I had surgery in November. Just went for my 4th fill last friday. On Friday night, I could not even get water down. I called the Dr. and he wanted to touch base with me in the morning to see how I was on Saturday. When I spoke to him on Saturday, I was able to drink water and protein shakes and soup. But, ever since then, I have not been able to eat anything that has any texture to it. I have been able to drink water and protein shakes, but anything else gets stuck. Am I overfilled? To date, I have 6cc's. At 5cc's I could eat comfortably without any pain. I am afraid that if I do not get a small unfill, that I could do damage to my stomache where the band is by forcing food through the inlflated band. Any ideas? PS I have lost 47 lbs to date, so
I know the band is working.
Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated.