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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by acasner

  1. So, I am very discouraged and upset about this whole lap band process. I had surgery 9 weeks ago and have not lost anything. I went 2 weeks ago for my first fill and the doctor flipped out on me. He told me that he has never seen a patient not lose weight after surgery. I was so upset, he made me feel like a total jackass. I was doing what I needed to be doing, but I was HUNGRY. There was nothing in my band before my first fill.

    So... I got my fill 2 weeks ago. I have 3.5cc in the band and NO RESTRICTION! Ahhh it's really bringing me down. I am trying to force myself to avoid the hunger. Been trying to not eat more then 1200 calories a day, which really is too much to lose. I also go to the gym every other day and I have not lost anything! I am so upset, what am I doing wrong? I don't want to go back to see him in 4 weeks and have him flip out on me again for not losing weight.

    I am beginning to think this lap band was a bad idea for me. I was so excited and really thought it would work for me but I am not having any sucess. Please help me... I am lost and blue! I am so stressed out over this and I jut sit and cry about it. I am in need of support or something!

  2. Hello everyone,

    If you are a nurse I do not have to tell you how demanding nursing is on the body. Can some of you share with me how long were you out of work after your surgery? and were you able to return to work with no problems. I am a ICU nurse and I am pending approval, my only concern is when will be able to return to work. We do 100% of the pulling and lifting. Please share your experiences.

    I am a CNA and do 100% lifting... my doctor said I could go back to work after 2 weeks but restricted to 15lbs of lifting. My job said "no way", they told me I would be of no use, which makes sense cause every day I am lifting thousands of lbs total... so I had to be off for 4 weeks until I was aloud to go back to full limitions.

  3. When your surgeon feels your band, how do he tell where it is? Like mine just felt around and put the needle in, but seriously how does he know the saline actually went in the band? Like it could have just been inserted somewhere in my stomach?

  4. I was banded on Aug 5th. Tomorrow I go for my 1st fill. I can't wait! I was steadily loosing 2-3 lbs a week up until 2 weeks ago. I have not lost anything. I haven't gained either, but it is very frustrating because I am hungry every 3 hours. I can definately eat more than 1/2 a cup of food, but try not to. I am working off of will power and exercise. I hope after my fill I will begin to loose again. My biggest fear is to fail using this tool!

    I totally know what you mean about being afraid of failing with the band. I feel that way too... I have not lost any weight since surgery, actually gained about 4lbs. I just don't understand it, I am hungry all the time. I just had my first fill yesterday and I serously wonder, how do I Know that he actually put the saline in the band? How does he even know exactly where to put it? Ahhh I am so upset right now.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    I am only one month out, because I was banded on August 31st. How are all the others doing who were banded the same month? Speak up and let us know how you are feeling and what progress you have made so far.:(

    I was banded Aug. 7 about 8 weeks ago and just had my first fill today. I am very discouraged and emotional about this whole thing. The doctor flipped out on me today and told me that he has never had a patient gain weight after surgery, I gained about 4lbs. I hear from other people that their doctors say most likely you will gain weight before your first fill. He really pissed me off, ahhh. I would be losing weight if I wasn't hungry all the time. I now have 3.5ccs in my band and to be honest I feel no restriction. How can I lose weight when I am not feeling restriction? ahhh I just hope that things start working out with this because I am getting very discouraged.

  6. I am scheduled to go for my first fill tomorrow. I am excited and scared at the same time.:(

    I had my first fill today... eight weeks after surgery. My doctor said that they don't like to do fills before 6-8 weeks. I am very disappointed. He put 3.5 ccs in my band and I have no restriction, I have been starving all day. I am so emotional because I have got to start losing but how can I when I am hungry all the time? Ahhh.. my doctor yelled at me today because I had not lost weight since surgery, I am motivated to do this but I need my hunger to stop.

  7. I just got back from the doctor's, it was my first fill. I must admitt I thought it was going to hurt more then it did, just a little uncomfy. I am in a real pissy mood now though. My doctor said to me, "I have never had anyone in my history of lap band surgery gain weight during the first eight weeks." I wanted to cry right then and there. I don't know why my weight went up, I am back up to 335, was down to 328 or so since surgery. I have been down on myself enough because I don't understand why I am not losing. I told him that it was hard for me to not eat as much as I use to because my band was not filled, I only had about .25 cc's in it after surgery. I know he wasn't trying to be hateful with what he said but it really hurt. The only person I can be mad at is myself. I have got to get more serious. I NEED to excersise and make healthier food choices. I refuse to let him look down on me again...

    NEVER AGAIN will I allow my doctor to make me feel like I am not making a difference with the band!

