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Georgia Grrrl

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Georgia Grrrl

  • Rank
    Bagnato Bandit 11-26-07
  • Birthday 10/14/1953

About Me

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  1. Happy 59th Birthday Georgia Grrrl!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Georgia Grrrl!

  3. Georgia Grrrl

    Columbus Area bandsters

    As far as I know, nothing's been done regarding a support group in Columbus. There's a surgeon here in Columbus that's going to be doing lap band surgery, if he's not already doing so. His name is Dr. Reginald Williams and he's affiliated with Columbus Clinic.
  4. Georgia Grrrl

    Columbus Area bandsters

    James, Have you considered having your lap-band done in Albany, GA?
  5. Georgia Grrrl

    Columbus Area bandsters

    Kerimezz, Congratulations on getting your surgery date. Is Dr. Steinberg in Atlanta? My one year anniversary is coming up (November 26). I'll be thinking about you (and praying for you, too).
  6. Georgia Grrrl

    Columbus Area bandsters

    I was banded in Albany, GA 11 months ago. I would love to see a support group established here in Columbus.
  7. I registered a few minutes ago, but have been browsing this site for several months now. I had my lap band surgery in November 2007 and have lost 63 lbs. as of my last weigh-in and fill. I had the procedure performed in Albany, GA and Dr. Bagnato performed the procedure. Suppose that makes me another "Bagnato Bandit" :w00t:. Anyway, I just wanted to say "hey" to my fellow bandsters.

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