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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by annjones

  1. Of course anyone can post here but I thought it would be cool to start a thread for my band date buddies. I'm so excited. I start my liquid pre op diet 2 days before surgery and tomorrow I get my pre op blood work done. I've been testing different Protein shakes and of course charting what I've been eating for the past month. Plus I'm on the end stage of stopping smoking and the doc said no hormone pills 2 weeks prior to surgery. So as you can guess I'm pretty gritchy. I think I'm going to ask for something to take the edge off because if not I might run all my friends away, drive my girlfriend nuts and kill my pets. Going through early menapause (at 35) put me on hormones to level things out. Anyway, I've decided to try a strawberry Protein powder with strawberry yogurt this morning. I did a chocolate one with SF Chocolate pudding and it was most yummy. Guess I'm rambling on.
  2. annjones

    Holiday Hard Times

    Move those sweets away from you :ohmy: That way you want be smelling or looking at them.
  3. annjones

    What is the fastest way to INCREASE my Iron?

    In addition to taking Iron supplements, you can eat liver, dark green veggies, etc. My blood iron is slightly low and I sure can tell when I miss my iron supplements.
  4. Wow Becky! I'm in the process of stopping smoking too. I'm down to about 8 per day from a pack and a half. Seperation and divorce are pretty stressful. Please make sure you talk with your psycologist<sp> After 20 years it is a big change and I'm sure you have lots of built up stuff to deal with. I was married for 17 years before I kicked my ex out (he was mental and physically abusive and an alcoholic). And my weight was my shield from my ex-husband and from the depression involved with the whole mess. But that is indeed another long story. There are tons of very good people here to help support you and answer questions. But please take advantage of your psycologist. Good Luck
  5. Well congrats on the date! We are band date buddies :smile2: I've been through several surgeries and even had a port in the past. Laprascopic is pretty easy and baring any unforseen complications (which are pretty rare) you go in, they prep you, they give you goofy juice and you wake up in recovery. Your throat will be ithcy and a bit sore (like you cheered to much at a ball game) you'll be alittle disoriented (from the meds). You jump through their hoops (whatever they may be) and then you go home. Your tummy will be sore and you should take your pain meds religiously (you want to stay ahead of the pain, so that you can focus on healing) Siip Sip Sip Water constantly (from what I am hearing) walk when you can, and rest. It is normal to be scared and nervous but when it is all done, you'll be asking yourself why you worried so much. Now the shoulder pain is a real thing and if you are not ready for it, it can really knock you off your feet. That comes from the gas they blow your belly up with so they have room to operate. It is deferred pain from your diaphram and shows up in your shoulder (our bodies are kinda funny). Heating pad, walking around helps. Good luck and I'll be thinking of all my "band buddies" when I go in on the 23rd!
  6. annjones

    Lb and meds

    I'm not banded yet but since I take a handfull of meds I had the same concerns. When I spoke with the Anasethiologist<sp> she said that after speaking with one of the LB docs he told her that pills really arn't as big a problem as some people think. Small pills should be easy. Larger pills, that can be crushed or cut, should be. Take pills one at a time and maybe with applesauce or Jello to help them go down smoothly. Since you can't take a big ol' drink of Water to wash them down. I've invested in liquid versions of my supplements for right after surgery and to use after fills. My other meds are small enough and crushable I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that it should be ok. But from what I'm hearing I won't know for sure until after being banded and I start to take them. Good Luck
  7. annjones

    Do you have a December Date?

    It hit me this morning that next week at this time I'll be getting ready for surgery! We went to the store last night and got a bunch of soups (Progresso was on sale!) I'm scared, excited, nervous, excited, worried, excited..... It is like the first day of school and christmas all wraped in one. Good luck to all those getting banded this week!!!
  8. annjones

    Tricare: Question about criteria

    The blood tests are to make sure you aren't running any kind of infections. All precautionary stuff for before surgery. I have Tricare Standard and getting cleared seemed to be a very easy (thank goodness). Being Tricare I thought it would be harder than it was.
  9. annjones

    I Got My Date! I Got My Date!!!!

    Congratulations! Time will pass quickly
  10. annjones

    Just Got my Surgery DATE!!!!!

    Woohooooo CONGRATS! I'm getting my band on 12/23rd. I just did my pre-op labs and passed :wink2: Can't wait to join the land of the band.
  11. WOW Julii!!! Congrats on all your hard work. You look amazing. I'm just starting on my journey and I hope I can have the success you have had.

  12. annjones

    Smoking and the Band

    I'm sooo glad I found this thread. I've been working on stopping smoking before my surgery and I can tell you it has been hard. I know that you heal faster when you don't smoke and of course it is better for your health. Which is another reason why I've chosen to be banded...my health. But limiting food, stopping smoking and stoping taking harmone pills before surgery.....I feel like I need to hide away until I become a nicer person again.... At least I know now that I won't keel over if I slip up after surgery.
  13. annjones

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    This is an awesome thread! We learn from our failures and obstacles. I'm not banded yet but every bit of information, both good and bad, helps me to prepare. Thank you for your posts and stories. Good luck to everyone
  14. annjones

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Nicci That would be cool, then we could commiserate with each other on where we are in the healing process
  15. annjones

