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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by harliquinn

  1. Well, I had my band removed on Monday July 9th. As it turned out, it WAS slipped and had likely been slipped for 2 years. I'm not experiencing any more reflux, heartburn, pain, food intolerance, etc. All problems have resolved immediately! I'm able to eat broccoli, brussels sprouts, Beans, fruit, all the healthy stuff I wasn't able to eat before. I could not be happier. I'm so glad it's gone and it is immensly satisfying to have my new surgeon tell me that I was indeed correct in assuming that something was wrong. My original surgeon ignored my symptoms, ignored my slipped band and refused to see or treat me. The folks at UC Davis took such great care of me. Surgery was only 45 minutes to an hour and I was home within a couple hours of waking up. I'm glad this nightmare is finally over.
  2. I was banded Feb 25th 2010. I have lost a grand total of about 25 pounds since then. I was fine for a few months after surgery until my surgeon started pussing aggressive monthly fills which landed me in the ER twice with a band that was so tight, I couldn't even swallow Water or my own saliva. After that, my surgeon's 'bariatric coordinator' called me every month *asking* (not telling me to come in, but asking) if I would like to come in for a fill. Not 'adjustment'. 'Fill'. To which I started replying, "No, the band was too tight already and I had to go to the ER because I couldn't even drink water." She accepted my answer, hung up, and called me again the next month. This went on for a few months. When I finally went in to see my surgeon again to assess how I was doing he insulted me, called me a liar when I told him of my complications, smirked as I described my eating habits, food choices and amounts, said I was 'noncompliant' because I refused to see him each month (excuse me, I was ASKED if I wanted to get a fill, NOT told to come in for monthly assessment, that their fault, NOT mine) and refused to see me as a patient because I wasn't losing weight as quickly as his other patients. For several months I had to fight with my insurance company to be seen by another surgeon off base -we are military and there are no other Lapband surgeons/doctors on base. Finally got a referal to UC Davis Medical Center. They removed all of the fill in my band back in January of this year. I am due back there in a little over a week to be assessed again. I had emergency gallbladder surgery on March 26/27th of this year and the surgeon at that time said by band looked good. I've had an x-ray done to look at my band and I'm told that it's sitting where it should be. However, I am still having band complications. Heartburn, reflux, general discomfort (I can sometimes feel the band rubbing against the inside of my rib cage), nausea, no weight loss, the complete inability to eat fruits, vegetables or whole grains (along with things like Beans, tortillas, ground beef/chicken/turkey), and depression. The only vegetable that I can usually eat without much of a problem is sauteed baby spinach without the stems. Even applesauce, mashed potatoes and even Soup are sometimes problematic. Needless to say, I can't take medication in pill form at all for fear of it getting stuck and needing removal via upper endoscopy. Sometimes I can't get *anything* down and often end up having nothing but water for a week. I get stuck on nearly everything and the pain is horiffic. When I get stuck, I start sliming really badly and usually have to go to the kitchen sink and spit out all the saliva/slime while in a great deal of pain. After several minutes, the stuck object eventually works its way through the band. Have I mentioned that for nearly 2 years now, I haven't been able to sleep on my right side, back, or stomach at all? Instant heartburn/reflux. And now recently, I am developing heartburn laying on my left side. I cannot sleep comfortably at all anymore, even propped up on a bunch of pillows. No one should have to live like this. I don't want to live like this anymore. I did this to be healthy but this isn't healthy at all. I want to be able to make good, healthy choices. I so badly long for the day that I can sit down to a salad or steamed cauiflower or veggie stir fry knowing that I can eat vegetables again without horrible and debilitating pain in my chest and back. Beaing able to eat an apple or an orange would give me the greatest joy in the world. I just want this band gone. I just want to live my own life again. Has anyone else had these issues? I feel so completely alone in this! Doctors seem incredibly reluctant to remove this nightmare device! I so badly wanted this to work out but at this point, all I want is my life back.
  3. Oh no no no! Please don't be sorry at all! I've been fighting to get it removed for more than a year so this is VERY welcome news! The last 2 and a half years have been a living hell of discomfort, pain and suffering so I am *really* looking forward to this. I know I can lose the weight without the band.
  4. I had a follow-up appointment with my new surgeon today. He said that because I am still having pain, nausea, heartburn, reflux and food intolerance after having my band emptied, the band has to come out. I am actually really relieved to know that in a month, I will be band-free and able to eat a SALAD or stir-fry veggies or even chili without horrible pain and discomfort! I really hope the band removal ends the heartburn/reflux/nausea nightmare.
  5. do you have more info on this?
  6. its possible to experience this problem without it being a slip. my band isnt slipped. ive had an xray done, barium swallow done, and had a visual inspection done while my gallbladder was being removed. and yet i am having all of the same problems.
  7. I can't speak for the OP but I'd be willing to be that like me, she just wants the band out for good, not replaced. I've had mine for fewer years and have no fill but am having the exact same problems. No one should have to suffer like this.
  8. i feel your pain, hun. my band was tighened way too tight by my doctor MANY months ago and despite my band being completely empty and suuposedly 'sitting loose' for several months, its still too tight and i can eat. it hurts, reflux, heartburn, the whole bit. my doc cant find a reason for the problems but im praying that he will remove it. no one deserves to suffer like this.
  9. If you can't keep anything down, there is a chance your band is slipped. your doctor isnt at all concerned about this??
  10. being able to eat only 2 oz meat and literally nothing else doesnt sound terribly healthy.
  11. I feel I should mention that for dinner last night, I had 3 small slices of tofu and less than a quarter cup of sauteed baby spinach. Today, I can't get anything down but water. This is not uncommon. I suspect I won't be able to eat anything for several days, if not a week. :/
  12. Thank you. I have mentioned the heartburn/reflux issues (which started after the overfilled band episodes) to my regular doctor and was told to try Prilosec. I've also been given Aciphex. I cannot take pills so none of that has helped me. I've been told to avoid spicy and acidic foods. I do avoid them and that still seems to make no difference. I've had an EKG (I think that's the right one) done. Heart is normal and healthy. Most of my pain, aside from the heartburn is the band rubbing against the inside of my rib cage. For a while (about a year ago) I was feeling it 'spin' or turn. It's so bizarre to be able to feel something like that on your organs. The husband and I have looked into our options regarding a malpractice suit and I'm afraid that it's just not possible as he is a military surgeon. My insurance company is Tricare. I can try and file a suit but the end result will be Tricare dropping me and I really cannot afford to be without medical insurance as I have asthma and other chronic issues that need ongoing medical care. I am doing what I can to get everything documented and filed just in case though. Thank you for your help. <3
  13. It has been really upsetting and stressful for sure. Depressing as well. I'm going to be really firm when I see my new surgeon again. Maybe I'll show him this thread so he knows what I'm dealing with. Thank you so much for the advice and care. I really truly appreciate it. *hugs*
  14. I agree, the original surgeon has no business practicing medicine. He is a military doctor so he is fairly well protected in that regard and can't really be fired. It's very distressing. I was unfilled back in January I believe? Possibly February. Most likely January. I believe I have a 10cc band. When it was put in, my surgeon had 'primed it' with 2ccs. Then he pushed rather aggressive 1-2cc fills and I started having problems. I am starting to suspect that either my stomach/body is trying to reject the band, or something my first surgeon did has really screwed it up.
  15. My new surgeon wants to do an upper GI/barium swallow or something when he sees me early next month, I believe. When I mentioned these complications to my old surgeon, he threatened me with an upper endoscopy specifically because he knew it would scare me since my first upper endoscopy was so painful and awful to go through. When my gallbladder was removed, the surgeon doing that had a good look around and declared that the band looked good and was nice and loose around my stomach, not tight at all so I am inclined to believe that it's a good fit for me. You are correct, I have no fill at all in my band currently. At this point, after all I've had going on, I really really just want the band out. I appreciate the insight and suggestions. Thank you so much.
  16. I am with a new surgeon already. I will be assessed again by him on June 8th but despite having zero fill in my band and taking tiny bites, chewing everything into a nearly liquid state and not overeating, i am still having complications. Sticking, heartburn/reflux, discomfort and food intolerance. Clearly something is not right here.
  17. harliquinn

