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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vonhelzing

  1. vonhelzing

    Ab Equipment???

    I tried a machine at my local fitness store that totally made you feel the burn. I don't know the name of it but you place your legs on a pad kneeling where your feet are just hanging off and you place your elbows in slots kinda up near the digital readout. there are handgrips up there also to hold on to. the object is to use your ab muscles to slowly pull yourself up on the curved bars the pad sits on then slowly lower yourself back down. I hope this description helps. The store that has it by my house is Chicago Home Fitness.
  2. vonhelzing

    Does anyone feel deprived...

    Sorry, but it dosn't go away. there are days i would kill for a big mac or a bowl of cereal even. it does suck sometimes only taking 3 bites of food and being done but when the end result is shown it is well worth it.
  3. vonhelzing


    Cutting the food up small means you won't try to swallow to big a piece and get stuck. I personally can not gulp water. It's like a funnel that overfills and the liqued will come right back up.
  4. wow! you look great!. I just had a full TT and from what I can see i wouldn't think you would need a full, maybe just some lipo. good luck
  5. I got the arms done and tummy tuck. I also got inner and outer lipo on my thighs due to cost. I am almost 5 weeks post op and I think I should consider a total thigh lift. The lipo did not give me the desired results i really wanted. I will be getting the girls lifted in the future but am not getting implants. Don't make your decisions based on the scars though, they really aren't as bad as you would think. I guess it's all how you want to look. Good Luck
  6. I use a straw all the time and have no problem. In fact I can't drink any soda without one. I would talk to your dr about the heartburn. Better be safe than sorry.
  7. vonhelzing

    Unfill for surgery?

    Well surgery is done. No unfill was needed. I had slight nausau but the medicine did the trick. No vomiting occured and all my medications were in liqued form so I didn't have to worry about pills getting stuck. Eating has been no problem either. Now all I have to do is keep getting used to this stupid gurdle that hurts like heck. Thanks for all the support.
  8. vonhelzing

    Numbing medication with fills

    My Dr. uses a spray on the site. Numbs it right up.
  9. vonhelzing

    are your eating habits improving

    The only way my eating habits have changed is I don't eat as much. There are some crappy foods I can't get down anymore but I don't eat vegies and fruit.
  10. All my family and most friends have been supportive. I have even encouraged my husband to start working out and he has lost 35lbs on his own. The only thing I hate is when my coworkers question my food choices. One even calls me the "skinny bitch". I know she is just playing with me but it does get annoying sometimes.
  11. vonhelzing

    Unfill for surgery?

    Well, I saw my band Dr. yesterday and he told me i could stay filled just to make sure my stomach was completly empty. Thanks for all the well wishes.
  12. vonhelzing

    Unfill for surgery?

    Thanks for all the replys. My PS also didn't care one way or the other about a filled band. I don't get sick after surgery so I will really have to think about what to do.
  13. i can only eat half a whopper jr without the bun. bread does me no good.
  14. I'm 8lbs from one hundred in a little over a year. I've plataued but i'm not worried about it. I'm having lots of PS in january and that should take care of those pesky 8.
  15. vonhelzing

    Now that you are losing Weight...

    I stopped shoping in the mens department and started wearing more fitting clothes. Still love my hoodies though. Some habits are hard to break.
  16. vonhelzing

    What should my goald weight be?

    I think those charts are crap. They stereo type one body type. I wanted a goal weight of 150lbs. I am 5'6 with a larger bone build. I have platued at around 164lbs and am happy with the way i look. I was so concerned with the number in the begining but now i look at myself and the size clothes i am in and i am happy with it. I would say don't worry about the number. Go with how you feel.
  17. vonhelzing

    what about straws?

    i always use a straw.
  18. vonhelzing

    Does anyone have BCBS of Illinois?

    skinnybitch, I also went to day one. Do you have dr meyers? he is great. i'm over a year out and never had a problem. I also have bcbs of il and never paid a thing except my co pay. Day one didn't charge all these extra fees. I do think that the fills there are $250 out of pocket but the insurance covers them.
  19. I think it depends on your body. I can snack all day and still lose weight. I make sure I get plenty of protien though.
  20. vonhelzing

    Mandatory Psych Exam?

    My insurance required it. I just had to use someone who was familiar with the surgery. I used the local hospitals psych dr. I answered one page of questions and talked to the dr for about 15 min. and done.
  21. vonhelzing

    When did you start to.......

    i don't take any vitamins. the chevyables were nasty and i can't swollow the big ones. they get stuck.
  22. vonhelzing

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    skinny, glad to hear your doing well. Are you able to sleep in your bed or do you have to be in a chair. This is one of my worries for my TT.
  23. That's great. Good luck and have fun.
  24. vonhelzing

    PB? need to know

    Productive Burping. It's when you get stuck and have to get the food out.
  25. vonhelzing

    Question about Damage from SOda?

    I consider myself a sucess story as i have lost 92lbs in a year and drink soda at least 3-4 times a week. Not everyone got the band to eat healthier. Some get it to eat less. Follow your own Dr.s advise and no one else's

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
