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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by directedbyhp

  1. directedbyhp

    Not What I Expected

    Hello everyone I have just read alot of posts of people getting there LapBand removed and I want to add my reasons why I had my removed. First I want to say my doctor did a great job putting in the LapBand no problem there. The first six weeks I lost 25 lbs. I followed the diet plan however, I was having problems with the LapBand around eight weeks when I was told to change my diet to regular solid foods. The foods on the diet plan however, when I started eating it would get clogged and I would have to drink something hot to melt it down or make myself throw up. So I thought maybe I should eat slower or the bites are to big. So I changed it. Smaller then feeding a baby with a spoon. It took me one and half hours to eat a small plate of food. Okay I went to the doctor and he took out some fluids. Same thing happened. One day I was eating dinner and I was so sick, I became light headed and and almost passed out. I was admitted in the hospital for a week (twice). My blood pressure was to low. The doctor came and removed the rest of the fluids from the LapBand and told me to wait a few weeks and come in the office and get a adjustment he gave me a very small amount and the same thing happened a few months later (twice). This don't have anything to do about educating myself about LapBand or doing research (which I did before I had it done) it was not comfortable for me. And by the way I read all the sucess stories and the complications stories on this site too. It did not give me the results I expected. I do not want to adjust my life style to taking hours to complete a meal. I have a family and a job and my whole day should not be consumed with eating a meal. It felt uncomfortable having it inside to. It took me over a year before I could lay on my stomach to sleep. Because I had to eat Yes I had to have sauces on meal so it would go down. Even having all the fluids out. Therefore, I gain weight. The regular people here who are having sucess with the LapBand can sit back and judge you because then are losing weight. Typical. But unless you are in my shoes and know how it feels to be sick with it in you, you cant judge me. Just like it is rude to judge fat people and call them lazy, because that is completely untrue. I am having it removed and I am going for another procedure that makes you FEEL FULL not like a clogged sink all the time. Good luck to the people losing weight with the LapBand it works for you. But, if you was not okay with the LapBand and had it removed, you are not alone. Next time I post it will because I was sucessful and had it removed this friday 10//31/2008. God Bless:thumbup:

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