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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Megmegs13

  1. Morning All, Just wondering if anyone has had experience with being pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets, etc) and what the experience was like. My hubby and I have been TTC for about 8 months and just got confirmation that we have to go with in vitro...which we fully intend to do...but our Dr just keeps bringing up the multiple stats and both me & the hubby are worried about how multiples affect your health, the babies health, and the functionality of the band... not to mention your sanity (yeah, mommies of multiples can you give me some realistic feedback about life with twins or triplets LOL) Thanks so much! ~Megs
  2. Megmegs13

    Banded & prego with multiples

    unfortunately my husband and I both have infertility issues...so the only way is the invitro... believe if not we would have been on the clomid ban wagon :cool:
  3. Morning all, Just wondering if anyone has experience with a hurt port... I was loading large bags of soil yesterday and believe I might have done something to my port... I have a sensation of being pinched actually underneath of the port and a burning in the area around it... have an appt today at 1pm with the dr but just wondering if anyone's experienced anything like this... I'm a year and half out and more then 100pounds down and never had severe port pain like this before... thanks :thumbup: ~Meg:confused:
  4. Megmegs13

    Port replaced

    just had my port revision yesterday...its a breeze..way less painful then the surgery! I agree I've been blessed as well, my port flipping was my own stupid doings (tried to carry 80pounds of topsoil on my shoulder...didnt end well! LOL) I'm down about 110 pounds and feel amazing... i hope all goes well for you on friday and keep up the great weight loss! ~Megs
  5. Megmegs13

    unexplained port pain!

    Got my answer...in my soil slinging fury LOL I flipped my port... Somehow the way I twisted I managed to pull a few of the stiches right out of the fascia/muscle... however on the bright side...my dr is amazing, he had me in the O.R. within an hour and I was home with a port revision completed by 6pm! And I got to upgrade ports...my doc just got in the new lower profile ports, about half the size of the old ones...so he put that in with some surgical mesh...so I can't flip it again playing super hero gardening girl! :thumbup:
  6. As always thanx for the words of encouragement and experience... u always crack me up! Have a good one! Let me know how u make out with the fill!

  7. Hey All, About a week and a half ago I went for my 2nd adjustment...and I'm not sure if its too tight... I'm not sure I know the difference between restriction and too tight... it takes me about 35-45 minutes to eat about 1/2 cup of tuna... chicken breast even if well chewed gets stuck or comes back up... however weird things like baked tostitos and salsa go down... ice cream unfortunately goes down! But is that restriction??? Is that what I'm supposed want to happen? help please.... Thanks in advance!
  8. Megmegs13

    Feeling confused...

    also don't forget that ur swollen... it took me about 6-7 weeks before it was almost gone...so that will give u that nasty puffy feeling... just be patient...it pays off... if u need to talk feel free to IM me
  9. Megmegs13

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hey all 15th-ers: Hope everyone is doing well and wishin' u all a speedy recovery...remember- gas x, walking, & sugar free lifesaver ice pops are ur friend! LOL! Good Luck all! :wink:
  10. Megmegs13

    New Year...New Me!

    Pictures with a loss of 35 pounds or more!
  11. Megmegs13

    With my neice...down 34

    From the album: New Year...New Me!

  12. Megmegs13

    Feeling confused...

    believe me I know how u feel...but u have to keep reminding yourself that this is a forever change...and theirs going to be bumps along the way...u have to keep moving forward...because thats whats going to make this time different... this time is different...and all the work you put in will pay off...sometimes it just doesn't pay off when we want it too... I didn't lose for almost 3 weeks...despite personal training sessions and an adjustment... well I'll be darned if my body just needed some time or whatever...when the personal trainer did my measurments... an inch and a half gone...despite the stupid numbers...and I got more compliments in those 3 weeks than i had in months prior... it works out... just sometimes not by our watches! Good Luck :wink:
  13. Never done one of these before and had no luck in searching for one for a New Years goal ...but I am Determined to go 25 miles on the eliptical before the new year...so if anyone wants to join feel free to just copy, paste, and add ur self on! Your goal can be whatever u want! Time, miles, etc! Good Luck! Name............... Exercise.................Current....................Goal Megmegs13...........Eliptical..............................0 miles...........................25 miles
  14. Megmegs13

    Openly Disgusting - Why Lose Weight?

