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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by annjones

  1. You know your post really hit home with me. I eat what I want but am careful. I have been journaling my food intake and watching how many calories/fat/carb/protein I'm eating. By watching it is only observing. I've had steak, baked potato, brownie (a nibble), ice cream (no sugar), even hamburger and french fries. Now the hamburger was not on a bun and made with lean ground beef and the french fries were very healthy and there wasn't many. Dieting is not and should not be denying yourself food but a way of life. What you eat is your diet. Changing your diet means changing what foods you eat. I would venture to say close to 100% of everyone here has tried a gazillion types of diets (restricting and limiting foods), exercise plans and nothing has really worked long term. RNY seems so scary and drastric, the band is a more sensible way of getting surgical help for weight loss and obesity. That being said, I can tell you that I was scared before surgery of how my life would change, all the ifs and but I will miss this or that food....and the big one...what if I fail this.. So far it has been easy to loose weight, but then I'm still new and learning. Speak to people, go to seminars, support groups and learn as much as you can. Good Luck
  2. annjones

    Halfway there!!!

    Way to go!
  3. I found that my low average before the lap band was around 2k a day with no exercising. Now I am averaging around 1,000 a day. After a fill it is of course less and right before a fill it can be a couple hundred higher. My last fill I haven't felt as much restriction but I'm learning how this goes. I've done some research and there is a spot (in caloric intake amts) that people actually stop loosing and their body kinda goes into a holding pattern. Yes the old, expend more calories than you eat, does equate to weight loss but if you go too low your body goes on hold. The big thing is to chart what you eat; drink fluids as recommended; be aware of your pouch; chew chew chew; and of course exercise or move every day.
  4. annjones

    Telling People You Are Banded?

    I'm like you, I told everyone who would listen or was interested. I've droped alot of weight and I get tons of support and encouragement from co-workers and friends. Plus my GF is the total best in all ways. I've had a few people I've told or heard me talking about it ask me in private about it cause they were thinking about having it done. They said they would see how I did before getting the lapband done. The question I've gotten the most, when people know, is do I miss any kinds of food, how many meals do I eat per day, have I ever been concerned about getting all my Vitamins and nutrients in. It is all a personal thing and yes, before the band I hated saying anything about my weight loss, because it was always followed by weight gain and dissappointment.
  5. It is easy to get frustrated with weight loss stalls. The best we all can do is keep doing the things we are suppose to do, call our docs and nuts if we have questions and of course support each other through these stalls. I'm reading many things about "kick starting" weight loss. If anyone has tried or is trying any of these ideas that have been posted throughout the board, it would be helpful to everyone else to see what is working and what isn't. I just read that someone who didn't drink enough Water during the day stalled some and after they increased their water to 64oz+ things were back on a roll. I think, as bandsters, we will all continue to loose weight over the first year and even beyond. The average 3 lbs per week is an average of all the totals for a year. In that would be, I'm guessing, weeks of no loss, weeks of gaining a few pounds and weeks of loosing a large amount. I am doing measurements as well as weight tracking and that helps me see that i'm loosing size and weight. But then whatever gets us through the day!
  6. annjones

    December 09 bandsters checking in

    I've been beeboping along. My weight loss has been steady and have had no problems with my fills. The last one was only .5cc and after my liquid to reg. food progression, I've not found that my hunger has drastically reduced. So that concerns me a bit, but I figure this first year is all a learning curve. I'm loosing and not gaining, eating welll and exercising. I have to remind myself that my doc knows what amt to do the fills and even thought .5cc doesn't sound like alot he is more knowledgable than I am about this stuff.
  7. B: 2 protein blueberry pancakes s: 1/2 Zone Perfect Protein Bar L: Turkey Meatballs with a smidge of BBQ sauce s: 1/2 Zone Perfect Protein Bar; 2 baby spoons of Raspberry Vanilla FF Yogurt D: 3/4 cup White Chili; small end of toasted garlic bread (crumbled up in chili) s: Chocolate Protein Brownie Protein Drink: Nectar Apple Ecstacy
  8. I do enjoy chocolate/sweets now and then. I've experimented with different Protein drinks, SF pudding, and recently I've found Zone Perfect and Balance Protein Bars. They have alot of carbs but the taste is way better than any Protein Bar I've had in the past. They can sit heavy in your pouch so slowly enjoying 1/2 bar way before a meal or at the end of the evening might feed that sweet tooth. Plus you get a good amount of protein in. Also using SF syrups and sauces helps. It is hard to explain but you will feel and crave different things once you are banded. It isn't like a light switch turning on but you just will eat and crave different things. Stick with the basics... Protein first, 64 oz + Water, low carb and low fat. Stay away from snack type foods (chips etc). Know and be comfortable with your limitations. Be ok saying "No I can't eat that, etc. I worried so much over the different things I was eating (pre band) and what I would be struggling with (post band). Things have a way of working out. You are doing the absolute right thing by asking questions and learning everything you can. Good Luck!
  9. I am no expert and I really can't speak for everyone, but I would suspect that yes most everyone goes through the last meal thing. I did. Honestly, I've not found many things I can't eat since being banded. A few tricks have been substituting healthy stuff for the bad things. If you follow the band guidelines and rules you should be ok. That doesn't mean you will never have a taste of the "bad for you" things. Don't go off the deep end eating now before getting banded. Put your time and energy into researching what you need to do and I found gathering band friendly receipes was very helpful. Good luck and 3 months isn't far to go.
  10. annjones

