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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by becacloud9

  1. Hi there Cortney,, just stopping by to see how your journey is coming girl?? Hope all is well!! Have a great 4th of July!! :)

  2. Hi. Congrats to you as well on being banded too! It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I just wish I had done it sooner. Yea, my one year is coming up 9/16, I can't believe it;s been a year already! Sometimes I feel like I;ve had this band a lifetime and sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday!! Everything has went great so far. I have been having a few issues as of lately. But we can chat anytime. I cna help you answer any questions help ya if you need anythin. Good luck to ya!! :)

  3. Hello. Good luck to you on ur upcoming surgery!! I'm in Fl. as well. Who is going to be ur suurgeon? I had my band done 9/16/08, and i'm down 57 lbs. I started at 402, and now I'm down to 345 so far. Keep in touch if you would like.

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