    1. Can't wait to wear a thong...comfortably...well as comfy as they get LOL 2. Wanna be able to have my hubby's arms all the way around me when we slow dance 3. Would love it when the girls no longer choke me when lying on my back 4. NO MORE RUBBING THIGHS!!!!
  15. Megmegs13

    Last Weight of '08

    ***NAME***********START WGHT.*****CURRENT WGHT.********GOAL**********LBS. LOST ***:w00t: ************************** ********************** 1dayatime..........259............256............239............3 1000words..........237............235............220............0 aJoneen............213............210............199............3 alliemorris73......229............229............199............0 Ariel..............193............193............183............0 Barb12590..........207............205............187............2 Bea1129............198.5..........198.5..........183............0 Brandy.............208............206............198............2 CQQlgirl...........188............186............170............2 crzytchr...........265............263............250............2 JasonR.............366............366............351............0 Jodi_620...........174............170............159............4 KikiVal315.........229............227............215............2 Kirsty39...........237............237............217............0 laurigee...........170............165............158............5 Leslie2Lose........215............214............199............1 LilMissDiva........244............244............225............0 lindar172 .........257.8..........253.6..........240..........4.2 LisaB..............189............185............170............4 mamanmidwife.......275............275............255............0 MegMegs13..........266............260............250............6 mominlv13..........282.4..........277.4..........270............5 noosagirl..........138............138............124............0 Renee74............198............195............185............3 renewedhope........162............161............150............1 SailorChristy......251.5..........248............230..........3.5 southernmissy......209............207............195............2 Ten more pounds to go baby! :tongue:
  16. This might seem really odd... and maybe unrelated to the band but the only way to know is to ask. I was banded on 10/20/08 and since banding I have been having absolutely bizzare dreams...almost everynight. I don't know if its because of the diet changes and cutting out sugar or what! But has anyone else experienced this? Its not seeing myself at a lower weight or anything its been weird...like moving to a farm was friday night, last night I dreamt about a cousin's wedding that see showed up and it was the wrong groom... truly weird stuff... Hopefully I'm not the only one! :thumbup:
  17. Megmegs13

    Deb from MN.

    Hey Deb, I was banded on the 20th...so I can relate to what ur going threw.... All I can say is that I keep telling myself I made it this far...why give in now... I was on clear liquids for 10 days post op...and thats when the commercials got me! I never realized how many there were before! Especially Sonic...damn Sonic! But if u need to talk feel free to message me...hope it gets better for u... really, we made it this far!:eek:
  18. Megmegs13

    kinda dissapointed...

    I'm having a rough day... I moved to pureed last wednesday after 9 days of clear liquids and a loss of 20 pounds. The doc suggested that I stay away from scales anywhere but his office! Which I go back to on 11/12... well at the gym the temptation got the best of me and I hopped on... I gained like 4 pounds!!! I can't figure it out! I'm only getting up to about 700-900 calories a day on pureed and like 70 grams of protein... how could I be gaining!?!?!?!? I have an appt with a nutrionist today, but I just feel discouraged... I know its not about the number, its about being healthy....but it doesn't stop it from messing with my head alittle...:tongue:
  19. Megmegs13

    Since Banding I noticed...

    Jodi that is too funny! Thats how my dreams go... I was just telling my husband...my one last night was about him and secretly being on parole (amusing for a man who doesn't even break laws speeding LOL) but they are just nutz!!!! :tongue:
  20. Megmegs13

    Since Banding I noticed...

    no cpap or sleep apnea... guess its a combo of all of the above... I just keep waking up going... what in the world????:thumbup:
  21. Megmegs13

    Last Weight of '08

    oh no... JasonR is off the list again... man he's having a tough a time staying on this thing! LOL!

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