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Cindy C

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindy C

  1. Cindy C

    Fighting the band

    If you have learned how to eat around the band, what makes you think you won't figure out how to eat around gastric bypass? I don't think you necessarily need an unfill, although you might. I gave up on red meat a long time ago. It doesn't matter how tender it is or how much I chew or even how tight my band is. It is not going down! I think you just need to get back on the band wagon and do what you know you need to do. Stop fighting your band. We fight our enemies...your band is your friend.
  2. Cindy C

    Bandster *Must Have/Favorite* Products!

    Your welcome. It also tastes good and helps temporarily with the "liquid diet mouth"!
  3. Cindy C

    Bandster *Must Have/Favorite* Products!

    There are more varieties with the regular and there's only about 60 calories difference plus you can get them much cheaper at Sam's or costco. So I guess it depends on you. I use the regular.
  4. Cindy C

    How big is a "large band"?

    Yes it has and thank you!
  5. Cindy C

    Bandster *Must Have/Favorite* Products!

    You're going to want broth and all of the store bought ones are nasty. Since your surgery is still a week or so away make some now. Put a chicken (or beef if you prefer it) and some veggies and seasonings in the crock pot and cook the heck out of it. When its done, strain it and throw away the hunks. Freeze the broth in small containers so all you have to do is nuke it when you want it. I froze it in ice cube trays and then cracked them into a freezer bag so I could have as much or as little as I wanted. I also mixed my protein powder with a pkg of Carnation Instant Breakfast. It has lots of vitamins and makes the shakes taste a whole much better. I don't think I would have made it through the first week or so without Emetrol. It's cherry flavored anti nausea liquid. Works great. After a few days of liquid diet you will find that you have a horrible taste in your mouth and all the tooth brushing and mouthwash in the world won't touch it. Get something lemon flavored...lemon drops or lemonade. Minute Maid Light lemonade is really good and only has 5 or 10 calories per serving. They have it half gallons in the dairy or in 12 pks in the pop aisle. (It's non-carbonated.) Take your favorite pillow with you to the hospital. The ones they have are like cardboard...at least they were at my hospital.
  6. Cindy C

    Good Advise from my nutritionist.

    I hope they are just suggesting low-carb as part of a pre-op diet. While a low carb diet can give you quick temporary weight loss it's not to good to do over a long period of time. Since it concentrates on higher fats and proteins and restricts fruits and vegetables it can lead to high cholesterol, vitamin and mineral deficiency, cardiac, renal, bone, and liver abnormalities. You really need to eat a well balanced diet just in smaller quantities.
  7. Cindy C

    How big is a "large band"?

    It should say somewhere in your discharge papers from the hospital. If you can't find it, call his office and ask.
  8. Cindy C

    In-laws don't really understand...

    Jenn, you have done so well so far! Your in-laws must see that. I'm assuming that they know about your surgery. (If not, you need to tell them.) This is your journey, not their's. Whether they understand or not, they need to respect it. You are facing your issues and taking care of them. If that is insulting to them, that is THEIR issue and they need to deal with it themselves. Once your fiance is banded, his parents will probably become much more understanding. If I were you, I would sit his mother down and explain to her that you can no longer eat the way you did in the past and it is nothing personal against her or her cooking. Tell her that you and her son are trying to get healthy for your future together and for the well being of her future grandchildren.
  9. The life I get to live now is reward enough for me!
  10. Cindy C

    Personal Inspiration

    I keep a copy of my fat picture on the fridge.
  11. After flirting with it for what seems like an eternity, much to my amazement the scale said 174.8 this morning! It might not say it again tomorrow but for today I'll take it! Here are my before and afters! 6/08- 324 lbs and 10/11- 174 lbs
  12. I went through a period last summer when I was drinking every weekend. While I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either. Booze, whatever it is has many empty calories.
  13. Cindy C

    Do you regret it?

