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Cindy C

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindy C

  1. It's probably just a scare tactic on his part. When you lose weight, the liver is the first place it goes. If you just lose 5 or 10 pounds it will shrink enough.
  2. Cindy C

    I finally hit 150 lbs lost

    Thanks everybody. It's been a long road but one I would travel again. I'm so thankful for the success that I have had. I realize that I could gain that weight just as quickly as I lost it so I don't take my success for granted for a single minute. My first thought when I saw the number this morning was "OMG, I have to go update my ticker!" The next thing I did was put on workout clothes and head for the gym!
  3. Cindy C

    Is this a crazy thing to do?

    Crazy? Heck no! When I was still wearing a 24 I a local store was going out of business. I bought every 16, 18, 20 and 22 they had and packed em away until they fit.
  4. Cindy C

    OT- Are your children obese?

    I don't think you're overreacting one bit. You've been there and know what the girl is going through. According to the CDC, she is ABOVE the 99 percentile. She is in danger of having serious health problems. I have no doubt that she goes through Hell every day at school. As we all know, kids can be very cruel! I understand that being the new step-mother this can be a very touchy situation but something needs to be done to help her. I don't know what the relationship is between the adults involved but I suggest everyone sets any animosity they might have aside for the well being of the child.
  5. Cindy C

    I LOST 100 POUNDS!! Before/ After pics

    Good job. Thanks for sharing. You're sure to inspire!!
  6. Oh, Honey, after 3 1/2 years I'm still learning! I still catch myself eating too fast and going to the fridge when I'm bored! I have found that if I let myself get too hungry I eat way too fast. So I try to eat small amounts several times throughout the day.
  7. Unfortunately, negativity seems to be the theme of this site. People who are frustrated come here looking for answers and help. The vast majority of us are thrilled with our results but don't necessarily post the positives. Maybe we don't want to appear to be bragging or rubbing others noses in our success. You can't be afraid of failure. Follow your doctors instructions, use your common sense and set reasonable goals and you will more than likely reach them. If you want a positive story to help you not change your mind, here goes: I struggled with my weight since I was about 3 years old. The day I graduated from high school (in 1978) I weighed 180 pounds. Not too bad for 5'9". I wore a 13. In the next few years I gained a little and was hovering around 205-210 by the time I married at 27. I became pregnant and ballooned to 280 the day my daughter was born. I got down to 217 when I discovered that I was preggers again. This time I was more careful and weighed 250 the day my son was born. This time the weight never came off. My marriage ended shortly after and the weight piled on from there. By the time by son graduated from high school I was 324 pounds and 48 years old. I had lapband surgery a week after his graduation. The weight fell off faster than I could have ever imagined. By my first bandiversary, I had lost 115 pounds. After that, the weight loss slowed down. I averaged about 1 pound a month for the next 2 years. This April I left my high stress job and, lo and behold, the weight loss sped up again. I have lost another 13 pounds since then for a grand total (so far) of 149 pounds. I currently weigh 175...5 pounds less than I did on my graduation day. I would like to lose another 13 which would bring me to 162 or 50% of what I was 3 years ago. If it happens, I'll be thrilled. If it doesn't, I'm still thrilled! I haven't felt healthier or more energetic....EVER!!!! It's not an easy journey. In fact it's a very difficult one but is so worth it. You just have to persevere and not let the set backs get in your way. I know how I was before and I know how I am now. I honestly believe that if I can do this ANYBODY can. Good luck to you. You can do this!
  8. I have a protein shake every day for breakfast. Lunch is usually something very small. I'm not usually hungry so I might have a little soup or some cheese and crackers. I'm taking a few night classes so for dinner M-Th I drive through Taco Bell and get pintos and cheese and have a little snack when I get home at 10. On nights I don't have class, I usually eat something with chicken and vegetables or soup. I try to take as long as I can...at least 30 minutes to eat dinner. It's very hard to eat that slowly sometimes, especially if I let myself get too hungry. You will learn it in time. Just take small bites and set the fork down in between. Chew well and wait until you feel that bite go through before taking another one.
  9. I didn't get unfilled for mine. My doctor said it wasn't necessary.
  10. I'm a couple days late but here I am at 175.8.
  11. Cindy C

    Whole new experience shopping!

    That's great. So you don't go broke, try your local Salvation Army stores. The have really nice clothes at awesome prices. It's a good place to get transitional clothes to get you through to your goal weight.
  12. Cindy C

    small NSV

    There are no small NSV's. Congrats!
  13. OK, I don't usually watch daytime TV but yesterday I had it on and Dr. Oz came on. His topic was his 7-Day Miracle Plan to Boost Your Metabolism. It sounded interesting so I thought I would share it here. Day 1: Check your Protein. Consume something high in protein within the first hour you are awake. Day 4: Eat something (200-250) calories every 3 hours. Day 5: Drink 3 iced drinks per day. Day 6: Take Zinc. Day 7: Exercise in short bursts. 5-10 minutes every couple hours.I'm going to try it and see what happens. I started the day today with a Protein shake and 50mg of Zinc. Dr. Oz's full plan.
  14. Cindy C


    I'm over 3 years out and still rarely feel physical hunger.
  15. I had a very strenuous job in a medical facility. Surgery was on Tuesday and I went back to work the following Monday.
  16. Cindy C

    Boost Your Metabolism

    I've been following this plan for 3 or 4 days and have lost about 3 pounds!
  17. I doubt you will be able to get the insurance to approve the legs or arms. They might be willing to do the tummy tuck if you can prove that you are getting yeast infections under the loose skin. Have your doctor prescribe Nystatin cream or powder. The prescription will serve as documentation whether you use it or not!
  18. I have done great. The weight loss was really fast the first year and then slowed down drastically. I was banded 6/8/08. I lost 115 pounds the first year...12 pounds the second year...16 pounds the third year. 4 months into my fourth year I have lost 6 more pounds for a grand total of 149! I have 13 to go to reach my initial goal. If I never hit it, it will be OK. As long as I'm not gaining! I have had no complications except for the occasional over fill. I haven't had a fill since April of this year. I'm beginning to think that I may never need another one. I have 5.8 in my 10cc band and feel that I am perfectly in the green zone. While I am 5'9" and 175 pounds, which puts my BMI slightly over 25, I have very little body fat. Mostly what needs to go will require liposuction ("rabbit ears" from my tummy tuck) or plastic surgery (excess skin on my thighs and arms). I could also use a boob job, but again, if those issues are never resolved it will be OK. I'm comfortable in my own skin for the first time in almost 35 years!
  19. Cindy C

    So close...yet so far

    The only way I see to convince him is to show him the lab results he wants to see! I'm assuming that the amputation is a result of the diabetes. Once you are banded and the weight starts to fall off, that should improve dramatically if not resolve completely. Take your meds and eat the way you are supposed to. If your doctor is familiar with your health issues and history regarding them then all the talking in the world isn't going to convince him. You have to show him!
  20. A couple days should be plenty.
  21. Cindy C

    Weight Gain

    Pregnancy was the beginning of my downfall. I saw it as a license to eat! I had always struggled with my weight and was around 200-210 when I started my family. After 2 babies in less than 2 years I was over 250 and the weight kept piling on from there. I suggest you get your fluid back in and get back on track. Discuss it with you surgeon and your OB and come up with the best plan to get through a pregnancy without gaining while still making sure the baby gets the needed nutrition. I'm sorry for your losses and hope you are able to have all the babies you desire!
  22. Cindy C

    6 years post-op bander needs advice

    I have a 10cc band and .2 can be a huge difference!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
