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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lpbec56

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/18/1956

About Me

  • Occupation
  • City
    Central Coast
  • State
    NSW Australia
  1. Happy Birthday lpbec56!

  2. Happy 56th Birthday lpbec56!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary lpbec56!

  4. lpbec56

    New member

    Hi, Yes I have full hospital cover.We were told at seminar that the most we would be out of pocket would be the $4000. Waiting until appointment today and then I will ring my health insurance-Im with ahm- to see how much they cover. Your not far from me, I live at Woongarrah. Dr Munro as I said before is really nice,the seminar I went to a month ago he greeted everyone personally at the door as they arrived
  5. lpbec56

    New member

    Hi Ciljon, The doctor Im going to is Dr William Munro. He is at Gosford.He does surgery at Brisbane Waters Private and Gosford Private.He is really nice.His surgery is at 33 Etna St, Gosford. Telephone no: 0243253933. He has seminars every month, the next being I think on Monday 27th. You have to ring his surgery and book to attend . It is worth going to. If you are in a fund your out of pocket expenses are about $4000.00.Ive been told you can access your superfund to pay for this.Dr Munro has the forms for this
  6. Hi, Im a new member from NSW AUSTRALIA. I have read a lot of posts by people who have had lapbanding and been to 2 information seminars. I have tried various diets but still put the weight back on so I decided lapbanding was for me. I have my specialist appointment today,Im a bit nervous,hopefully he agrees that I need the surgery.

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