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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by annjones

  1. annjones

    Where is your port?

    I spoke with my Doc. about port placement and he said he puts the ports kinda under mid upper breast bone area. He said he does it there to reduce the chances of ports flipping.
  2. Hello, I'm 43 - 5' 9" (large frame) and my highest weight is 300 lbs. Each year since my 1st child was born I gained weight. In 2000 I went through Chemo therapy and some other major life changes. I had spoken with doctors many different times about my weight. One told me I just needed to "push away" from the table. I've had many different suggestions on diets..as I'm sure we all have. I have severe sleep apnea and am on my way to other weight related problems. My father passed away in 2000 from a heart attack. He was 61 and overweight. While he was in the hospital he chatted with me about how concerned he was over my weight. We all have many different reasons for why we became overweight. The reason why I have chosen to do the Lapband is #1 to become healthier and more active. #2 I'm tired of being big. My gf loves me for who I am and supports me 100%. My friends are wonderfully supportive as well. I'm crossing my fingers that after my surgery (Dec. 23rd) my life will only get healthier!
  3. annjones

    to be banded at christmas

    Hey there! I'm getting banded on 12/23. I'm really excited. I've been gathering tons of receipes together and reading everything I can. I'm 43 and I totally understand about the pounds creaping up. I'm 5'9 and a large frame so my weight didn't didn't really show much until I creasted 260ish. I've choosen to tell my friends, family and co-workers about my lap band decision. When I explain it I do stress that it is a tool and it will be work, just the band will make the work a bit easier and unlike all those other times I worked at loosing weight this time I will keep it off with the help of the band. I'm very fortunate to have wonderful people in my life that are supportive (life is too short to have bad people and their negative energy around me) I would say what you say and who you choose to tell is your personal decision...much like being banded.
  4. I've found I like the Necter Protein drinks as well. Thanks to this site I found www.vitalady.com and I can get samples of different types of Protein Drink. I didn't want to end up having a ton of containers of powder I didn't like. Sometimes for a different twist I put in some SF syrups to tweak the taste some. I'm experimenting before my surgery so that I know what I like and how I like them. Although I have heard that your tastes change after surgery. So maybe I'm doing taste research for nothing
  5. annjones

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    I just got my date!!!! December 23rd!!!!
  6. I've not had my surgery yet for Lapband. It takes a while for your body to recover from surgery. You need to let it heal. On the coffee. I too am a cup of coffee in the morning girl and have wondered and read on this with lapband. Recently I attended a lap band support group and the nurse was explaining how the stomach lining of your pouch is a bit thinner than the lower part of your stomach. So that anything you ingest that affects your stomach you need to be careful. I know that coffee can irratate your stomach and caffeine can cause you to be hungry. So I'm GUESSING, that this is why most everyone is told "no coffee". Good luck.
  7. My best guess is January 15thish.
  8. Welcome to the Board. I've been reading the messages here a lot and everyone seems to be very nice and helpful. You will find that there are many people who have the same questions, concerns and fears. My dietician apt was pretty uneventful. She was very nice and we discussed eating habits and what to expect after you are banded. The nicest thing, for me, was the fact she was not judgemental. I went to a doctor once concerned about my weight and he told me I just needed to push away from the table. I shruged off his comment as being a not very nice person but his comment has stayed with me for over 18 years. My advice is read, write down your feelings and questions (nothing is too silly or small), If you are into it take a look at orlive.com and see some actual Lap Band surgeries (they were very cool) I go to my first support group meeting tonight and my head is filled with questions. I'm hoping to get my band date in January 09, but I will find out 1/24 when I see the surgon.
  9. The G Spot orgasim Fluid is not urine. Many people who don't know this get a little freaked out when a woman is a squirter. Actually afterwards you can't pee for a while till things calm down and become less swolen.
  10. annjones