    New Bandster Needs help!!

    I started walking on the treadmill the day after surgery. I paced around my home too. Just so I could get moving. Be mindfull of your surgery site and tummy. You are healing. Don't do anything that hurts.
  11. annjones


    CONGRATULATIONS! Make sure you have a list of what you want to bring with you. Check it twice. Chapstick, slippers or warm socks, a pillow to support your tummy, a bottle of Water (for your trip home...I was DYING of thirst after surgery).... Keep yourself busy so it isn't on your mind. and get ready to enjoy your new slimmer, healthier life!
  12. annjones

    Non-Scale Victories Thread

    People are really noticing and have been very encouraging. My wedding band is almost falling off my finger I've not got alot of clothes I can wear. Have to hit the thrift store. I have more energy and am enjoying my exercising Instead of worrying that things will be too tight, I am now worrying that things will be too big and baggy.
  13. I've been at a stall for about 2 weeks. Thank goodness I go for a fill this Wednesday. Down 44 lbs and 34 inches (total)
  14. B: Oatmeal/Protein pancakes with SF syrup; turkey sausage; 1/2 scrambled egg L: None S: Edamame soybeans D: Beef Stirfry with Quinoa S: SF Ice Cream with a small protein brownie and sf choc syrup Around 1300 calories Next fill is Wednesday!
  15. annjones

    crazy wild sex with band ??

    I've not read any information that would help. I would conact your drs office and ask there. Good Luck
  16. annjones

    So excited!

    Congratulations! So far I love my band. I'm able to exercise more and my eating/hunger is under control. Food isn't ruling my life and I love it.
  17. B: Oatmeal Protein Pancake with SF Strawberry perserves and FF cream Cheese S: 1/2 Protein brownie L: Egg Drog soup, 4 shrimp, insides of a small egg roll, top of 1 piece of brocolli D: Shepard's Pie I've been trying out all sorts of receipes I've foud online and so far I've not found a looser.
  18. Yea I did some digging and found it. Thanks Pete!
  19. New Month, New Goal. 250 I'm thinking.
  20. As you have heard every insurance and policy are different. Call your insurance and ask, I'd emphasis overweight and health reasons. My doc's staff took care of filing and stuff. I have Tricare and only paid a small co pay and once surgery was done and that bill was submitted, I paid like 2700.00 and now my catastrophy cap is met and I have no co pay for the rest of the year. As with any surgery there is some pain and discomfort but mine wasn't bad. For me the port is no big deal. It is there and it's kinda nice to know it is there to help keep me healthy. But then I went through cancer treatments and had a port back in 2000. My suggestions to you is read, read, research, ask questions, go to support groups, and educate yourself with all aspects of weight loss surgery. Your doctor's office can give you alot of suggestions and information. This web site has been invaluable to me along with obesityhelp.com (I actually found my doctor and his stats and some of his other patients there) Good Luck on your journey
  21. Hey there! I posted the same thing when I first visited this site. Ask your questions and you will get a lot of answerings and advise. I found everyone here to be very helpful in making my decision. I have not for one moment regreted being banded.
  22. Hey everyone! Looks like the December Bandsters are doing GREAT! I'm down to 260 and have lost many inchs and droped 2 clothes sizes! My doc wants me to speak to the next bariatric seminar about the Lapband...guess I'm an overacheiver. I haven't been 260 since the late 80s!!! Pete, I don't want to sound dumb but how do I get to see the chart?
  23. annjones

    Ann022509 006

    From the album: 2 months 40 lbs past

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
