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LAP-BAND Patients
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About marybeth66

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/15/1966

About Me

  • State
    new york
  1. Happy 47th Birthday marybeth66!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary marybeth66!

  3. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    happy it went well I was banded on 10/19 I also had a hernia repair. I'm starting to feel almost human today but still have a long way to go. keep walking and moving the gas will start to go away
  4. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    i was banded on 10/21 wednesday and returned back to work on 10/26 monday I am still very sore and moving a bit slow but its all good
  5. marybeth66

    Day 2 after surgery.

    I had my surgery on 10/21. I stayed in hospital over night. They repaired a hiatal hernia as well. This is the first day that the gas seems to be at a minimum. still here but much less. I did get more food in today as well. sill on full liquid diet so this is a drag I found that moving around and walking helped the best with the gas pains. Hang in there is does get better :thumbdown:
  6. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Hi All I had my banding surgery on wednesday, came home from hospital thursday and today am trying to get my liquids in and the gas out. the gas is in my upper stomach and up my windpipe. very painful. but all in all I think I am doing well.
  7. I was banded yesterday. Came home from hospital this afternoon. I am very sore, and Very tired but I feel ok. i am excited, and alot of other feelings. anyway for 1st day post op I think I am doing well.I hope you are doing as well.
  8. marybeth66

    TOMORROW is the day....

    I am also going to get banded tomorrow. Good luck to you.. We will be great
  9. marybeth66

    6:00 am tomorrow!!

    I am getting banded tomorrow also. I have lost 12 lbs on the liquid diet.. Good Luck tomorrow... We are going to be great
  10. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Happyloser 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 angela677 10/15 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 munkee'smommy 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 hope2bthinr 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Crazychica133 10/26 NJLIZ 10-26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 Tina 10/29" marybeth 10/21/09
  11. good luck.. I have my surgery on wednesday I have been on liquid diet for 6 days tomorrow all clear liquid so I am ready to get on with this. Good luck let us know how you make out
  12. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Thanks to all of you who shared about your days right after surgery.. I am getting kinda jumpy because I have not eaten since last wednesday. all in all is has been better then I thought it would be. Good luck to those of you who are scheduled for this week. Like myself I am ready to just do this and I am having a hard time waiting now. Wednesday can't come fast enough,
  13. marybeth66

    There is no turning back now.

    Good Luck, I am getting my band on wednesday.. I understand the feelings. excited, nervous, scared, happy, blah blah blah you know... anyway good luck, you will do great.
  14. marybeth66

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    today is day 4 of the liquid pre surgery diet. I think I am doing ok. remarkably I am not to hungry.... Dont ask me why.. does anyone else have a hiatel hernia that will be repaired at the same time as surgry?:thumbdown:
  15. marybeth66

    Liquid diet help !!!! Please

    My surgery date is Oct 21, 2009 also... it is nice to know that we are not alone right? lets follow each others progress?? Good luck I am on the liquid diet also... wow... so far so good....

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