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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by harliquinn

  1. harliquinn

    oh...by the way....

    im 7 days post op. i lost 16 pounds on the 2 week pre-op diet and lost another 7 pounds in the week since surgery. im down 23 pounds total. gas pains are gone, only slightly sore when bending or being active. i feel great! :tt1:
  2. harliquinn

    2 days post-op

    i felt a little better after getting a shower today. back, shoulders, neck and upper arms are all sore as hell. i got to take the gauze and plastic stuff off of my incisions. theres just steri-strips holding everything together now. 5 incisions. my port is located just to the left of my belly button. ive discovered that laughing SUCKS. it really hurts to laugh or chuckle at all. hiccups hurt too. besides that, im alright. doing a little walking here and there. last night i slept on the couch...sitting upright because getting into bed was just NOT possible.
  3. harliquinn

    i found a new love

    oh mushies, how i love thee! especially you, pureed low fat cottage cheese. oh baby. ive missed you. i promise, ill never leave you again. love, Harli:wub:
  4. harliquinn

    oh...by the way....

    im 7 days post op. i lost 16 pounds on the 2 week pre-op diet and lost another 7 pounds in the week since surgery. im down 23 pounds total. gas pains are gone, only slightly sore when bending or being active. i feel great! :biggrin:
  5. harliquinn

    76 1/2 lbs down and the scales are dropping! This is FUN!

    that is so wonderful! im 7 days post-op and ive been watching the pounds drop every day. losing weight has never been so easy and youre right...FUN! i find myself looking forward to healthy foods and not even craving unhealthy junk. keep up the great work! :biggrin:
  6. harliquinn

    i found a new love

    oh mushies, how i love thee! especially you, pureed low fat cottage cheese. oh baby. ive missed you. i promise, ill never leave you again. love, Harli:wub:
  7. i was riding in the car on my way home from seeing my surgeon (im 6 days post-op and went in to have him check my incisions), when i felt a sneeze coming on. i placed my hands on my belly and applied a little pressure since there was no stopping the oncoming sneeze. and then i sneezed. it was short, quick and sharp and immediately followed by a very sharp pain in my belly which eventually dulled down to a general ache. this pain ended up slowing my walking for a few hours. im trying to figure out what happened. ive felt the area that hurts but i dont know if im feeling my port, or possibly a hernia (can a sneeze cause a hernia soon after surgery?), or maybe im just imagining things? or maybe did my port flip or something? im not sure if i feel a bump or not, as theres a lot of fat and im not 100% sure where my port is located. im still kinda sore in that region, not as bad as earlier today but yes, its still somewhat sore. im scared that i may have really damaged something just by sneezing. has anyone else experienced this? i dont wanna go back to see my surgeon tomorrow as i sorta bothered him today by showing up without an appointment just to have my incisions checked because i was concerned.
  8. really?? WHEW! i feel a bit less worried now. the pain is barely there today so hopefully, itll be completely gone by tomorrow. that was pretty scary! im a bit of a worrywart. :smile2:
  9. harliquinn

    Goodbye 400s.....I now weigh 398!! (progress pic uploaded)

    congrats!!!! what a change!! losing 2 shirt sizes in a few months is quite an accomplishment! well done! :biggrin:
  10. harliquinn

    Need Support!!!

    a good support group is absolutely necessary for something like this. talk to your family, kids, parents, friends whatever and tell them how you honestly feel. if you really feel that you can commit to this and use this tool to your advantage to change (and save) your life, tell them so! be ready and armed with pamphlets and information so that they can be as educated as you are on this. its near impossible to do this alone. arm yourself with allies who can help you succeed! :biggrin:
  11. harliquinn

    day 6 post-op

    i went to see my surgeon today for a surprise visit. one of my incisions had a bit of discharge and my post incision is a little red and starting to bruise. my surgeon looked it over, said its all normal, cleaned the weeping incision and put new tape on it. on the ride home, i felt a sneeze coming on so i placed my hands on my belly and braced for it. unfortunately, it wasnt enough. because i felt an incredibly sharp pain followed by an all day long dull ache. i have no idea whats wrong. do i have a hernia now? did i flip my port? was the pain just caused by the port bouncing or something when i sneezed? i have no idea. im worried but i dont want to bug my surgeon a second day in a row without an appointment. i hope the pain will be gone tomorrow. :tt2: liquids are going own easy as anything. some mushies are going down fine as well. some mushies tend to stick a bit but they still go down after a minute or so. im making progress. im just worried about this pain. :smile2: i hope i didnt mess things up somehow! :thumbup:
  12. harliquinn

    day 6 post-op

    i went to see my surgeon today for a surprise visit. one of my incisions had a bit of discharge and my post incision is a little red and starting to bruise. my surgeon looked it over, said its all normal, cleaned the weeping incision and put new tape on it. on the ride home, i felt a sneeze coming on so i placed my hands on my belly and braced for it. unfortunately, it wasnt enough. because i felt an incredibly sharp pain followed by an all day long dull ache. i have no idea whats wrong. do i have a hernia now? did i flip my port? was the pain just caused by the port bouncing or something when i sneezed? i have no idea. im worried but i dont want to bug my surgeon a second day in a row without an appointment. i hope the pain will be gone tomorrow. :thumbup: liquids are going own easy as anything. some mushies are going down fine as well. some mushies tend to stick a bit but they still go down after a minute or so. im making progress. im just worried about this pain. i hope i didnt mess things up somehow! :biggrin:
  13. thanks for the replies everyone! i ended up meeting with my surgeon today to have him check out my incisions (one was a bit weepy, another was a little red and bruised). turns out my incisions are fine and he said if the strips are still on when i see him on the 12th, he will probably remove them.
  14. harliquinn

