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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by THE FOX

  1. THE FOX

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi tamisu,im booked for belgium for the 9th december,and i approached my gp about banding on the nhs as i have 10 stone to loose, yes 10 stone, he refered me to the weight management unit,which you have to attend first and you will never gues what they told me , " i wasnt big enough " !!!!!!!!!!, so i booked with dr chris, then told my doctor who was only sorry i couldnt have it done here,having always worked,paid taxes,etc( rant over !)so im off to brussels on the 8th yippee:tt2:,and i can harly wait,apprehensive,a ittle scared,but im going to have two birthdays, my original one and the 9th december,:lol:so no i didnt have a doctors referal,but if you dont mind me asking how much do you have to loose,maybe your lighter and is your bmi over 45, if not perhaps thats why you need referal,good luck anyway,
  2. THE FOX

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi gillian,yeh im all booked up, going on the 8th and banded on the 9th ,( December, that is),home on the 11th, im excited, worried,scared,but i cant stop smiling,have only told 4 friends ,all of whom are very suportive,im worried my 11 year old will find out hes very worried incase anything happens to me, ( he thinks we are just going for a look )but heres hoping everything goes ok and it will all be over and problem free by the time i return home,:cursing:
  3. THE FOX

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi there just wondered how you got on, im just about to book mine !!!! regards, THE FOX
  4. THE FOX

    Chris de Bruyne

    hi everyone, my name is kellie fox, aka "THE FOX", i would like to introduce myself, suffice to say ive been reading everything i can find on gastric banding and dr CHRIS DE BRUYNE , and have made contact with TULLIA, but since reading this site have been thinking of going straight to the lovely doc himself, im going to have one final check at my annual leave and hope to be booking my surgery next week, anything i should know before i go ahead, any hints would be really helpful, regards, " THE FOX"

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