  8. It's so nice to hear success stories when so many have been trying to talk me out of the surgery.


    Don't let anyone talk you out of it! So many people tried to talk me out it, telling me tha it was the easy way out and I could do it on my own BUT those people don't know what it's like to really not be able to lose weight on ur own. We have all tried diets, excersise, ect and we all were at the end of the rope, other wise we wouldn't have had the surgery. Best of luck and keep your head up!

  9. You know you're a bandster when....

    ...you consume a case of Water in a few days rather then a case of soda

    ...you are so use to eating so fast that you are done with ur entire meal before anyone else even gets started, but now you are still on your soap while they are finishing their entree

    ...you are drinking Water at the bar and acting as if it's a gin and tonic so no one knows you aren't drinking alcohol

    ...everyday people ask, "so how much is it now?"((as in how much weight have you lost))

  10. Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in with everyone and keep the post going. I have had a lot of people message me and say that this post has been the greatest inspiration for them, I appreciate that because inspiration is what we all need on this journey.

    I am now 7 weeks post op and everyday I think of new, "never agains"... so today I was thinking...

    Never again will I be so self conscience that I turn down going to a social gathering because I am scared of what people are going to think or say. I don't like being the fattest chick in the room!

  11. CONGRATS!!! I was just wondering if you were consistanly losing weight thru the two months. I lost 10lbs the week I did liquids and have not lost a single pound since. Im excersing and eating very little......I will be 3 weeks out on wed. and I will be getting my first fill then....did the fill jump start your weightloss?

    First off I want to say congrats to everyone!!

    But I too have only lost about 10lbs since my surgery. I am 6 weeks post op. It is very discouraging but my doctor said I should be focusing on healing rather then losing weight. My first fill is in a week, I am so ready. I am hoping after getting my first fill the weight will start dropping. I am so so so ready to start losing:)

  12. Hi all, I go for my first fill in 2 weeks. I am just wondering what to expect. Does it hurt at all? How do they know exactly where your port is? Do you have to drink liquids for 24 hours after? Also, what amount of CC's did they put in on your first fill? Thanks everyone:)

  13. I am 5 weeks post op and last night I had a nice ice cold coke... well big mistake cause now I want it so much worse! I am not going to have anymore though... everyone says how it was uncomy drinking soda but I had no issues, BUT I AM GOING TO STAY AWAY FROM IT! It's not worth the trouble it could bring on!

  14. I totally agree about not getting on the scale much. I only weigh once a week. If you do it everyday it will drive you crazy.

    I have the problem of wanting to jump on the scale everyday and I know it's bad for me... I have gotten better about it. It's just so discouraging when you do it everyday because from day to day the pounds fluncuate. Once a week is a good idea!! Hope everyone is well!!

  15. good morning! Thank you for posting your post, i felt like there actually is another person in this world who can totally relate to me. . . thank you so much, question though, what is banster hell? am I going to regret this :thumbup: No one has warned me about that . . what is it? I know, don't you just hate when people tell you " your not fat" "you don't need to lose weight" I love this one " fat people are happy people" yah right???? any how thanks for being there and thanks for understanding. . .

    Bandster Hell... well it's about the first 2-3 months after surgery. Most of it is "emotions" that you go through and doubting if you should of had the surgery to begin with. The first 10 days after surgery you are on a liquid diet. It's HELL! Honestly, if it wouldn't have been for this site I would have caved in, but everytime I felt so hungry and down and out I just came here and got picked right back up. This site truly is the greatest thing! So anyways... then after liquids its the mushy stage and then about a month out it's solid food. So, it's hell because you want to eat things that you can't and your emotions are playing with. Now, I didn't have gas problems but a lot of people will tell you they had awful painful gas.. thank God I was lucky.

    I am 4 weeks post op and have only lost about 10lbs.. now this is part of bandster hell... you think you should be losing more weight but your body needs time to heal and get normal again. After you are able to get a fill you will start losing weight (I haven't had mine yet but people assure me)... So.... most of it really is mental and emotional hell but it will be so worth it in the end. :)

  16. OK, some from a guy.

    Never again will I have to look at peoples faces hoping I don't sit next to them when I get on a plane.

    Never again will I have to sit down like a lady when I go for a pee.

    Never again will I be grateful to buy a shirt "just because it fits" and not because I like it.

    Never again will I be ashamed to go swimming with my young daughter.

    But most importantly.........

    Never again will I ever let myself get in this condition again.

    I love the last one... NEVER AGAIN WILL I LET MYSELF GET IN THIS CONDITION... none of us will and we all have each other here for support!