    Dec 19 band date

    My date is the 23rd of December and I'm so excited and nerveous. I am finding that I'm staying glued to the board and seeing how everyone's progress is going. I'll be there soon...in the land of the banded and lossing weight.
  16. annjones

    ask a nutritionist - free advice offered

    I've been educating myself of the diet phases. But I'm fuzzy on Full Liquids vs Mushies vs. Puree. What I'm thinking is that Mushies (if more liquid is added and stuff is strained) could constitute as full liquids? (for example: you make a chicken vegetable Soup and blend it then strain it, if it is too thick add a bit more Water and .... waaalaaa - full liquids?) And Mushies and Puree sound about the same. Or is Mushies a mix of solid and liquid that isn't pureed? Also, on the Protein shakes...they are considered liquid for the 1st stage? And you can add things to them (such as SF pudding) for the full stage? And what are you feelings of crushed supplements mixed into water or Protein shake .... would that be considered Liquid/Full Liquid? Thanks so much for offering to help!
  17. Wasn't sure where to ask this question so I put it here. After chatting with my GF last night about "life after being banded" She asked me some questions and some conerns, I wasn't sure how to answer. If she had asked me anything about the surgery or what I needed to do that would have been easy. For those who have been banded and have small families. (There are just two of us) How do you fix your meals? Do you fix the same things you normally would for your meals? How do you handle what would seem to be an immense amount of leftovers? When you or do you cook for your family and then prepare something totally different for yourself? Does your Sig other have any anxiety about eating "normall" around you and you only eat a smaller portion. She is very concerned that eating "normal" sized portions and foods in front or around me will make me feel badly. She really wants to be supportive. So I guess my questions are how does your immediate family/significant other/spouse deal with food and meals around the banded you?
  18. I am choosing the Band of the Bypass for a couple reasons. 1st it is less drastic surgery than a bypass. 2nd Malabsorption with bypass 3rd I have a good friend who had a bypass and due to her not following strict rules she is in worse health now than she would have been obese. She actually has to have blood transfusions because of her Iron level. But as I said she didn't follow the rules. She didn't take supplements, wasn't making sure her Protein levels were high and she made poor choices in her diet after her bypass. Also, the band is reversible, if needed.
  19. annjones

    Eating with the Non Banded???

    I love the recipe site! And this is very helpful. I knew I couldn't have been the only one with these questions. I understand that food is just fuel for the body and "cleaning your plate" is one of the big problems that contribute to obesity. I'm very "green" when it comes to how I live, in every aspect of life. Recycle paper, cans, having a "low" carbon footprint, and trying to not be wastefull when I cook, etc. I've been working on eating off of smaller plates and consciously reminding myself I don't have to "clean my plate". (my pets love this one, cause they often get extra treats) Besides smaller plates I am trying to really watch what I eat between meals and question myself when I want something...is it head hunger or am I really needing something. The hardest thing for me to start doing is not drinking before or after a meal. Drinking 64 oz a day is a breeze for me. And I think that those around me are suffering with me, while I cut out caffeine (coffee and tea) and stopping smoking, as well as eating less. I've been very "gritchy" in the past couple of weeks. But this too will pass I'm sure. I do find it funny (not hahha but curious) that no one really notices what or the amount you eat. I have started watching people when they eat to see their eating habits and it is very interesting. Again thank you all for your support and comments. I love them and I'm really liking the recipes..it is giving us all kinds of ideas.
  20. annjones

    banded 12/3/08

    Congrats and Happy Band Day! I have 18 days to go. 12/23/08 is my date. I am hoping that I will bounce back quickly, I'm planning on going back to work on Monday (6th day post op). I have a office job and will be back full time for 3 days then have another 4 days off. I'm very nerveous, excited, and scared. But looking forward to my new banded life and being healthier. Again Conrats and keep us all posted on your progress!!!
  21. annjones

    Do you have a December Date?

    I just got the Wii last week. Can't get my hands on the Wii fit yet. But I have all the accessories for it and the Dance Revolution!!! My partner has MS and doesn't get out much so we will be enjoying and using the Wii alot.
  22. I'm so glad you started this Forum. My partner is supportive and wants to help. She is concerned about how life will change after I get banded. What will meals be like? She will feel like she is not being supportive if she eats regular foods and foods I can't eat and portions sizes I can no longer eat. I'm being banded not her and we both eat healthy diets, not perfect and as so many I eat way too much. Being just the two of us making meals will result in having tons of left overs and as everyone knows eating the same old thing for a week is not very fun. How do you deal or handle this? Thanks in advance for any advice, comments or recommendations.
  23. annjones

    Twist below Stomach Pouch

    It is good to hear that she is in contact with her doc and that things are being taken care of. At a support group I heard a story of someone who had been banded with no support or info from their doc. Their band had slipped and the patient had no clue what was going on. They didn't go to the doc and it was bad. After reading so much about slippage I thought that it ment that the band actually slipped but from what the nurse told me at the support meeting it is when the lower stomac goes into the pouch..blocking food from going through and causing lots of problems. The nurse said the biggest cause of this is vomitting. She said that if we get the flu or are nauseous to contact their office for anit-nausea medicine.
  24. annjones

    Holiday Hotties begin!!!

    Congrats to the Bandes on Dec 1 and 2nd! 21 days and counting for me!!!!:cursing:
  25. annjones

    WLS Books

    Hello! I'm currently reading Weight Loss for Dummies - this has some really good info in it. and I really liked Mindless Eating Good luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
