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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by swrktp

  1. Hey all Yep Dr. Baggs emailed me that he will have an office in Pinole now. I am going to try to get the appointments there from now on. I think it is about 10 miles or so closer. I guess it is a brand new office that just opened up in the fall. I think he just moved over there because he has reminded me twice about the new location :-) So everyone else where is your appointment? Am I the first to go to Pinole? Acutually I think that the office at Richmond will be rescheduling some of Dr. Baggs appoitments according to what he and the staff said. So check your Kaiser website because they might be moving your over to the Pinole office. I wish they would open a satellitte center in Fairfield...........or better yet Sacramento. Problem is I like Dr. Baggs and would still drive to the Bay area if that is where he is at.............. MOrning all!! NOt gonna weight until that time of the month is over...........to frustrating!!!
  2. Yea I don't know but I do know that my next appoinmtment will be in Pinole off Pinale Valley Road. So is uber weird still safe?? I know Richmond is an iffy neighborhood too, but I am used to it now. I don't want something worse although I might not have a choice now. I asked the girls about why I am going to a different office and they said something about Dr Baggs having a new office but they weren't really clear. They said he scheduled a bunch of appointments at the new office and that he had messed up the computers or something and they were trying to sort it all out. They were a bit irratated about the whole thing. But Dr. Baggs told me to contact them to confirm the appointment so I am sure he knows it is confusing. Robin told me the appointment was cancelled last week. It is not on my kaiser appointment site............but they told me for sure to be in Pinole at 9am on the 28th. As long as it is safe I can go to PInole. It is closer to Sacramento for me. Ok, yep it is that time of the month so maybe that is part of the frustation with the scale!! Lets home it will start falling off me in a couple a week or so...............:-)
  3. meanmyweightloss............who is your surgeon?? Ah two nights in my own bed and sleeping.......carefully, with a huge body pillow...........on my side. I am putting away all the blankets and pillows on my lazy boy chair. After 10 days sleeping on that chair I am so glad to be back in bed. Feeling pretty good today!!! Everyday is better and better who would have thought that last week when I was hurting and so sleepy................what a world of difference a week makes. Ok May 1, 2009 at Mimi's? Time? They have a great french onion Soup there.....................
  4. Ok got an mail from Dr. Baggs. I have about 3ml in my band. He said that is what the is the usual at surgery. He also told me to keep walking alot!! I thought that was funny because I told him now at 10 days out I was feeling and looking human again and he replied back that the more you walk the more human you will feel!! LOL. He also told me that I will see him on May28 and to call the bariatrics office to confirm that. I will be going to the Pinole office now which is a few exits closer to Sacramento. I guess Dr. Baggs is moving over there for office appointments or something..........sorta confusing. Also they said that my appointment says 1:45 pm but they want me to come at 9am and ignore what the computer says. Something confusing going on with Dr Baggs new schedule and office. Where and where are the rest of you meeting him? Pinole or RIchmond? HEaded out to the mall to walk around it a couple of time. Yesterday was Walmart. Maybe this weekend I will be able to make it around my neighborhood............. Happy Friday all!!
  5. I am gonna email Dr. Baggs today. I am guessing I got 3cc's as well than........what about you Nicole did you get 3cc's. Riley you? maybe the liquids are just running through me and once I get to mushies and solids I will start to feel it more. I didn't ask much I was just to sleepy that day!! I saw Erasure once in Oakland back in 90 or 91. Long live the 80's!!
  6. Christine your blog on youtube is great I watched it yesterday. Keep it up and hey I didn't know you were an 80's child.............me too. I grew up on Depche Mode and Erasure.............gotta be my favorite groups too!! Also the Cure and infomation society............OMG reading the blog over there I was laughing cause we have so much in common!! And your face is really slimming down in the videos..................................definetely keep them going they are GREAT!! I subscribied to your youtube site!! Ok all I think I have like 0 restriction since I actually gained weight this week.........................I wonder what kind of a fill Dr. Baggs put in at surgery!! Going back to 1/4 cup today...........no more 1/2 although with the kind of low calorie diet I am not sure why it should make a huge difference. looking for anything under 220 over the weekend.................:-)
  7. Ok reading over posts.......... I started out wearing 22/24 sizes in tops and a tight 20 in bottoms. I was just about to concede and start buying 22 pants when I started this whole WLS thing in December. Now I am wearing 18/20 in tops but still 20's on the bottom. The 20's are baggy but the 18s are a bit tight in the stomach area.......swollen still?..........so I can't comfortably switch yet. Truthfully after 35 pounds I would have thought I was be a size down easy........dirsouraging but that hasn't changed yet. Last time I was a 14/16 I think I was between 180-200 so I have a ways to go. 12/14 for me was about 165=180. Below that...........I have no idea since I was a teenager last time I was around that weight. From Weight Watcher I learned that every 12-15 pounds you lose should be another size down. So hello 35 pounds should be...................ah a couple sizes down!! Nicole 12/141!! OMG you are shriking whether the scale says it or not. I would be estatic!! I am going back on clear liquids for today!! I am 222 this morning up from 220. I think maybe the potato soup has to many carbs.............not eating much else. Maybe I just need a jump start to start to lose again. Not sure I am getting enough protein on this full liquid diet and to many carbs. Probably will try to add some protien powder to something today and get the protein back up....... I am ok not losing but gaining I am not gonna do!! Also gonna drink water not crystal light today that has helped in the past. This 6 weeks of no excercise is also not great can't wait to get back to that. How is everyone else today...........