  17. Wow, this post about Never Again was really touching! I am in the process of "exploring" lap band surgery. I am what they call "extremely obese" but at 6 foot tall and an really large frame I wear 2XL and go to the gym to work out every day. I walk 2 miles every day and ride the stationary bike 4 miles every day. I'm not flabby and have a heart rate of 65 resting. However, I weigh 325. That is so heartbreaking.:blush: I had tried really hard about 4 years ago and lost 90 lbs but that was by being on phentermine for 1 year straight! I bought it over the internet. But after a while it didn't do good for my body and i stopped taking it and so the weight just flew back on right back to 330. I was crushed. Now at 47 it's really hard to lose weight (maybe it was the phentermine shock) so now i'm considering the lap band. Problem is I am really scared. This lap band is a permanent fixture. What if it breaks? what if my body rejects it? what if i get too skinny? What if I die? Will my husband of 31 years still love me? (i'm sure he will) Will the reversal surgery cost the same amount as the original cost? Even if it's a rejection? Could someone help me get over this fear? I know that only I can get over the fear, but I really need to hear it. Hubbie doesn't want me to have it he is very nervous and worries a lot, but he supports me and is willing to come to a seminar. I am having mixed feelings about it and desperately need some advise on what to do. I know that in the end I am the only one who can make the decisions, but maybe it'll be easier to make the decisions with some help. Thanks guys and sorry about the book

    I am the same height and weight as you, and because I am tall and have a bigger body structure I carry my weight very well. Noone believes me that I weight 330lbs. When I first decided I was going to start the journey people kept saying no no no you're not big enough, blah blah blah. For the first time in my life I got the nerve to tell people how much I actually weighed. When people heard that I weight 330lbs they were in shock. It helped me get people on my side and understand why I needed to go through with this. The lap band is really a "safe" surgery... I am 4 weeks post op and haven't lost much but I am still in bandster hell. I get my first fill in 3 weeks and that should help start the weight loss. As you said, only you can make the choice but I think it would be an excellent one for you.

  18. Never Again will I dread seeing the cover of NORBIT and wondering ..... Do I look like that??

    I love that! I always make fun of myself during the part when she lifts her fat up to show her bathing suit bottoms, that's me totally! NEVER AGAIN THOUGH!

    So, since I started this post I recently started back to school. Well I just wanted to add something to my list...

    NEVER AGAIN will I be too dam fat to fit in a desk at school, it's so embarrising, I am sitting there stuffed in this desk with 50 other class mates and I know they are all thinking, Look at that fat ass! Ahhh NEVER AGAIN! Hopefully towards the end of this semester I will be fitting in that seat better:blushing:

  19. Hello all... I am posting because I am very discouraged. I am 4 weeks post op and have only lost about 10lbs. I know this is good for 4 weeks but I am hungry all the time! Before being banded I would eat 2 BIG meals a day... no snacking or anything. Well, now I am eating too many times a day, yes they are smaller meals but I am eating so often that I can't lose weight. My first fill is not until Sept. 28, and it's stressing me out. I know it takes time and after the first fill I should eating less, but I am so upset. I feel like this is just another "failure" at weight loss. I know, how dumb am I? I KNOW IT'S GOING TO WORK IN THE LONG RUN, but why do I doubt it? I keep having people ask me, "Well how much did you lose now?" They think it just comes right off and it's almost upsetting because I feel like they are looking at e like a failure. Thanks for listenting to me, I needed to vent!!

  20. I am about a month out and also have a pain on my left side (opposite side than port), about where you describe. I notice it after I eat sometimes and other times it is a dull pain, not around feeding time. It's a lot more painful after I eat. My next appointment is 9/1 and I've decided that it's not bad enough to warrant a visit before then, but will be curious to hear what your doc says. :)

    I am glad someone else is experiencing this pain ((Not that ur in pain)) just so that it's most likely nothing serious. YEah, the port site is not that low... so I am not sure exactly what it is going on there.

  21. I am not banded yet, but I've heard the occassional nice cold glass of white wine goes down nicely in summer - I'd recommend a sauvignon blanc, night and light :thumbup:)

    Red drinkers probably recommend red wine for winter, but I'm not a fan of it personally.

    Good luck with your surgery. Yes, I have also heard about how nice wine goes down. I know I can't drink like I use to but dam I am ready for that glas:)

  22. was anyone given morphine pump for pain in hospital stay and oxycodone at home? i'm banded in 5 days and am not one for meds that make me loopy! never had these drugs and wonder if i'll be stoned, and also get easily nauses from over the counter meds. but also do not want to feel pain if i don't have to.

    I wasn't on a morphine pump but they were giving me shots of morphine via IV when I was in recovery. Then, because I was feeling okay in my tummy (not nauseated or anything) they said they were going to try and give me whole pills and see if they stayed down... they gave me vicadin and it didn't work too well so they gave me perkaset (oxycodone)... that really helped for the pain... but after 2 days I didn't need any pain meds at all. The oxycodone just made me sleepy... good luck

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