Hi guys I have a question. I have not yet been banded, but I am in the very beginning steps of the process. I have been spending countless hours reading and researching about the lap band and realize band and am attending my seminar next Wednesday. I have an appointment to see a surgeon the week after.
Anyways, I have a question regarding past depression. A year ago, I was suffering from a severe major depressive episode. I have always had small depression bouts that would last a month and go away, but this was serious. I dropped out of school (I'm a college student), I didn't have a job, I stopped hanging out with my friends, and I basically shut myself out from society entirely because of my depression. I made it worse by shutting myself out though and deciding to take a semester off. In January, I had a suicide attempt that landed me in the ICU for a week and the hospital for another week.
Immediately following the incident, I realized how many people in my life care about me immensely and how clouded my mind was for not seeking out help and just talking to friends and family. It was a rough few months recovering, but my parents were extremely supportive and my friends had missed me so much and loved having me back in their life again.
I saw a pychiatrist for awhile, who got me back on my feet. I started working out everyday to release endorphins and naturally get my brain feeling better. I take St. John's Wort because antidepressants gave me bad side effects- and it works amaingly, to my initial disbelief! I started eating healthier and immediately realized how much healthy foods can affect your mental health- no matter what your weight! I currently have a personal trainer and am still working out everyday and running 2 miles every night. I feel so much better and it is amazing how much transformation can occur in such a short period of time (8 months seems like nothing to me!).
However, I am struggling with weight loss and my BMI is 41. I have tried doctor prescribed (weight loss doctor in Washington DC) Protein, liquid diets. I have been doing personal training for 6 months now. I started eating solids again (I am completely vegan, except for egg whites and only get my carbs from fruits, veggies, and one pieceo of whole wheat toast in the morning) and limited my portions to only an amount that can fit in the palm of my hand... with no luck. So, I have begun the process to figure out if the lapband is for me!
My main concern though is that although I am emotionally stable now, my surgeon or the psychiatrist I have to see will not agree. I did go through something very serious and I am worried they will think this is too soon or too much to go through. The reason I am stressing out is because I just turned 23 years old and will be kicked off my parent's insurance this December. (For those of you who are wondering that is too soon to set up surgery from now anyways- apparently, my surgeon's office said I will be able to get all of my doctor, endocrinologist, psychologist, and nutritionist appointments in on time and will be able to have my surgery before the end of the year). Once my mom's insurance runs out, I will be out of luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Am I overanalyzing this or do I have a valid reason to be stressing?