  8. The bread was an accident for me. I was making bisquits for my daughter to go with the ............ah soup!! I just totally forgot what I was doing and when a piece broke off I ate it!! It hurt so bad going down and I was afraid I had messed everything up and the band slipped.........but the next day I was ok again. Scared me really bad! No PB'ing so I had to just let it go down........... Riley what did you get stuck on?? yea I got at least one diet coke a day and when I get in my car I sorta get this urge to get a coke.........LOL!! Sorta annoying actually.............I have to keep reminding myself I can't have one because every 15 mintues or so in the car I start to feel I need one and than...........oh yea again..............driving me crazy right now!!
  9. Oh an interview is a HUGE big deal!! Congrats Nicole!! Yea lets change the date I am up for that if everyone else is. Panera, claim jumper, fresh choice, Mimi's, marie calenders................well lots of places with soup actually!! Even Togos has pretty decent soup....... So I am up for anything with soup!!
  10. Oh I hear that.........I have even been eating soup for breakfast the last few days. I am also doing the hot chocolate thing. I have the sugar free 100 calorie packages. And yep fills me right up. I used tea and hot chocolate the last four months on the pre op to fill me up so that is my way of keeping full when my calories for the day are close to gone...............something I learned at weight watchers. I am still missing the diet coke. I know it is over but I still would like one................I am feeling weird at the mall today cause I want to stop and eat something or at least get a coke but I can't. I felt sorta confused and lost for a minute realizing that part of the mall is over for me. Hope that automatic eat mode shuts down here soon......... . . I ate a crumb off my daughters bread roll yesterday......just a bit but it was down the hatch before I could think...........than I panicked.........but it was already gone............it hurt going down for about an hour...........I could feel it working it's way down......probably was stuck if I knew what that was........again totally automatic mode so I gotta watch that. I don't want the band to slip!!! scared me to death...........and it hurt!! It was a tiny piece to but I guess it swells...................NEVER doing that again!!
  11. May 1st sounds great to me...........I am in!! I hope we can all make it!! I am excited to see everyone again!! I think a place with soup is the best bet for most of us. I am on this soup kick lately ...........I wonder why?? I am tired of the yogurt and pudding. I like the Soups, teas, and warm things.............they make me fuller!! So why does eating potato soup feel like cheating?? I have been eating it for a week now!! I made one pot and at 1/4 a cup at a time................well it takes awhile to get to the bottom of the pot!! LOL. My grocery bill is gonna shrink for sure at this rate. It takes me forever to get the bottom of anything.......... Let me know when we have a time and place ladies!!
  12. Oh this weekend is my first family get together (babyshower) where there will be food, food and more food. I have thought about making an excuse not to go but it is sorta a big deal.............................. Most of the family there don't know about the lap band and the one that does is a doctor and his response to me was.............you know people eat around those all the time. He was obviously not impressed with the lap band. He said he had patients that had it and didn't maintain the weigh lose.. Thanks!!! %$@ My uncle tends to be negetive about everything though so trying not to let it bother me. On the plus side I will have him check out my incisions and make sure it is ok. Still puss and red and hurts to touch. Will see my doctor on monday..........my mom is a nurse and she said I will be fine until MOnday but that they might need to clean it out so I don't scar. She said not to mess with it at all until the doctor looks at it and .........Christine your right...........I should NOT have a band aid on it!! LOL So anyway..............this will be a crazy family weekend.
