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Everything posted by becacloud9

  1. becacloud9

    I've been loving these salads!!!

    Yea, i do eat taco stuff a lot, the family likes that too. If I am wanting that crunch, I eat the multigrain chips( a few) it's better for the rest of the fam too. I buy the low carb tortilla wraps from walmart and make me a wrap-which w/ cold cuts. Or I just eat the cold cuts rolled up w/ cheese dipped in mayo. Or I eat cottage cheese w/ a sprinkle of shredded cheese on top. I make chicken or tuna salad a lot. Boiled eggs. Wendys chili is a good choice if your out or the chicken nuggs. I eat a lot of cheeses. Omelets.. Protien shakes nearly every morning. I always use the Calorie Countdown locarb milk for me, also the chocolate milk flavor as a treat too. Hope all these ideas help you some!! :thumbup:
  2. becacloud9

    I've been loving these salads!!!

    Yea, i love salads too and usually eat a lot of salads too. But in the last two months, a ive noticed i cant really eat salad as much. Im really tight now i think. it always seems to get stuck on me.. im really tryn to concentrate on protien now, as i have been at a platuea for a few months as well too. i am 15 months post band and 112 lbs down, so I cant complai, but I still have a lot more to lose, so I gotta get the scale movin!! :thumbup:
  3. That's wonderful!! Good for you!! I know that is the best feeling, isin't it?? Keep up the good work!! :thumbup:
  4. thanks ladies!! I'm still workin on it. my doc wants me around 170, I'm just happy to be out of the 400 and the 300 for now!! It seems unreal, I have been big forever, but the band really works if you do waht your supposed to do also. I have been plateaud for a while now. I gotta get exercising again, I been kinda lazy lately with the holidays and stuff. We all need to be an inspiration to each other, too. Let's keep going girls!!
  5. becacloud9

    My Journey

  6. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Hello Gang!! I have been MIA for a bit. I don't know, just been buisy, been a little lazy too when it comes to writing it all down I supppose!! :wub: Any ways.. Today is my 1 year Bandiversary!! Everything is great. It's been the best thing I have ever done for myself!! I still have a long way to go. I've lost around 107 lbs, I got bout 124 more to go. But I actually CAN see the light at the end of the tunnel!! My body has changed soo much. I can do so much. But one thing still is strange.. In my mind, I am still thinking I am going to eat like I used to. My husband just shakes his head at me. When we make our plate, he says, you know you aren't going to eat that.. But I still tend to make myself a Normal plate. I guess I am just so accustomed to those old ways. I guess that too will change. I don't know, I just think thats' odd still. I am at a plateau now for a while. I need to get exercising again and logging my food again daily. I tell you, sweets have really been a problem for me lately. I usually tend to be locarb, but whew!:drool: the cookies are killin me!!:w00t: Yes, I kno I am the one putting them in my mouth!! Well, I just wanted to share my big day. I'll catch ya'll later!! :tt2:
  7. Hi. Congrats to you as well on being banded too! It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I just wish I had done it sooner. Yea, my one year is coming up 9/16, I can't believe it;s been a year already! Sometimes I feel like I;ve had this band a lifetime and sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday!! Everything has went great so far. I have been having a few issues as of lately. But we can chat anytime. I cna help you answer any questions help ya if you need anythin. Good luck to ya!! :)

  8. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I have been MIA for a few days! Been buisy and dog sitting and out and about a lot. So I will start back with todays eating. Sunday B- 2 fried eggs , 1 pc ham L- 8 oz protien shake w/pb2 D- Bowl of turkey chili, hotdog w/some of the bun, a few salt and vin chips, S-A couple bites of ice cream, and a couple bites of apple pie. S-A few more chips:blushing: lots of water, unsweet tea, and fuze to drink today:wub:
  9. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Wednesday~ B- 8 oz protein shake w/pb2 L- 1/2c chicken salad w/ a few wheat crackers, 1/4c cottage cheese, 1 string cheese S1-8 oz protein shake w/pb2 S2- about 1c smoked cheddar kettle corn & a few buggles D- 3 pcs pizza:scared2: whoo too much I don't know what came over me tonight! I can't believe I ate that much!! I feel so bloated! I have been in terrible pain anyway due to this kidney infection. I have an appointment for Friday w/ my primary. She called me in a rx back on Sunday. I think I was trying to eat my pain away today:eek: Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  10. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Hey Georgiagirl! How did ya like the Hood brand milk??
  11. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Tuesday~ B- n/a slept late:rolleyes: Back to work for me tomorrow, no more sleepin' in!! L- 1/2c cottage cheese, 3/4c chicken salad, handful garlic all bran crackers D-1T baked beans, 2tsp cole slaw, 1/4c collard greens, 1/2c bacon ranch pasta salad, about 1 cup of bbq pulled pork. had 5 18 oz bottles water= 90 oz 1 20 oz powerade zero 1 12 oz powerade zero Whew! 122 oz for me today! I wish I could do that faithfully everyday. I would be doing great. I am fighting this kidney thing right now so I am trying to up the fluids bigtime!
  12. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Monday~ B- n/a slept late still not feelin' too well L- 3/4c chicken sld, all bran garlic crackers, 1c cottage chse D- 1/2c spaghetti made w/ turkey & multi grain noodles, 1 pc garlic toast, 1/2 of a fun size 100 grand candy bar lots of water, and lite cranberry juice today. May have a sf pudding cup tonight..
  13. becacloud9

