LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by ForMyBoys
How did you find out about the adhesions? I just had a series of tests done because I have a bad pain in my left side. The doctors ran all kinds of tests but can't find anything definitive. I think this band is rubbing against something inside me. Im afraid it may tear away at my insides . They told me if the pain get's worse they will do exploratory surgery but just deal with the pain if I can because they don't see any severe problems now. What tests did they run on you to determine you had adhesions ? What symptoms did you have ?
It started off around a 2 and then got so bad I would lie in a ball on the floor until my husband could get me to the emergency room. I was told by my doctor that everyone gets stomach ache. He totally blew me off. It was so bad I spent days in bed and my husband had to help me just to get to the toilet. I never wanted to believe that I would be in the complaint section of this website. Now here I am. I was in such denial. I didn't think this could happen to me. I felt that I had the best hospital and doctor around. Little did I know that when problems arose my doctor would turn a blind eye and dismiss me. I was concerned about my health because of my weight before surgery. I now realize my health was so much better back then. Since surgery I have been put on High Blood Pressure med's. I never had pressure problems in my life until this band.
I am anticipating another surgery. I won't find out until next week all the results of my tests. I have already had surgery 6 months ago for tubing wrapped around intestines and tubing attacked to scar tissue. The part that really sucks is that I was a self pay so the insurance company does not cover any complications that arise. Warning to all you self pay patients. I've had 2 emergency room visits 3 hospital stays and countless tests. My families life savings has been wasted paying for the complications from this band. I would take back every pound I lost to have my life back.
Mandi At 9 months post-op I started with constipation and pains in my lower right side. It took a month of tests 2 ER visits and 2 hospital stays to find out that my band was wrapped around my intestine. They found this by doing exploratory surgery because none of the tests detected anything. I also have had tubing attach to scar tissue and every time I would turn my body around or bend over it would pull at my insides. This was detached during surgery. Right now (6 months later) I have a pulling dull ache in my left side. I am also dealing with constipation again. My doctor told me last time and this time that it's nothing. He has blown me off again and last time he said this I ended up in the hospital. I am now seeing a gastro doctor who has run all kinds of tests on me. He already found that I have an eroded esophagas and im waiting to find out about what's causing the pain. I am anticipating another surgery. The hard part is that I was a self pay. That means that the insurance company didn't pay for surgry and they do not cover any complications that arise either. I am going through our families life savings trying to fix the problems from this band.
Word of Caution to all self payers. I was a self pay over a year ago. My insurance would not cover my surgery. At 9 months post op I had 2 hospital stays, surgery, and 2 ER visits. My tubing was wrapped around an intestine. Then my tubing got stuck in scar tissue. I am now at 15 months and have ran test for the last week . I have an eroded esophagas and tubing stuck again. Guess what, if insurance doesn't pay for surgery then they don't pay for complications either. I've lost 95 pounds and my life savings along with it trying to save my life from the complications of this band. People just think about the initial cost because we don't want to believe that anything will go wrong. I would take back every pound I lost to have my health back. My advise is if insurance doesn't cover it than RUN. Don't get yourselves in my situation. Actually at this point the best advise I could give anyone is Don't Do It . Losing the weight is not worth losing your life to complications. Look into the complication rate of this surgery. I wish I had.
I had an endoscopy last week and found out that my esophagas has eroded. The gastro doctor said this is very common with lap band patients as well as hernias and blockages. The technician told me that weight loss complications keep them in buisness they see so many patients with problems. I have had tubing attach to scar tissue, tubing block and intestine and now tubing stick under my ribs.
When I went in for my consult I asked about all the different complications that could arise. I was told that those things happen to people who go to Mexico to get discount surgery or see doctors who arent qualified. I just had a Cat Scan of my stomach done today and the technician said he see's people with lap-band problems on a weekly basis. He said weight loss surgery complications keep them in buisness. My doctor had me convinced that the complications were overated. Now that im having more complications my surgeon has passed me off to another doctor. I feel like he has gotten his money and now that problems have occured he won't help me. The gastro doctor told me that he sees patients like me every day also and we all have the same story. Regret,regret,regret Don't be a fool like I was.
How often do you vomit/PB?
ForMyBoys replied to mandi78's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
If I eat to fast and don't chew or if I overeat I can BP. It happens maybe once a week or less. I just had en Endoscopy of my throat and found out that because of this my esophogas has eroded. Please be careful because this is a very serious condition that is common with lap band patients. The doctors discovered this by running tests on me while looking for a blocked intestine from my tubing wrapping around them. I really have to remember to chew chew chew. I can't replace the tissue that has deteriorated and I have already had surgery before for tubing problems. What's next?? -
You need to really consider your options. I am 35 years old and have 2 young children. I can't even go outside to play with them because I am in so much pain. I also am now on Blood Pressure medicine for the first time in my life. I never had a problem with my pressure until getting banded. Read some of the stories under the complications section. I know some people have great success but the rate of failure is tremendous. This was a fact I was very nieve about because I wanted to lose weight so bad. I wish I could go back. I was so much healthier at 265 pounds. Whatever your decision just know that therisks are there. Only you can decide if it is worth it.