  13. Christine I am gonna check out your youtube site......how fun. Reggie......yea!! This is an easy appointment just don't go in talking about shortcuts or breaking rules. That gets Liz upset. She was really nice to me and I didn't mind the appointment at all. And............she will give you your surgery date!! Ok so I am not the only one swollen. I know I have some fat on me but this is ridiculus. I am not this big...........I feel a little jellowy!! I have a baby shower on Saturday for my cousin. I am not sure if I have the energy for both the shower and the group but I will see how I feel when it gets closer...... Last night I got to sleep in my own bed and on my side........ah first night of decent sleep. I am still sorta waking up slowly everyday not really totally up until about 11am. I am just so tired all the time..............nice to have an excuse to sleep in. I went to get a body pillow today so that should make it easier to start sleeping on my side again!! Nite ladies..........
  14. I hear ya all on the plateau...........me too. I think my body is in starvation mode since I am still on liquids. But same with me on inches lost.............I feel like I am losing by the feel of my clothes but the scale says no. So something is shifting around.................... Ok I have been burping all day today so maybe the end of the surgery gass is near. My stomach still looks swollen and bloated. But maybe that is just me!! LOL Walked the mall today and I am exhausted so I am sure I will sleep tonight.
  15. Oh good to know about the benefiber. I took one but won't do that again until next monday...........not sure it really helped anyway. Still hurts........... I walked all over target today, up and down every eisle and it felt so good. Gonna try to get to the mall maybe tomorrow and get walking around. I think I have to walk the gas out ounce and for all........LOL
  16. Oh the water is going better too..........I am back to 40+ ounces but if I go to fast I feel a little pain and sorta feel the band...........trying to slow down. I am so, so, so stuck at 220................I lost 8 pounds on the 10 days before surgery and than another 8 right after surgery...........I think my body might be done for awhile. I am barely eating and before surgery I would be losing like crazy with my current diet. Instead I feel heavy and bloated still and can't get the scale to move.............. Frustrated but I think when it comes out it will do it in another 5-6 pound spree....................I hope!! So glad I am not back to work.........so tired still and not ready. But great to be getting better at moving around. I am getting hungry now between meals.................just a bit.
  17. Hello All My PCP called and they cancelled the appointment today. The soonest she can see me is next MOnday. Probably better for the incisions.......but I wanted them to look at the incision. Actually I am not so worried. It looks a little better today. I showed my mom who is a nurse and she said not to drive to Richmond to just watch it. Seems to me getting better. I pulled off the bandage today........ah hurt.........I ended up pulling off some the glue and the scab........really hurt. I think I left it on to long and it was stuck to the glue........but besides a nasty yellow/green bruise it looks ok. Today I felt less sore. Seems like everyday it gets less and less painful. Still have that terrible gas pain today. I think I must have a huge bubble moving around in there. I just can't get rid of it. Moves around my left rib, the port and up the left side of my back.........I got the benefiber today someone on the post op board said that would help. So tired of the gas pains............ Drove today but really getting in the out of the car hurts to much to make it worth the effort. Try again in a couple of days..... Thanks all for the concern. I do think I am ok so far....watching it everyday. Cleaned it up and have a nice little bandaid on it now!!
  18. Oh well I guess my heating pad is gonna have to be turned off tonight...........opps. I was sleeping with it to help the gas pains. Yep I see the pus. My mom is also a nurse and she looked at it and can see pus as well. I will have them look tomorrow. So glad to know they will go flat. The glue is have on and half off. The bandage is waterproof and I tried to get it off but it sorta glued on there.......some bleed around the edges but not much. I will just let the doctor check it out tomorrow. Probably time to let it breathe and now have it on anymore............... Getting my Water but if I drink to much I get a terrible charlie horse on my left side...............hard to sip slowing. I am hoping I have not streched the pouch but no nasaeu so I guess I am doing ok.................so worreid about a slip or streching out the pouch. I am very souped out!! Potatoe now broccoli for a few days............but I like the hot liquids so I am sticking with the Soup. Funny cause they said you might prefer hot or cold.........I really prefer the hot I get fuller that way. I also got tired of the Clear Liquids and the pudding just doesn't taste that good. I crave the hot Soups............ Mushies.............ah I have so many ideas on what to mush up..............I am hungry right now too!!
  19. Nicole missed you on the boards.............glad you had fun this weekend!! Nicole, Nicole, Nicole..............you are so CLOSE to being under 200!!!!!!! Ah I can't wait to get there............ Christine you switching to purees this week? I think I get to switch on April 28 .....................I figure your a week ahead of me.
