or the right amounts. Man is this a process and I am still learning I thought I would be done learning by now but I guess not. Anyway I guess that is enough for now. Good luck to everyone in the process of getting your band it is SO worth all the work to get it and the work after it is definately not a quick fix. Crystal

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