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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by acasner

  1. I am so excited! I got my approval today, I never thought it would happen. Of course I was so negative and thought I would be denied. Oh my gosh I can't believe I am almost at the final step! Within the next 4-6 weeks I will be banded! It was so worth going through everything to get to this point!! Ahhh I am anxious!!!!

  2. Everyone seems to think that just because you are overweight that you are an emotional eater. That is not the case for me, I don't eat to feel some type of way... I eat because I LOVE FOOD! So, by me saying that am I just in denial or what lol? I have been overweight my entire life, I was never small, not even when I was 5. I guess I just get so pissy when people say well what are you dealing with that causes you to eat? NOTHING is the answer, I just want to eat because I love food! Ahhh ....

  3. So, I am about to start the final month of my required 6 month diet for insurance approval. I am so scared though! I am just feeling so negative about getting approved from the insurance company. The doctor seems positive that there will be no issues with approval but I just don't know how I will handle it if I am denied. I have myself so worked up thinking this is going to happen and I don't know how I will feel if I am denied, I think my whole world will crash down on me. :)

  4. I worry about this too! I have not had my surgery yet but I keep thinking, will I miss food? I know I will miss it, food is like my best friend! I don't eat because I am depressed or anything I Just LOVE food, I love the taste and lots and lots of it! I think after time we will be use to food as fuel and not something that tastes good, does that make any sense lol? I know a few people that have had the band and they say they do not miss food and love the way they feel

  5. Hi everyone. So, I have this problem. From being overweight all my life I have three disks in my lower back that are degenerating. Well, due to this it causes back pain from time to time. Here is my problem, every time I excercise I end up on bed rest for 4-5 days because my back is flared up in pain. It is so frustrating because I want to be able to excercise, especially after my surgery. Any ideas or anyone with similar problem? I guess worse case scenario I will need to wait until I get some of the weight off and hope then it won't cause so much pain after excersise. It's a lose lose situation:confused:

  6. I have 1 and a half months left of the 6 month diet, geesh it feels like it has been forever! I know I've waited 24 years but dang this is a killer! I can not wait to get everything settled, I keep praying to God everynight that things go well and I get approved! Good luck to you Quincy, soon enough you will be among the losers! Wow how good does it feel to be called a LOSER hehe!:rolleyes2:

  7. Ah I can feel everyone's pain and relate! I have had so many embarrassing moments in my life. I am 24 and weigh 330lbs. All my friends love to do the normal things people my age like to but I hold myself back from many because of my weight. Here are just some of the things I can think of that really hurt me...

    *At least 3 different times at 3 different amusement parks, trying to get on a ride and not fitting, so then I had to get off with everyone looking at me, not to mention I was always with a guy that I was dating at the time

    *I had a BIG meeting at work, at least 100 people in the room and my chair breaks, everyone burst out laughing and I had to get up and go to the back of the room to get a new chair, they handed me an extra sturdy chair, as implying it was my weight that had broke it :thumbup:

    *Once on vacation at the beach, I was sitting at a restaurant on a pier and all of a sudden a plastic chair broke, which landed me on the ground and almost in the water!

    *I was at a fair one time, there was the ignorant ass clow trying to get people to play a game... he said, "Hey you fat girl, come knock me off my block. You're big enough!" I was mortified, it was on a mic and everyone around heard. I could just see people stare at me!

    *There are so many times I can remember being in public and hearing people make rude comments about my weight. Ignorant people saying to their friends about hooking them up with me, just to be rude and make a joke. Ahhh such freaking ignorant people!

  8. Hello all. So, today was my first appointment with the doctor to get banded. In order for my insurance to approve the surgery I must complete 6 months of a followed diet with my doctor. After that they will approve it and I will be scheduled for surgery. I am looking at about 9 months before I can get surgery... that seems so long but when I think about it, I have been over weight my whole life so what is 9 months going to do! I am ready for this change, I NEED this change. I am 150lbs over weight. I do not have the quality of life that I should at my age. Ahhhh I am starting this journey, glad you are all here with me!!

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