Do your homework and realize that each surgery comes with risks not just at the point of surgery but afterwards also. I have a LAP-BAND® and loved it. My surgery was a breeze than at 9 months post-op I spent a month in and out of the hospital with tubing twisted in my intestines. Then came surgery for tubing stuck to scar tissue. Now 6 months later I am dealing with another blockage and esophagal erosion. I did my homework, ignored all the horror stories posted because I never believed it could happen to me. I searched for the best doctor and hospital around. I self paid and now insurance has not covered any of my complications from the band. (3 hospital stays) I not only loss my quality of life but im cleaning out our life savings trying to fix problems from my band. I would take back all the pounds I lost to have my health back.
I have been banded for a year and lost 95 pounds. I know you are scared which is quite normal. Please do your homework and do read the bad things. I didn't because I did not want to know the reality. I had a terrrific doctor and went to the best hospital around. I have spent the last year in and out of the hospital with blocked intestines, esophagas erosion, tubing stuck to intestines from the scar tissue. Tubing wrapped around intestine. Don't be a fool like I was. Read all you can. I was told by my docto not to read bad things on the internet because they could upset me and change my feelings toward the band. I turned a blind eye and it was the worst mistake i've ever made. DO YOUR RESEARCH. It does not turn out well for everyone. I would take back every pound to have my health back.
You will eventually get that full feeling. I had several fills and I then realized okay this is what it means to feel full. I have lost almost 100 pounds in a year and now feel like an old timer. However ,if you eat to fast or get to full you will vomit. I still do this about once every week. It has caused my esophagas to erode. I have had alot of problems with my band including tubing wrapped around my intestine, tubing attaching to scar tissue causing blockages and now an eroded esophasgas and tubing stuck under my ribs. I am so sick of being in the hospital with complications. I wish you all better luck than i've had. You will know as time goes by how much you can eat and if you need more fill. Good Luck
Dr. Todd Belott - Great Doctor
ForMyBoys replied to Moemoe455's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
I saw Dr. Belott and had a wonderful experience as far as my surgery. However if you have any complications as I did, don't expect him to stand by you. I have been past off to another doctor who has to deal with my surgery complications. I feel as if he got his money and now I am no longer his concern. I am very disappointed at how my aftercare has been handled. -
Seeing if this is for me?
ForMyBoys replied to adwells6637's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
My advise is make sure you have insurance to cover everything. I was a self pay 1 year ago at 265 pounds. I have lost 95 pounds.I saw the best doctor at our top hospital and since 9 months post-op I have had to many complications to count. Because insurance did not cover me for lap band I am having to pay for all my hospital stays (3) from complications. I have had tubing tangle in my intestines. Tubing attach to scar tissue causing a blockage, my latest is erosion of the esophagas from BPing. I also never had problems with high blood pressure until my band. I am now on blood pressure medicine. I know you have health problems now and maybe you will turn out fine with your band. I know I would take back every pound if I could have my health back. It was better before surgery and the problems I had were fixable. I now have problems that can cost me my life. Without insurance its also costing my family our life savings. -
I have lost 95 pounds in 1 year. My husband really stressed me out in the beginning because he did not want me to have the surgery. I was 265 pounds and could not stand to look at my self in the mirror. I had the surgery and in the past year have been hospitalized 3 times and made countless emergency room visits. I have had tubing wrap around my intestines, tubing attach itself to scar tissue, constipation and an eroded esophogas because I BP about once a week if I eat to fat. I would take back every pound I lost in a heart beat if I could be healthy again. I did not go to Mexico and have just any doctor do my surgery. I had a top physician at our best hospital. I hope you are one of the lucky ones and everything goes well. I was scared and should have listened to my husband. My vanity has cost me dearly.
Yes, The tubing for my lap band wrapped around an intestine on my right side. It also got connected to my intestine from scar tissue. I spent a month in and out the emergency room, 2 hospital stays and finally exploratory surgery to locate the problem. It started with constipation then severe pains. That was 9 months after my lap band surgery. Guess what , I am now having the same pains in my left side. I the last week I have had an Endoscopy, lower bowel series and CT scan to locate the problem on the left side. The tubing is possible wrapped around the left side now. Oh and as an added bonus my esophogas is eroding because every so often I vomit if I eat to fast. I read some people on here vomit daily. I can't imagine what there esophogas looks like. I have lost 95 pounds and regret every pound of it. I would take all the pounds back to have my health in order. This was the worst thing I ever did.
I am 4 days away from my one year mark and 4 pounds away from my 100 pound goal. It has been challenging but fun. I love wearing tight jeans and cute tops . I started at 265. I had some trouble along the way. I had to have surgery because scar tissue had attached itself to an intestine and blocked it off. Also the tubbing was tangled in the tissue. I went through alot of pain and in and out of the hospital for over a month. I have gotten over that and continue to lose weight. I don't lose as fast as before but I am still dropping about 3-5 pounds a month. I feel better than ever and am able to keep up with my kids and not embarrased to be the fat mom at their school functions. I can go to Disney World and not worry about fitting on the rides. Oh and I am having sex in positions I was to ashamed for my husband to see me in before. Wow Im like a new woman in bed now.