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Congrats to everyone who has been successful. I've only managed to lose 25 pounds in the last 2 and a half years. I've had nonstop complications. I have zero fill in my band and am still having nonstop complications. If I had known that this would be the outcome, I never would have gotten the thing. When I make healthy choices, the band works against me. This just isn't right. I'm hoping I can just get it removed. I want my life back.
  18. And then you have people like me who have zero fill and get stuck on every fruit and vegetable in existence. Not fun.
  19. harliquinn

    My Band Does Have A Name

    i love it! thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
  20. harliquinn

    what is your bands name?

    ive heard some people say that they named their band. my band is my good friend and all good friends should have names, i think. have any of you named your bands? if so, what did you name it and why?
  21. harliquinn

    scale victory and non-scale victory!

    when i had my fill on tuesday i was 277. im down to 265! woohoo! AND when i put on my jeans today, they were slipping off my hips! i actually need to buy a belt! this is an AWESOME problem to have!!! :thumbup::smile::thumbup:
  22. harliquinn


    does your OJ have pulp?
  23. harliquinn

    Port: Where's yours?

    mine is almost directly to the left of my belly button. about an inch and a half/2 inches to the left of it and half an inch above it.
  24. harliquinn

    How is everybody doing???

    i had to have a complete unfill in June after landing in the ER, unable to keep down water. ive had 2 fills since and am up to 1.6cc in my band (we are taking it very slowly). i havent lost very much. i was 291 before my pre-op diet and am only down to 267.
  25. harliquinn

    3 WEEKS POST-OP....Haven't lost in 9 days

    actually, this is very common. i only lost 3-5 pounds after my surgery and was very discouraged. its called Bandster Hell. just hang in there and keep making the right choices. once you get a fill, youll start losing again.

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