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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. I'm not a chocolate addict, thank goodness. But the US chocolate makers have made it easier on losing weight because many have changed their recipies and the once 'melt in your mouth' chocolate is waxy. But as a soda pop addict, I can tell you that if ALL you ate was chocolate- you'd lose weight. (not healthy mind you) So, your doctor has seen first hand patients who weren't ready for weightloss...meaning to do what it took to loose the weight. You are on the right track but you never know...you may develop a sensible relationship with chocolate through your experience. I have with cakes/pasteries, etc. just not the soda pop. Good luck!
  2. lapbandtalker

    Almost at goal and can't exercise!

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! You've hit goal. How does it feel? Can you believe it? YAY!
  3. lapbandtalker

    Is it bad that I want him to be jealous?

    Well, I'm sure you want him to 'eat his heart out' but to be jealous....nah, he isn't worth your time. There are dozens of guys around you now or who you'll soon meet who will approach you, who will show up, and you will get to choose one to marry one day.
  4. I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles are worked through other people. I believe in miracles are worked through other people like the ones who thought of, developed, and created the Lapband. ....and my surgeon, my doctors, and me. The Lord works in mysterious ways and the band has been such a blessing in my life. Weight is just like any other ailment. We are delt cards in life and we just have to play the game. I don't feel I was being punished by gaining all that weight [was injured in the military and lost mobility and gained weight over the course of several years]. My faith hasn't been effected by my injury or weightgain and it hasn't changed because of my weightloss. My testimony of miracles has indeed been strenghtened.
  5. lapbandtalker

    Take it out or Tuff it out

    An adjustment is your best bet. Just get half of your last 2 taken out...1 cc. After a month or so you can always get it put back in. Better safe than sorry.
  6. lapbandtalker

    need a kick in the butt

    Lapband isn't for everyone. If I were you I'd start at square one...which is basically where you are. Get another doctor (as the one you have isn't working out too good) Start over. If you cannot do what your doctor asks.... you've got a serious problem on your hands...a band and no way to get it to work for you. You are the one who controls your weightloss- maybe try local support groups. Find someone who is getting banded and meet a few times a week. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  7. lapbandtalker

    Self pay help!!!!!

    Get your credit files and scores and correct any errors. This will raise your fico score. Go first to your current creditors...as in see about credit line increases. Next, try your credit union or bank. Alot of times if they see your paycheck directly deposited they KNOW you'll repay the loan. But if they decline you, there are always subprimes and care credit has been used by many. The interest rate is higher than what you could get at a credit union, but whatever- get it paid off as quick as possible. Not only are you paying 10k, but at 7% interest.....you can see the compounding. Your sugery is gonna end up costing you 20k.
  8. lapbandtalker

    Sweet Cravings - What do you do?

    If I have a craving and it won't go away after a day or two, I indulge it....but cautiously. I've found that if I don't, I eat too much of everything....rather than feed the craving and I'm fine. Weight Watchers makes great frozen Desserts and popsicle makes these sugar free fudge bar pops. But sometimes when I want crunch, I have those rice cakes that have caramel coating or cheese coating. If I just have to have it...I eat whatever. I had nachos and cheese dip last weekend- the real stuff.
  9. lapbandtalker

    need help!

    It's happened to me a few times since being banded. Since the vomiting-I call it a spill over- comes during sleep then that means I still have food in my esophogas/pouch. I just ensure I don't have any when I go to bed. So if I want to eat ribs, I have to have them for Breakfast or lunch-never dinner. But if you don't eat anything and have absolutely nothing on your stomach and still have it happen...it's your fluids and you need to get to your doctor. An unfill may be in order. Just stick with it....takes a while to get things going smoothly and sometimes when it does.... it may not last long and things have to be tweaked again.
  10. Thanks everyone for your encouragement. You are so right! I went through the kitchen gathering ALL the junk. Ice creams pasteries frzn meals and pizzas doritos, candy, Cookies Cereal and those silly cereal straws I went to the grocery store and purchased ALL better food. I still got some rice cake Snacks and 100 calorie snacks. And ice cream was the sugar free icicle pops and fudge bars. Got fruits and veggies-fresh. Got some meats. When she got home from school she yelled across the house, "where's my ice cream" I told her that I had put on a few pounds and I didn't want to sabatoge my progress....that I need to go back to making better choices with our eating. She grabbed the rice cakes and didn't say another word. Whew!
  11. A miracle happened. About 6 months after I was banded I noticed all three of my children needed a different size when we went clothes shopping for Christmas. They all were at least 1 size smaller. This weightloss continued AND I noticed they were more physically active than before MY surgery. 2 of my children went into the miltary (my 18 year old is at Ft. Jackson-Army basic training...she just turned 19; my 17 year old is at School of Infantry Marine Combat Training she just finished bootcamp in February) I noticed yesterday while picking up my 14 year old daughter is .....plump, round, puffy- not quite fat but I guess you could say it. Evidently I've reverted back to my old habits and I've done a life check and I have! I stopped cooking so much and have reverted to going out to eat more. I'm feeling like a failure but want to change it around before it's too late. Anyone have this happen where their family lost weight but are gaining it back? Or have any friendly advice?
  12. lapbandtalker

    Goals/expectations 2 years out

    Wow, you've done great! I'm not quite 2 years out but everyday that I don't gain a pound-I'm progressing. Took years to gain it, it's gonna take years to retrain myself.
  13. lapbandtalker

    What to bring to the hospital??