    I agree. You need to do a lot of research. In the first place, lapband will not alter your digestive system. Most of the other surgeries will. In the second place, you need to be ready to give up certain foods. It really is easy. Those foods you are so attached to are the foods that caused you to gain 100 pounds. They are not your friends! If you have the surgery, you will find that you don't even want to eat some of your former favorite things. If you do still want them the key is moderation! I was a pizza junky. I can still eat a couple pieces if it's thin crust or I just eat the toppings off of the thicker crust. There are a couple toppings I avoid but if I really want it I eat it. But honestly, most of the time I don't want it. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
  14. The pb'ing episode probably caused some swelling. You need a slight unfill. Either get into the doctor right away or go on liquids until your appointment.
  15. I don't normally cook. I find it's easier and cheaper to go out, but last night I found myself in the kitchen looking for something for dinner. I took a boneless chicken breast out of the freezer and sliced it thinly. I dusted it with a little flour and garlic powder and browned it in some olive oil. I added some sauteed onion and home grown yellow, orange and red peppers, a can of water chestnuts and some more garlic and simmered it in Sweet Baby Ray's teriyaki sauce/marinade with just a touch of honey and ginger. It was very good and made enough to last me for about 3 meals!
  16. Cindy C

    I finally hit 150 lbs lost

    Awwww....You're so sweet!
  17. You go, Girl! I have a suede jacket that I use for inspiration. I keep in on a hanger hanging from the wall in my bedroom like a picture! It's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. I tried it on last week and can get it on but can't close it. Here's hoping your dress and my jacket fit soon! I have no doubt they will!!
  18. Cindy C

    Just Waiting for a Surgery Date Now

    I took one week off and went back on light duty for the first 2 weeks.
  19. Cindy C

    Ugh! I have plateaued!

    The closer you get to goal, the slower it comes off. The real "Bandster Hell" isn't that time between liquid diet and first fill it's trying to get off that last 20-30 pounds! I lost 115 the first year. It's taken me 2 1/2 years to take off another 35. I still have about 12 to go. You just have to persevere and be patient! I know it sucks, but it's the way it works for most of us! You've lost 70+ pounds in a year. That's great! Just keep doing what you have been and it will come off in time!
  20. Red meat Salad and all raw vegetables Pasta Rice Carbonation Bread If there is pasta or rice in soup I can eat a little of it and I can eat hamburger as long as it's really moist and in a sauce and I don't ever do it! I can also eat a piece or two of pizza if it's thin crust. I used to miss this stuff but it doesn't bother me any more. In the beginning I would look at them and think "that looks really good". Now I just see a stuck episode waiting to happen and I'm not even tempted! I've never had a problem with corn.
  21. Cindy C

    I finally hit 150 lbs lost

    Thank you. I'm a big believer in paying it forward. I want every single one of us to be successful and wipe out obesity! But on a selfish note, coming here and reading the posts of others in every step of their journey helps to inspire me and keep me on track.
  22. Cindy C

    Total failure - no weight loss

    Carol, I've been where you are. I would come home from work and go to bed. On my days off I might not even get up...except to eat and go back to bed. I was fat, I was lazy and I was useless! It's very hard to get up the ambition to go to the gym but once you do and start going regularly you'll feel so much better and have so much more energy. If you are prone to go home from work and not do anything, then go to the gym on you way home...or go before work. When I worked afternoons, I forced myself to go at 9am...When I worked days, I went at 3pm when I got off. The more you go the better you feel and the more weight you see come off which makes you want to go even more. For a while I was going 5-6 days a week. I never felt better in my life! You're paying for the membership. Use it! Force yourself to go every day for a week, even if you only work out for 20-30 minutes. By the beginning of the next week you'll be looking forward to it!
  23. You might as well get used to not having Thanksgiving. It has become my least favorite holiday. Since I live close to Canada, my new Thanksgiving tradition is to cross the border and go Christmas/Chanukah shopping.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
