I had my lapband done in April 2008. I have lost a total of 56ish pounds. I am proud of myself for that accomplishment.
Now I'm at a stand still. I had my band adjusted once and when I went back for a check up my doctor wouldn't do another fill. He actually told me he was disappointed because I had only lost 4 pounds in 3 months. I know I need to be more active. I have noticed I am eatting more then the recommended, but I don't feel full as fast as I did. I'm very frustrated with myself, which makes me want to eat even more. (gotta love being an emotional eatter!) I'm also in the process of going through a divorce, so there is the stress of that along with starting my social work career. I just need some advice. I want to lose about 65 more pounds, but I'm stuck! I know some of it is my emotional state, which doesn't help matters. Anyone out there who can help please let me know.
I have also gotten sick more then usual. I know it's from either eatting the wrong thing or eatting that one more bite then I should have. Now I am having some major pain near my port. I don't know if that is related, but man it is uncomfortable.