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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by waterlily1072

  1. waterlily1072

    High protien cream soup

    OK just created something really goo and thought I'd share. This is for those who are on liquids and don't have any Protein shakes in the house or are tired of them. This is a little high in fat and mediocre on carbs so moderation is important. Make a basic white sauce (1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup butter or margerine, milk as needed) then add 2 raw eggs (early on so they have time to cook) 1 cup cubed cheese 2 tablespoons chicken broth granuals dash of garlic dash of onion salt Makes a big kettle full
  2. waterlily1072


    I ate a very small dinner of my fist mushies 4 hours ago and I still feel pretty full. I am not feeling naseous or anything, but how can I get it to finish going through? Obviously I am not ready for mushies yet :confused:
  3. waterlily1072

    High protien cream soup

    On the protein question, my doc said that 1 or 2 weeks with low protein wouldn't matter much, and not to worry in the first couple of weeks if I make it to the 56-60g mark. And I wasn't getting hardly any for most of my first week post op and only lost 2 pounds! how is that possible? on ablut 300 calories? only 2 pounds. I am still confused.
  4. I was also told that because we have been overweight for so long that our bones weigh more and that we have denser muscle mass. So if we were a size 16 at 160 lbs on the way up we will reach a 16 on the way down before we hit 160, for example let's say at 170 (although this would vary from person to person) While it may be realistic to reach that sizi we were in college we probably won't be able to hit that weight, due to additional muscle and bone mass from carringing so much ecess, this too will effect our BMI. BMI's actually become very distorted in anyone who has been significantly overweight or has done body building, lol, or even a woman with DD's.
  5. Hehe, I don't know what my bone structure would allow for. I know for a fact that I can get down to a 12, but I was a teenager and chubby, so maybe a 10 maybe not. We'll see :confused:
  6. Well maybe I'm naive, but I know 2 people personally who have gotten to that tiny size with the lapband, one of them is my aunt. If there are no health issues preventing it, why can't we lose all of our exess weight?
  7. waterlily1072

    69 lbs Lost

    Grats :confused: Keep up the good work and positive attitude
  8. Ok tomorrow is one week. I am soo tired. Please tell me that when I move to mushies I will get more energy. I have no idea how much I've lost or even if I've lost (my scale still reads error). If I could see that maybe this exhaustion wouldn't seem so bad. I don't feel hungry, but have serious head hunger. I just keep telling myself no, don't mess up the surgery. I am only getting around 300 calories a day! Drinking mainly water with some juice, broth and some milk mixed in.
  9. waterlily1072

    One week post op and sooo tired

    Thanks everyone :confused: I made a cream Soup with lots of Protein in it. It's the thickest thing I've had so far and made me a little naseous but that went away and I feel better for having eaten something. Doctor said I could move on to full liquids, but I've been afraid too. I have a fear of throwing up, especially when I'm still sore from surgery. I'm just a big baby. Now to get past the fear that I haven't lost any weight this week, find out tomorrow
  10. waterlily1072

    Cottege Cheese...IDEAS!

    Cottage cheese with refried beans and some taco sesoning is good :confused: to make it a liquid add milk and stick it in the blender.
  11. waterlily1072

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    Banded 4/11/06 Dr. Montgomery NWWLS Everett, WA USA No problems to report
  12. waterlily1072

    It's finally my turn!

    Congrats! See you on the other side:)
  13. waterlily1072

    First day of optifast and it's hard

    It'll get better, I promise. I took longer for my blood sugar to even out, about 5 or 6 days. But the headache will stop and you will feel much better before it's all over Upside is that after the surgery the liquids stage is mentally a lot easier for doing the pre-op diet
  14. waterlily1072

    Questions about scars...........

    Good question. I am only 5 days post-op so can't tell you how mine are doing,but vitamin E helps with scarring. Push a pin into a Vit E gel pill and squeeze out the contents onto your scars and rub it in. If this doesn't help as much as you'd like, later when you are fully healed and the scars are no longer improving, try microdermabrasion. This works really well for some people, even on keloid (raised) scars. Good luck
  15. waterlily1072

    Happy Easter, how did you do with food and candy???

    I had one cadbury egg. I resoned that it melted in my mouth so it wouldn't hurt my newly placed band, and I'm taking in so few calories anyway on liquids, soo...... I was bad but it was so good
  16. waterlily1072


    Not urinating nearly as much as normal. I thought I was doing good getting my fluids in. Is this normal, am I dehydrated? :help:
  17. waterlily1072


    Drinking more and peeing more :eek: I am pretty sure I was way dehydrated.
  18. waterlily1072

    April 2006 Bandits

    Well, I am an April 2006 bandster :eek: Banded on the 11th, still working on getting all my fluids in and getting rid of the gas bloat. Sipping and walking.
  19. waterlily1072

    Ohhh, the PAIN!

    My pain is much less today. Found out mine was doubled up. Started my period on the second day along with sore inner thighs. So from elbow to knee and everything in between hurt. Gotta love being a woman, lol. Still feel like i did way too many situps, but that is fading and what is most noticeable is the port pain. I am also finding it easier to sleep comfortably, thank goodness.
  20. waterlily1072

    Please help me find a decent low fat butter...

    Well some might think this is totally bad but.... I feel the real stuff is better for you. Fats should be in small doses anyway, so why substitute chemicals for the real thing for like a difference of a few calories. I guess I've never been a big butter/margerine person.
  21. waterlily1072

    Well, I'm banded......

    Congratulations on your band :uwelcome:
  22. waterlily1072

    starting liquid diet tomorrw

    Hi Wiggy, My doc and nutritionist consider a clinical success for me at 210, but they also said I could lose all of it with some effort. There is never a limit on how much you can lose. That number is entirely up to you. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't reach your goals. I will be 150 even if it takes me 4+ yrs, I refuse to settle.
  23. waterlily1072

    starting liquid diet tomorrw

    Kat, I think all docs differ on the pre-op diet. Mine was just 800 calories a day! With a regular full sized stomach. I was starving. Key is to remember this is so temporary. In a very short time you will get your band and it will be instantly easier. We can do anything short term, it's the long haul that is the true challenge. Just follw the diet that your doc gave you. Hang out here for support, and find something to keep your hands and mind occupied. Good luck, I know you can do it
  24. waterlily1072

    This is a little risky and personal

    Well my hubby isn't getting anything till my pain is gone. He will just have to deal, lol.
  25. waterlily1072

    Ohhh, the PAIN!

    Well Flash, I am 1 day post op and still sore all over my abdomen. But we are healing, this will take a little time. Chin up we will feell better than we have in a very long time very soon

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