ok guys, just did it and thought I would document it while its fresh in my mind.
couldnt eat or drink ANYTHING (that means not even water) after midnight.
got there and they made me keep my clothes on but go take my bra off. I did my chest X-Rays which was just standing facing a board and then next to the board sideways with my arms in the air.
Then I had to drink a carbonated sip of liquid.
it seemed like they had a shot of water and then poured pop rocks in it and mixed it up. He told me I had to take a sip and i would feel like I needed to burp, but dont!
I had to swallow the air back down, then he made me lay on my stomach (which was horrible since the gas was just sitting in my stomach and now I was laying on it.) then they set up the machine.
after that he put the barrium drink in front of me with a straw in it. I guess I was drinking too fast cause I started gagging and almost threw up. He said to drink it slower and let the fizzy drink settle. i drank a couple more sips. It really didnt taste that bad, the worse thing was the fizzy stuff and the tecture of the barrium. after I drank what he thought was enough I had to roll around in different positions on the table (on back, on stomach, on sides, half way on sides arms up arms down)
After that I was done, i sat in the waiting room until they confirmed that all my films were perfect and I could be on my merry way.
SUrgeons office said the blood is in and they are sending it to my Dr. and the xrays will be sent to my Dr tomorrow.
Tomorrow I meet with the surgeon to ask any last minute questions and I guess talk to her about what she expects from me.
My last appointment is on Monday with my primary Dr.
I will get an EKG and he will go over everything and give me my medical clearance (or god for bid he wont)
So by next week I will know if Im all healthy and ready, or if I have anything I need to work on before then.
thanks for reading, i wanted to try and kepp you guys up to date on what to expect.