Agnonizing stomach/back pain. Went to ER
ForMyBoys replied to Shrinkerbell's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I spent over a month in and out of the hospital this past May through June. It started out with constipation and then cramping in my back and stomach. The cramping was not just in my lower stomach and back but all the way up into my chest. The constipation got so bad I had to take 3 enimas at a time along with laxatives just to pass something. The pain was so bad I kept going to the emergency room. They gave me several Scans with contrast(IV) but it showed nothing. I had x-rays , bloodwork, a colonoscopy, you name it and they did it. The pain was so bad at times I could not stand up . My husband felt so helpless because I would scream in pain and the doctors would just say they don't see anything. They were going to take my appendix out then they thought stones but none of that showed up. I went to a gastro specialist, my primary doctor and my lab band surgeon and no one had a clue. Finally they decided they were just going to have to open me up and look around. I was in so much pain I didn't care what they did. I also felt like they thought I may be making it up. When they did the exploratory surgery they found a huge ball of scar tissue from my lap band surgery had wrapped itself around my intestine and closed it off. It actually formed like a growth around my intestine. Also the tubing was wrapped up in it. This did not show up on any of the scans or x-rays because it just looked like skin and tubing which was suppose to be inside me just not in that way so this did not tip them off as to anything being wrong. Because I was constipated for so long my colin has stretched and will never work properly again. I will be on laxitives every day for the rest of my life and may need another surgery. -
Fell off yesturday. I have only had 1 fill so far and am going to have another on Monday. At this point I can eat anything but I restrict myself until dooms day. That was yesturday. There are alot of stressful things happening at once between home , coordinatiing school parties, after school activities and exam week. I ran around all day yesturday and ate everything in site . My menu. Sausage buiscuit-breakfast anglefood cup cake -snack a lady sold at school entire hamburger and fries -school lunch with kids bag of Dorito's 1/2 brownie 2 white chocolate macadamion nut cookies hamburger happy meal with fries (didn't cook because I was to stressed so we ate out) Where did I fit it all
I read about 4-5 books a week. I will read anything that can hold my interest. I love getting new suggestions from this thread and look forward to trying them out.Here are some of my favorites. If I were stranded on an island I could re-read these books : To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini A Lesson Before Dying - Ernest Gaines A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith The Grapes of Wrath- Steinbeck The Old Man and the Sea - Hemingway A Prayer for Owen Meaney Others: Sandra Brown - Anything she write's is a good read. Cormac McCarthy- all books have great substance Stephanie Meyers - Twilight collection Anne Rice (i've read it all) Maya Angelou/I know why the caged bird sings Ivan Doig/ Whistiling Season Wally Lamb books David Mitchel - Black Swan Green The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett (and others) Water for Elephants-Sara Green anything by Amy Tan (The Joy Luck Club) Pearl S. Buck(The Good Earth) Elie Weisel - The Night Trilogy I also read anything and everything about: Abraham Lincoln , Constitution, history of United States JFK's assassination , life, family ect. plantation and slave life Nazi, Warsaw, Consentration camps, Aushwitz, Jews
I went for my first fill yesturday at 4 weeks. My doctor told me all exercise is fine but stay away from crunches for now.
I love the HIPPA rule, but HIPPA never stopped an office full of big mouth gossiping co-workers from coming up with everything under the sun . The sad part is that it's like a game to co-workers. The more you try to hide from them the more they work at trying to uncover the truth. My husband and I have worked in medical for 20 years. We have a staff of 20 people. It is unbelievable the stuff that goes around the office on a daily basis. You don't have to tell any body anything by law but law does not stop co-workers from asking questions, creating their own diagnosis or for some maybe being truly concerned about your health. :cursing:
Gentlywind read my mind or what I was about to post. I ended up having a hernia repaired during my procedure and didn't even know it until 1 week ago when my husband said "Oh, did I tell you about that hernia the doctor repaired ". My surgery was 11/5/08 a month ago. I asked my doctor about it yesturday , for my first fill. He said it was no big deal that alot of lap band patients never know they even had a problem. This would be the perfect excuse as you will probably have this done during your operation anyway and then it wouldn't be such a stretch from the truth. It would also explain why you have to watch your intake because of the healing process of the hernia. I have only told my husband , mother and father. It is very easy to hide this procedure . You will also not loose so drastically as gastric and that will help conceal and keep you healthy.
How are the banded Notorious Novembers???
ForMyBoys replied to mljalways's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
That is really crazy , but hey people go to Mexico and get this done all the time, which blows my mind. I am also self pay and my doctor also includes 1 year free fill for $10,000. I just hope you never have an emergency. That would be scary. But at least you were able to get it done. We are really lucky to have this chance to change our lives. -
How are the banded Notorious Novembers???
ForMyBoys replied to mljalways's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Also, how far do you have to go to get your fill? Did you try to find someone in your area?