    Congrats and how exciting! I didn't need GasX or anything. The discomfort from the air will go away in time. Wear sweats or elastic waist clothing that's comfy. Put a fresh pair on and just wear them home. Toothbrush/toothpaste deo change of undies If you are inpatient then bring a slew of stuff like pjs, slippers, etc. Keep us posted!
  14. IF you gain a pound and you feel you are having a hard time following the rules your doc gave you- call for a fill. Celebrate! Weigh yourself at intervals as you may continue to lose weight and might need to get adjustments to prevent weightloss. And if you see your weight start to climb, you can take action. It may, but you may have to have a procedure. Mine was the last thing to go away. Yes, time can help. I was complaining of loose skin when I hit goal but my doctor advised me to wait 1 year before I do any procedures...he was right- my skin is great! Thank goodness I listened. Congrats!
  15. lapbandtalker

    Massive dairy food cravings

    That's a good sign for you are craving what your body needs and you aren't ignoring it. I too began to eat massive amounts of dairy. I drink milk and eat cheese more than anything else. This hit me one day as I was standing at the refrigerator eating shredded cheese straight from the bag and then later was a meatball triple provolone from subway. My doc has found no issue w/ all the dairy/calcium I eat.
  16. lapbandtalker

    Lots Of Questions

    The best place to start is your doctor. They will have everything you need. This board is a great resource as well to get ideas of the personal experience. Expect to lose 2 pounds a week- on average. I reached goal pretty fast and have exceeded all expectations. For me, it was portion control. Didn't exercise, didn't quit eating sweets.... it's eating healthier and not eating too much. But everyone is different and some have to exercise and avoid sweets. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  17. lapbandtalker

    Almost at goal and can't exercise!

    Hang in there! My sister was about to break the 200 pound mark and hurt her knee and was in a brace for 6 weeks. She gained 5 pounds.....but as soon as she got the clear- she's back at the gym and has already lost the 5.
  18. lapbandtalker

    Paid to Post - ALERT!!!

    This also holds true on the opposite...when someone posts something positive about some surgeons or doctors....there are a few that pounce to tell horror stories-always hearsay as it wasn't them but someone else. So everyone should be careful on all fronts.
  19. lapbandtalker

    Roof of Mouth

    Thought I'd re-visit this thread..... It happened to me when (but funny thing is NOT ALWAYS): Fruity Pebbles WaffleO's (eggo cereal) toast and jelly honey bun/pastery egg sandwich bacon/egg/cheese biscuit pancakes apple ... ... ... ... sure there are other things I can't remember It happens within 3-4 bites and I immediatly spit out whatever and rinse my mouth with Water That acute swelling/burning is crazy! I did notice it happened in the mornings....so the toothpaste factor could be part of it I just don't eat Breakfast anymore and haven't had any problem. I don't eat until 10 or 11 am.
  20. lapbandtalker

    Reached goal WITHOUT a Fill?!?!?!?!

    I was thinking the same thing. If someone is able to follow the rules (diet) then they didn't need the band. But on the other hand...maybe mentally they required 'surgery' for them to diet...kinda like a placebo but this time they had to go under for it. But whatever- it's great! The band works for all types of people-even those who don't need it.
  21. lapbandtalker

    How many calories do you consume at goal?

    That's a good question. I have no clue how many calories I consume for I've not ever counted them. My guess is the RDA as when I eat, I eat 1 serving size...like my fruity pebbles is a small cup instead of a large bowl. I've lost 6 pounds and I'm eating more to gain some of them back as I look sickly now. Congrats on your weightloss, you look awesome!
  22. lapbandtalker

    vitamins? suggestions please.

    Really try to get all your nutrients from food; however, if you can't a supplement is a great alternative. I've been on the Flintstones for almost 2 years and have to quit. The taste of them turns my stomach. Don't know what happened, all of a sudden one day when chewing them- yuck! Even the thought of them makes me sick. So I'm stopping Vitamins for now. Good luck. That Alive sounds deadly!
  23. lapbandtalker

    Just starting my journey

    Once you decide to have a procedure, do it. Don't let anything stand in your way (meaning money, babysitters, spouses, etc) Try to get your insurance to cover it. But if they don't, still have it done. Well worth the money.
  24. lapbandtalker

    counting calories????

    There are some who do. I think there are some who count other things like Protein,carbs,fats, etc. But my doc said let the band do it's job and don't count anything.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
