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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by harliquinn

  1. harliquinn

    rice is evil.

    i had shrimp and rice for dinner. the shrimp went down fine., the rice did too. until the last bite, which promptly got stuck. :thumbup: an hour of extreme discomfort later, im finally unstuck. good lord. ill be avoiding rice forever i think.
  2. harliquinn

    rice is evil.

    i had shrimp and rice for dinner. the shrimp went down fine., the rice did too. until the last bite, which promptly got stuck. :thumbup: an hour of extreme discomfort later, im finally unstuck. good lord. ill be avoiding rice forever i think.
  3. harliquinn

    eating too much? not taking enough time? a question for you all!

    my utensils from Portion Control Concepts (http://www.portioncontrolconcepts.vpweb.com/Products.html) arrived today. hubby bought them for me. :wub: i chose the sleek set. theyre beautiful, very well made and an absolute joy to use! shipping was also very cheap (less than $3) and quick (arrived in just 3 business days!). what more can you ask for? i highly recommend them. normally im not a fan of advertising for companies but im really impressed with these folks.:thumbup: im eating slowly and eating smaller portions and for the most part, making smart choices but i think im still overeating. ive got 4ccs in a 10cc band and ive got a fair amount of restriction. i could probably do with an additional 1cc. im eating roughly 3/4 of a cup to 1 cup of food per meal and stopping when i feel full but a few minutes after i stop, i feel even fuller. i dont like the sensation at all. im going to cut my meals down to a half cup or so and see how that goes. my surgeon asked me how long im taking to eat each meal. i told him about 30 minutes and he told me i should be taking an hour. try as i might, i cant drag a meal out for that long. its difficult to make a meal last 30-40 minutes. an hour seems way too long! at that point, my pouch would be emptying, wouldnt it? :smile: im curious to know how many ccs you guys have in your bands! also, about how much food do you eat? and how long are you taking to eat your meals? i welcome any and all input!:biggrin:
  4. harliquinn

    so very thirsty!

    dinner took 37 minutes to eat. it was 2 scrambled eggs. definitely feeling some restriction. i think ill hit my sweet spot at my next fill....which is next month. it is REALLY hard not to drink while eating and waiting an hour for a drink is HELL! so thirsty...
  5. harliquinn

    so very thirsty!

    ive been keeping my drinks away from me while im eating. i watch the clock after a meal though so i know when i can have my water bottle back.
  6. harliquinn

    so very thirsty!

    my surgeon (as well as my lapband books) says no liquids 30 minutes prior to a meal and no liquids for an hour after eating because liquid washes food thru the stoma. if i drink at all during a meal or after a meal, i notice that i eat more and dont feel full as long as i do if i dont drink.
  7. harliquinn

    We have restriction, I repeat we have restriction!

    OMG congrats!!! :tongue: ive just had my first fill and have some restriction. i cant wait for my next fill! how do you feel?
  8. harliquinn

    so very thirsty!

    dinner took 37 minutes to eat. it was 2 scrambled eggs. definitely feeling some restriction. i think ill hit my sweet spot at my next fill....which is next month. it is REALLY hard not to drink while eating and waiting an hour for a drink is HELL! so thirsty...
  9. harliquinn

    Omg is this restriction?!

    i had a fill on the 2nd. total of 4ccs in a 10 cc band. i was just eating mashed potatoes, nice and slow. was about to take another bite when i realize that i could eat it...or i could leave it because i actually feel FULL. i left it. :tongue: this is a first! im so happy!!!
  10. harliquinn

    1 week post op diet

    follow your surgeons guidelines. some want you on liquids for a week, some want you on liquids for 2 weeks. what does your surgeon say?
  11. im a little late to the party but i figured it couldnt hurt to reply. you say youre taking dime sized bites. ive read that many people need to take bites about the size of a pencil eraser. i know its teeny tiny but youre not likely to get stuck if you chew the bejezus out of a bite that small. also, many banded people have problems with chicken, especially if its too dry. so id suggest smaller bites.
  12. harliquinn