    Calling All September Samurai

    Hello there!! I'm another September just checkin' in!! Which I see Slim all the time on our "what were eating post", so that is nice. I can't believe it is almost a year already!! Yikes! Where did the time go? I am happy with my progress. I would like to be down more, but I'll take it.. You know, I forgot to take my measurements... My hubby says I have lost the most from the waist down so far. I have lost up top too, but mostly below. I gotta start exercising again. I have kinda gotten lazy in that dept. But you all are right, we need to check in and support each other. :cool: Catch ya'll later!
  14. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I have really been sick last night and today.. This kidney infection is just not letting up on me or something. I absolutely thought I was gonna die this morning:crying:. Thought about going to the ER. My primary called me in a rx, and I have some heavy duty pain meds to take so we will see. I may go in to see her in the office tomorrow. So I haven't felt like eating much today. Sunday~ B- N/A L-1/8 of an open face pulled pork sandwich topped w/cole slaw, 1/8c baked beans, 1/8c pasta salad- even if that D-1c chicken&ricew/field peas mixed in S-1c ricecrispy's cereal water, lite cranberry juice thru the day, meds :cool:
  15. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Saturday~ B- slept late- had 1c Hood choc milk L-1c cot chse, 1 naked hotdog w/mustard D-Outback- some of bloomin onion, bite of bread, half of my salad, about 1/4 of my 6oz steak-gave the rest to hubby, most of my sweet potato. Then, we shared a piece of cheesecake w/raspberry sauce between my son and I!! We went shopping after, so hopefully I helped walk some of it off!!
  16. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Georgia Girl, we are only human girl! Don't beat your self up! Tomorrow is another day... :confused:
  17. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Friday~ B- 8 oz cookie&cream shake w/pb2 L- 1/2c cot chse, 1 oz. chse ,9 wheat crackers,1/8c egg sld S- 1c smoked ched kettle corn:wub: can't wait till it's gone! D- wrap on locarb tortilla w/ thin deli ham, peperoni, cheese, mayo, mustard, let, tom, pickle, onion. & a few chips on the side. S- 3 smal sf choc chip cookies, and a couple bites of husband's cherry pie pocket :scared2: water, and powerade zero through out the day.
  18. becacloud9

    Peach Cobbler Smoothie!!!!

    Wow! That sound great! Will have to try!!
  19. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Thursday~ B- n/a slept late L- 8 oz. cookies&cream protien shake w/pb2-I miss my real pb though S- 2c smoked ched kettle corn, (2 bites chick&rice i was cooking for dinner)- chucked it feeling terrible now, I keep pb'g. rice is evil! brown rice! D-If I ever feel better, I may have another protien shake or something, or some egg salad for dinner. That chicken and rice really got me!:wink: I have noticed that since I haven't been doing the protien shakes daily, my weight loss has stalled and even put on a pound or 3, even though I continue to eat the same as before. I also use the protien shots from walmart they are like 3oz and have 26g protien. They cost $1.97 each, but one walmart in particular sells them for $0.50 a pc. for some reason so I go there and stock up and buy every one they have it's the body fortress brand I also buy my protien powder that brand too. Just thought I'd share.
  20. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Wednesday~ B-coffee, 1c Hood choc milk,1/2 boiled egg, 1/2c cot chse L- 5 pc chicken nugg & Lg chili from Wendy's S- 3 sf cookies (very small one's) D-1/2c cot chse, 1 oz chse,1/2 boiled egg, handful allbran garlic crackers w/ 1 tsp pepper dip, 3 wheat crackers w/eggs salad S- 6 tiny sf cookies seriously the size of a fifty cent piece!! I don't know what happened to my dinner. I just didn't feel like cooking! Can you tell?? I would have really liked a hot meal, but there wasn't anyone to cook it for me!! :w00t: Some nice hot roast beef would have been nice!! My poor son ate hotdogs! Kids are easy, huh!!:ohmy: Well tomorrows full of new oppertunities:rolleyes: I was proud of myself today. I was checking out at Walmart and I was eyeballing the snickers and reese's really BAD! I moved on by, I got me some sf gum instead and got outa there!! Whew!! By the way, today, I got my new uniforms for work, when I go back to work next week. I work in school foodservice. My old pants were a 4x, my new one's are a 2x! I cried when I put them on today! I was soo happy. Yay for me!
  21. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Hi Lotsabirds, the Hood brand Calorie Countdown milk comes in 2% in a blue carton and fat free a green carton and chocolate a brown carton. It is sweetened with splenda. I buy it at walmart or windixie and I have also seen it at publix here in Florida. It is fabulous! only like 90cal 5 g fat, 3 carbs, 3 sugars, 8 protien, for the 2 % white and it tastes just like regular white milk!! I use it in my protien shakes for anything! I love the chocolate, I blend in some instant coffee grounds and ice and whip it up, yum! TRY IT!! :ohmy:
  22. becacloud9

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Hi Kenner, yes I love the calorie countdown milk because the low carb/sugar content and taste. I use it when I make my protien shakes too. The chocolate is great! Hi Bozz! How are you? Nice to see you.. I have been very tight. I think I may need to get an unfill. I have never had to get an unfill before. Nearly everyday, something gets stuck.. And I seem to be at a stand still and even gaining a pound or so. Tuesday- Breakfast- coffee, 8oz ch hood milk, 2 multi grain waffle stx w/ sf syrup, i boiled egg, 2 thin slices ham L- wrap w/thin deli ham, peperoni, cheese, let, tom, pickle, mayo, must, & few pork rinds D-1 hotdog w/bun, 1/2 hamburger patty,1/3c cottage chse-chucked some of it:scared2: S- small bowl of mint chocolate ice cream:wub: I never eat icecream:redface:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