    Is It Normal?

    i know a girl who has a near impossible time keeping anything down due to esophageal spasms and she takes valium to counter this before she eats. id bring this up to your surgeon and see what he/she says.
  15. harliquinn

    5 days post-op

    i think the swelling is starting to go down a bit since i can eat applesauce without a problem. it just feels weird. can the rest of you feel food sitting in your chest/your pouch? im still staying away from jello. my incisions itch like crazy and the steri-strips still havent fallen off. im not allowed to pull them off so i guess i just have to play the waiting game. i meet with my surgeon in 9 days to see how things are going. i was 291 pounds before the 2 week pre-op diet, 275 pounds on surgery day and today im 271 pounds. :rolleyes2: my husband has been the most amazing, supportive and helpful person in the world. im so thankful for him.:thumbup:
  16. harliquinn

    5 days post-op

    the pressure in my chest was very bad the first couple days. just remember to take tiny sips frequently. the pressure should lessen with each day. after 5 days, im feeling very little pressure after swallowing.
  17. harliquinn

    Pain in chest when I drink

    is there any actual pain or is it just pressure? i know that when i take a sip, i feel pressure because the water sits above my band for a minute before going down. if youre worried tho, call your surgeon.
  18. harliquinn

    5 days post-op

    every surgeons post-op diet is different. my surgeon wants me back of solids by my third week but i dont think ill be ready by then so im stretching out my liquids for longer. mostly im having water, gatorade, protein shakes, skim milk, watery/pureed baby food (fruits and veggies, not the thick meats), and cream of mushroom soup (watered down and with the mushroom pieces strained out). chicken and beef broth actually make me a bit nauseous so ive had to avoid those. today was the first time ive tried applesauce and i was surprised how well it went down. just gotta do tiny bites and dont rush.
  19. harliquinn

    Day 2 after surgery

    agreed, definitely take it easy. a little too much activity so soon after surgery could cause a hernia. congrats on getting your band tho! :biggrin:
  20. harliquinn

    Pain in chest when I drink

    well are you taking a small sip and letting it go down before attempting another small sip or are you taking a normal gulp? do you know if your surgeon had a slight fill in your band?
  21. harliquinn

    Banded yesterday....

    glad to hear youre feeling better. i felt like hell the first few days after being banded but im 5 days out now and starting to feel better. :biggrin: when you drink are you taking small sips or like a normal gulp?
  22. harliquinn

    5 days post-op

    i think the swelling is starting to go down a bit since i can eat applesauce without a problem. it just feels weird. can the rest of you feel food sitting in your chest/your pouch? im still staying away from jello. my incisions itch like crazy and the steri-strips still havent fallen off. im not allowed to pull them off so i guess i just have to play the waiting game. i meet with my surgeon in 9 days to see how things are going. i was 291 pounds before the 2 week pre-op diet, 275 pounds on surgery day and today im 271 pounds. :biggrin: my husband has been the most amazing, supportive and helpful person in the world. im so thankful for him.:thumbup:
  23. harliquinn

    what the HELL

    jello is on my doctors list of suggested foods for this whole post-op liquid stage. and even eating pea sized bites and squishing it around in my mouth until its in several hundred tiny pieces....doesnt cut it. it gets stuck. it hurts. and then after several minutes, it goes down. you know what? JELLO AINT WORTH IT. this is absolutely ridiculous. and painful. im really starting to think that the swelling will never go down. i feel like ill be stuck with a super tight band forever and ill only ever be able to have liquids for the rest of my life. my doctor wants me to start mushies in 4 days. YEAH I DONT THINK THATS GONNA WORK OUT REAL WELL. sorry. i just need to rant. im upset. and right now, i hate my life and especially my surgeon.
  24. harliquinn

    what the HELL

    jello is on my doctors list of suggested foods for this whole post-op liquid stage. and even eating pea sized bites and squishing it around in my mouth until its in several hundred tiny pieces....doesnt cut it. it gets stuck. it hurts. and then after several minutes, it goes down. you know what? JELLO AINT WORTH IT. this is absolutely ridiculous. and painful. im really starting to think that the swelling will never go down. i feel like ill be stuck with a super tight band forever and ill only ever be able to have liquids for the rest of my life. my doctor wants me to start mushies in 4 days. YEAH I DONT THINK THATS GONNA WORK OUT REAL WELL. sorry. i just need to rant. im upset. and right now, i hate my life and especially my surgeon.
  25. harliquinn

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    i can tell the swelling has gone down a bit since surgery. i hope the swelling goes down a bit more! i almost couldnt get down my teeny bites of jello last night. and thank you! now that im in less pain, im definitely happy and excited about my band! :biggrin:

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