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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DEERYLEE

  1. My name is Linda I registered on this site yesterday as a newbie so I would welcome any threads or info from all members. I had my band fitted in May 08 first infill in June but was overfilled which wasn't very pleasant since then I have had a reduction and now a slight infill. Can't help but be a bit dissapointed I have lost a stone upto now but I cant be sure its working properly any input welcome xxxxx:drool:

    Surgery was today!

    Well done you ! I hope things continue to go well. by the way I am new on this site today my name is Linda and I was banded in May 08 1st infil was June whenI was overfilled which wasn't very pleasant then slight adjustment for some removal. now lost nearly a stone but feel a little dissapointed can anyone give advice

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