    Numbing medication with fills

    i had my first fill yesterday, under fluoroscopy. i was told id feel a pinch and then some pressure. the pinch was nothing, no pain at all. the pressure was slight but no more so than someone poking your belly with a few fingers. nothing to it! :bored: dont look at the needle beforehand tho. in fact, dont watch at all, its far easier. i had asked my surgeon about numbing medication and he said he doesnt use it because it requires more than one needle stick and typically its more painful than just doing a fill without it! im glad i didnt get anything to numb because the fill was a piece of cake! got my 2 ccs, surgeon undid the syringe from the needle, and had me sit up and drink a cup of Water. once he was sure i could get the water down, he put gauze over the injection site before pulling the needle out. the needle was a bit "stuck" to the port and it took some pulling to remove it, but that didnt hurt either. :wub: if youre squeamish about needles, dont watch your surgeon pull the needle. that thing is HUGE. and LONG. and pretty scary looking LOL! but really, its was the most painless needle stick i have ever gotten!
  13. harliquinn

    first fill: DONE!

    i just got back from my first official fill. :tongue: i had 2 ccs in my band, the surgeon wanted to put in 3 more. i told him id rather ease into it and just get 2 more rather than 3. he agreed that was fine. fill was done with the fluoroscope. i felt a tiny pinch and some pressure. no pain at all. drank a cup of water and IMMEDIATELY felt the restriction! :w00t: then i watched him pull the needle out. HOLY JEEZ! big freaking needle! it didnt hurt one bit tho! im hoping this will help jump start my weight loss again. im back on a week of liquids followed by a week of mushies before starting solids again. and the journey continues! :eek:
  14. harliquinn

    first fill: DONE!

    i just got back from my first official fill. i had 2 ccs in my band, the surgeon wanted to put in 3 more. i told him id rather ease into it and just get 2 more rather than 3. he agreed that was fine. fill was done with the fluoroscope. i felt a tiny pinch and some pressure. no pain at all. drank a cup of water and IMMEDIATELY felt the restriction! :w00t: then i watched him pull the needle out. HOLY JEEZ! big freaking needle! it didnt hurt one bit tho! im hoping this will help jump start my weight loss again. im back on a week of liquids followed by a week of mushies before starting solids again. and the journey continues!
  15. harliquinn

    Ashamed to Admit It

    i find myself eating chocolate and stuff too. :tongue: i need to throw it out and get with the program otherwise, i did all this hard work for nothing!
  16. harliquinn

    is this normal???

    im 4 and a half weeks post op. i havent lost any weight in at least 3 weeks. i can eat pretty much anything (tomato is problematic.) is it normal to stop losing weight so early on? will a fill help this? it seems like once i started mushies and then solids, the weight stopped coming off. :thumbup:
  17. harliquinn

    is this normal???

    im 4 and a half weeks post op. i havent lost any weight in at least 3 weeks. i can eat pretty much anything (tomato is problematic.) is it normal to stop losing weight so early on? will a fill help this? it seems like once i started mushies and then solids, the weight stopped coming off. :wub:
  18. harliquinn

    grrrrrr bad day

    my port is bothering me/painful and i havent lost a single pound in 2 weeks. i have a fill on friday. i cant freaking wait. *grumbles*
  19. harliquinn

    grrrrrr bad day

    my port is bothering me/painful and i havent lost a single pound in 2 weeks. i have a fill on friday. i cant freaking wait. *grumbles*
  20. harliquinn

    One month!

    it has officially been one month since i got my band. <3 already its my best friend. even tho i dont have restriction yet, its teaching me how to eat properly. tiny bites, chewing well, eating slowly. i hope my band will be with me for years to come. :wub:
  21. harliquinn

    One month!

    it has officially been one month since i got my band. <3 already its my best friend. even tho i dont have restriction yet, its teaching me how to eat properly. tiny bites, chewing well, eating slowly. i hope my band will be with me for years to come.
  22. harliquinn

    first fill

  23. harliquinn

    first fill

    my first fill (aside from the 2ccs that were put in during surgery) is april 2nd. i cant wait. i can eat entirely too much at the moment and im hungry all the time.
  24. harliquinn

    hmmmmm i wonder....

    im starting to wonder if people lose weight with the band because it becomes a hassle to eat anything. XD it took me 20 minutes to eat two chicken nuggets. :thumbup:
  25. harliquinn

    belly pic!

    3 weeks post op. pic taken just before i removed the last 2 steri-strips. p.s. im not really yellow. its just bad lighting. :mad: all the steri-strips were removed a week ago and 2 new ones were placed over the port incision. those are now gone. :eek:

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