Hi All,
I'm 61 and pre-surgery. I've chosen the bypass for now, although I guess that could change as I learn more about each surgery. I have 1 more month of a 6 month doctor supervised diet to go (I've only lost 15 pounds). Tomorrow I have an orientation seminar and in the next week or so, I'll see the Surgeon's Nurse Practitioner; followed by a nutritionist, behavioralist and physical therapist and need an EKG; plus my PCP wants me to have a sleep study done. THEN I finally see the surgeon and set the surgery date. I'm thinking March or April - my PCP thinks sooner?!
I was up for surgery in July 2012 and earlier in 2010, but my insurance changed both times and it wasn't covered. I have my fingers crossed nothing changes this time. Does anyone else have AARP Medicare Complete through United Healthcare? They told me the surgery is covered, but I'm wondering what they'll cover when it comes to the other specialists.
When I was first approved in 2010, I have to admit that looking better in clothes was my main objective. Last year I developed diabetes and high cholesterol, on top of hypertension which I've had since I was 34. My objectives have completely changed! I want to be free of diabetes and high cholesterol. I want a longer life expectancy! Although I fully plan to shop in the junior department after the surgery - lol.
In prior years, I wasn't at all concerned about the surgery itself. I've aged since then and I must say I'm a little concerned about the safety of the surgery and that my weight loss will be slower. Guess I'll find out!
What kind of exercise do you all do and how often? I always fall short on exercise, but I'm going to have to kick it up.