  20. Ok yea why do I have a bandage?? I thought everyone had one over the port? Ok here is the deal I am gonna have to look now............as in right now!! LOL Dr. Baggs told me I had a scratch there and I figured it was from my kittens. He said to use antibiotic if it bothered me once the bandage was off. That was the only one with a bandage. I just figured............... Anyway the glue is starting to come off a bit more every day now. A couple of the incisions have none but they are almost totally healed anyway. The messed up incision.......it looks like it is wrinkled and sticking up. LIke it needs a good Iron taken to it. There is a lump under it and a pocket of pus. I have had the heating pad on my stomach at night so it is drying up now. I am not too worried but it looks bad and looks like it will scare. One other one is a bit red but no pus........No fever and not draining or bad smell so I think it is ok. My guess is the doctore will probably clean it up tomorrow and it will be fine. Nicole how is yours? Did it finally heal up? Scar? Did you have to go to Richmond? Talked to Dr. Baggs and he said it is fairly normal. My body is just reacting to the durmabond and rejecting it. He said he is not to concerned.........no fever, draining, bad smell..........but he said I could make and appointment and he would check it out. I just don't want to do that............I told him I would have someone check it out in SAcramento than I will decide if I am coming over................. looks like the scar is opening up not healing shut though.... I will try to be there Saturday sure would be fun to see everyone and meet the new faces on this board!!
  21. Donna I might be there. Depends on how I am feeling. From what I hear it gets better everyday from the one week mark............................ Goodness knows I have some clothing that doesn't fit me. Too big..............feels good to say that!! anyone wear a 22/24 now? I am moving down to 18/20..........would love to do some trading. Can't say I will try the WII, can't imange how that would feel on the good ole incisions................LOL.
  22. Christine you are losing alot too............WOW!!
  23. I was just banded at Kaiser Richmond on 4/13/09. One week out and recovering............ My orientation was December 14, 2009 so I took about 4 months. They say it takes about 6-7 months but if you lose the weight quickly it could be faster. The doctors want 10%.......some a little more, some a little less.......but plan on 10%. Orientation is alot of information and they will give you the pre op diet and rules. Follow it carefully and try to lose before your next appointment.......... The faster you lose the faster it all goes.................. Also don't let them scare you. The orientation is for weeding out people who are not serious. From what I hear about 90% of the people at orientation don't make it through the program. Be one of the 10% to complete the program....................... You should come over to the richmond kaiser part of the forum.............we have a very good support system over there and we have all been going through Richmond Kaiser..........4 of use banded so far.............3 more waiting. You will lots of answers over there
  24. Oh feeling almost normal today.............Still home hanging out and relaxing. I went shopping yesterday with my daughter and had to leave early as I suddenly was overtired and felt weak..........but no permenent damage!! Just tried to do to much..... The last few days I am so glad I have the band. I can tell it is working and I am full with the 1/4 cup thing........weird!! ALso can fill the water sorta trickle slowly down......again weird. I am wondering if I made my doctors appointment to early? Is is suppose to be 2 weeks out or within two weeks..............hmm...........I just wanted to get it out of the way and see if I can get off my BP medications. Than of course this one incision is messed up so I want her to check it out...........the rest are all fine..........The port still has a bandage and is sore............I guess they will take it off tomorrow and check it out........I am not sure I want to see that one!! I heard it is bigger than the rest of them. Dr. Baggs emailed me today and said with incisions he really has to see them to know how bad it is. I don't want to drive over there but will if my doctor says I need to.............. Christine...........I loved your before and after photos. REally a huge difference and I bet your feeling it. My first goal is 199............I so want to be under 200!! I still have about 20 pounds to go. I lost 10 quickly but stuck at 220 for a few days..............I mean I am barely eating............so I had hoped!!! Ah well I am still bloated and have daily gas so maybe when that is all out of my system. I am LOVING my band, no regrets!!
  25. swrktp

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    Oh I have the gas on my left side under my ribs too. Really bad this morning again. That is the side where the port is so it hurts, hurts, hurts. I thought once the gas was gone it was over but it seems like it comes and goes. Makes me think I was never really gone. I am glad I am not at work yet. I really still need a few days I am still on liguids for another 10 days, than pureed for three weeks and than soft foods for..............about 6 weeks than finally regular food. My docter is strict I guess. Well the good thing is I have lost almost 10 pounds in a week................but still in pain. Trauma of surgery and liquid diet I guess.........

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
