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Mommy 13

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mommy 13

  1. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi everyone, you all are doing so great. Very busy in life right now and have not had a chance to be on very much. Keep up the great work! Wow only four more months to one year, unbelievable.
  2. Mommy 13

    anyone from indiana?

    Hey there everyone, first I have Anthem and did not have to do the supervised visits with the doc. so I think it depends on your BMI and medical history. I had my surgery in July of 08 and have lost 105 so far. I live in Merr. and work in Portage, I see Dr. Stanish and LOVE him and his team. They do suggest high protein and low carbs but are open to what works for you. I was intrested in the support groups but heard the same and most of the people are by-pass, may be a few of us with the band could meet sometime, it would be so great to have people who live close, have the same doc and understand the struggles with the band. Please respond those who live near by and let me know, I would love to help in any way and to be able to pick you minds also.
  3. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Ladies, does anyone know exactly how much food we are suppose to be able to eat at one sitting. I keep hearing all different numbers from a cup to one and a half cups to two cups! I keep telling my doc that I can eat more than one cup of food at a time and they just keep saying not to worry about the amount as long as I am losing weight and not eating to the point that I throw up. I just was under the asumpution that I would only be able to eat about a cup of food and then would be so full that I could not take another bite, this has never happened to me I just force myself to stop eating at about a cup to a cup and a half of food. I have read some of the post that talk about only taking a couple of bits and being full and wish for that feeling. Let me know what you have heard. Great job to all on the scale.
  4. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey there everyone, so glad to see everyone helping each other out of the dumps. Stay strong and keep fighting everyday to get to your goals. I think sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the band is our tool but we have to determine how to best utilize it. I just am soooooooo greatful to have found others who know the struggle and understand the self destructive patterns that we fight everyday. Keep up the positive attitudes! Goal, to get more creative with my food, stop eating the same boring stuff day after day. There is great tasting healthy foods waiting for me to cook them!
  5. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey ladies, have not been on in a while. Just wanted to say great job to all. Some are struggling more than others but just recognizing the struggle is a step up from the past for most of us. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays with family and or friends, be safe and love yourself!
  6. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi everyone, hey gotta question I've been working out daily and noticed that my port site hurts. Has anyone experienced this after working out? Hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the upcomming hoilday.
  7. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey ladies just wanted to say hi! Kimaly, have you heard any results yet, thinking about you and sending prayers your way. Great job on the weight loss everyone, keep it up!
  8. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Melanie, thanks for the support and advice. I will do just that! I keep a daily food log so that should be easy to show. He is just very reserved on the fills and wants you to work just as hard as the band, but I think I am working much hard than the band at this point.
  9. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    crzytchr, thanks for the advice. That's what I did, took only what I really wanted. Then later just a small piece of sugar free pie.
  10. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi Ladies, just wanted to check in and tell all to have a great holiday. Went to the doc. today and he would not give me a fill due to a 15 pound lose in the last month. I know I should be happy about the lost, but I tried telling him that the lose is due to my hard work, working out seven day a week and not because I have restriction. I am so starving at night and find it harder and harder to resist snacking. Now I don't go back until after Christmas and I am nervous about all the food during the holidays. Anyone got a game plan for food at family gathering?
  11. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Orea, sorry to hear about your husband. I believe that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know the reason right away. I will be thinking about you and your huband and sending positive enery your way. Good Luck.
  12. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Kimaly, thanks for the advice I will try that and hope it helps.
  13. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey ladies, anyone struggling I mean STRUGGLING to not snack between meals. I feel like I'm making good meal choices but I have to fight hard not to snack between meal, especially at work when I'm sitting at my desk. Probably old habits, but any suggestions?
  14. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Donna 113, thanks for the welcome. I lost 10 pounds pre-op. and the rest since the band. It road has been hard due to little restriction but I hope that I am on the right path. I have had three fills, the first two I felt no difference in the amount of food I could eat and the type of food I was able to eat, which was anything. After both of the first two fills I was missing most of the fluid, so they think I might have a leak. I had the third fill and have had a few foods that don't go down well and a hand full of days that it seems I am not able to eat as much, I go back next Tues. to see if I am missing more fluid and they will make a decision about more surgery if that is the case. I have lost most of the weight by my own hard work, I do not cheat in my food intake, no more than 1,200 calories a day and only healthy foods and I work out 7 days a week in some form either walking, cardio, or sculpting. I just tell myself that when the band kicks in it will be when I need it the most. I'm so glad to find a group of July band pts. it makes things so much more comfortable knowing we are about the same stage of the game.
  15. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thanks, trying to go back on the thread and get caught up on each of your stories. You gals are GREAT! Lots of hard work and positive attitudes.
  16. Mommy 13

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey ladies, my name is April and I am new to the site and just found this thread. Hope it's ok to jump in. I was banded on July 14,2008. I live in Indiana and have had good results but with many ups and downs. Not much restriction yet but feel like it will come just when I need it the most. When the will power wears off. It is so great that you all support each other and are there to it each other going.
  17. Mommy 13

    Anyone from Indiana?

    Hi Zet, I am from Merriville In. and was banded by Dr. Standish in Merr. He is a great doc. LOVE HIM. Had mine done on July 14, 2008, start weight 334 current 265 and doing well. Is he the doc. you are trying to use? If so the whole staff is great, you will love them.
  18. Mommy 13


    Great info.
  19. Mommy 13

    Who can still eat whatever they want?

    I was banded on July 14, 08 had one fill in July and still feel no little restriction. I have lost 69 pounds but I think that has been my own choices and exersicing like crazy. I fear that will wear off and the weight will come back if I don't get resrtiction soon.
  20. Mommy 13

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi, from Merriville Indiana. I am new to the site and glad I see others from my state.
  21. Hello out there, new to the site. Banded July 14, 2008. Start weight 334, current weight 265. I'm happy with the lose however have had two small fills and NO restriction yet. I am working out 6 days a week and limiting myself on food intake, trying not to get down about the fact that the band has not help much thus far.:smile: I am also very new at this kind of computer use and not sure how to get my profile set up, any suggestions on where to start?
  22. Mommy 13

    New Member from Indiana

    Thanks for the info. and the support. Hopefully my doctor will "fill me up" on Tuesday.
  23. Marie, hi April from Indiana. New to the site, looking for some help on how to set up the cool weight counters and other things like that on my page. Any advice on how to add that info. Banded on July 14, start weight 324 current 265.

  24. Mommy 13

    Newbie poster

    Marie, hi new to this site also. Can you tell me how I can get the ticket tracker and other things added to my site. Can't seem to figure this out. Thanks.
  25. Mommy 13

    Greetings from Michigan!

    Welcome to the site, I too am new from Indiana(Merriville). Banded in July. Hope to learn alot from this site about others struggles and sucesses!

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