Hello All,
I am so excited to have discovered this website. It is an amazing source of information and resources. I first explored the site yesterday, and I stayed on it for a few hours into the middle of the night. Many of my questions have been answered, but most importantly, I have read about things I need to consider in my post-operative phase.
I am scheduled to have surgery on November 13. I am still on a high from receiving the news that my insurer would cover my surgery. It is a blessing, and something I have hoped for a while now. I had to undergo 6 months of counseling, and I completed that in September. Now, finally, I only have a couple of weeks to go.
I can tell from what I've read from others that this journey--to wellbeing--won't be easy. But, I know that I am committed and that I have the support of my husband and children. I also will hopefully have the support of the many bandsters that use this site. God Bless!