    Silly question

    I've been reading a lot of the posts and absorbing as much information as I can. From what I can see (and please let me know if I'm wrong) weight lost pre op and after surgery is staying off. 1-2 pounds per weeks sounds like so little but the fact it isn't coming back is a big one. Weight does flucuate(sp) during teh course of a day or week. My weight history is (and from what I can see this is normal for everyone who has chosen LB) Loosing 10-20 even 30 lbs happens but then it comes back with it friends and relatives. Has there been anyone who has experienced weight gain (what is lost coming back with a vengence) since they have been banded? (of course I don't mean anyone who has gotten preganant since banding - new baby growing weight doesn't count) I'm hoping to be banded in January. I've already gotten my insurance approval and see the surgeon on the 11/24.
  11. I told my psy about this thread and he was very impressed. I started jotting down notes of what I won't miss about being overweight/obese. 1. My legs rubbing together 2. Socks not going up my leg 3. Needing an extension for the airline safety belts 4. Fat Fingers 5. Rolls of fat on my back 6. Stretchy pants 7. Being able to go up and down stairs without being winded 8. Snoring/Sleep Apnea machine 9. Back aches 10. Worrying about breaking chairs and fitting in chairs 11. Edema 12. Belly in the way of everything 13. Not being able to take a bath 14. Hydronitis 15. Checking the weight capacity of ladders and everything 16. Double/Triple chins 17. Being hungry all the time 18. Worrying about my health and thinking about my risk for Heart Attack 19. Hurting Knees 20. Plus Size clothes (I refer to them know as Goddess size) 21. Not having a lap 22. The bones in my feet hurting 23. Feeling like a failure when I see all those weight loss ads on TV 24. Looking at someone who is bigger than me and thinking....at least I'm not that big...then thinking yet. What I will miss: 1. The occassional Dr. Peper I'm sure there are so many more things I could add but this is my list What a wonderful way to say goodbye to all the things that we have to deal with on a day to day basis when we are obese.
  12. Gosh it is great to have found this thread. I was just wondering if or how many women that went to MWF had lapband surgery. My sweety and I have been going for the last 5 years or so. She has attended for many more years before that. As to a support group...MWF would probably have a whole designated section for campers. They have a spot for all different types of needs =) Just last August we opted out of Michigan for a 3 week trip to South America. I really found myself missing festival. But hopefully we will be there August 2009 and I'll be banded and enjoying festival even more.
  13. There is nothing wrong with you! I haven't gotten my surgery date yet but I've had those thoughts in my head...what if stuff.. Hearing alot of good stories and hoping I'm not going to be the exception. Like most everyone I've read...we have all tried with no success many different ways to lose weight. Nothing works and we tend to think....well with the track record...this is probably going to be a big waste of time, energy and money. Self Doubt is horrible. Practice Positive self talk. I've had a couple books suggested to me: Mindless Eating, Weight Loss for Dummies and First Aide for Bariatric Patients. I found the Mindless Eating book very very interesting and helpful (althought I was very skeptical..yet another way to spend money...) And the First Aide book has alot of ideas on self talk and support etc. I've gone from very interested and self skeptical to very excited and the turning point for me was actually watching a live surgical video on Lap Band procedure. It was facinating and now I can't wait. I even am going to ask to have my surgery recorded. I know it may seem weird but hey what can I say? Practice positive self talk and hang in there.
  14. annjones


    I've been very concerned about the daily pills I take when I'm banded. It is nice to hear that I don't have to hunt for liquid supplements and pills. My biggest pills are of course my multi Vitamin and evening primrose oil.
  15. Hey there! I'm in Wyandotte County and Dr. Hoehn will be doing my surgery as well. I have my first apt with him on November 24th. I've not attended the support group yet but I am planning to next month. I've been meeting with Dr. Sabapathy and we have been, besides other things, discussing Lap band vs Sleeve. I'm very excited and hopefull about finally loosing weight and keeping it off. I've gone up and down for most of my adult life but the ups have been more than the downs..so my weight has gone up alot. I joined LBT and still am reading, reading, reading... If you want to chat just email me :wink_smile:
  16. annjones

    What TriCare Requires for Approval

    I have Tricare insurance. I started looking into Lapband in Aprilish 08. Had my first Dietician apt in June. A couple psy apts. (man those Personality Tests are a hoot) and just this week I received notice that I was approved through Tricare and my surgery should be the end of Decemberish. I think the schedule you have may sound nastier than it is. My advise is to make sure you have all your paperwork and all YOUR duckies lined up. That way it is all on the docs and the ins. Good luck!
  17. Hello everyone! I just received my insurances' ok and am getting ready to meet with the doc to get a band date. I have so many things I want to know about everyone's experiences. I've been an up and down dieter all my life - like many people. I've looked at the Sleeve and the Band and just felt like the band would be best for me. 1st question...Did anyone smoke before and after their surgery? I know it is strongly recommended to stop but am not sure I can. It looks like fills are done about monthly..Is that about normal? What happens when you are on vacation out of the US and are due for a fill? I'm hoping to be banded late December - early January. Am kinda scared that this will end up like all my other attempts at weight loss :eek: But looking at all the successes, I'm very hopeful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
