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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by joannelh

  1. I am 2 1/2 wks post surgery, and my biggest problems right now are chronic heartburn and incredible pain if I eat too soon after waking up and don't chew enough. Pain is a great behavior modifier and I'm trying not to make the same mistakes twice. I think I'll also have to stop drinking coffee, at least for now, because it seems to make the heart burn worse. I've had a few episodes of being doubled over in pain, thinking that I'm going to throw up, but fortunately, the intense pain only lasts a few minutes. I'm also still getting intermittant back and shoulder pain - a heating pad works wonders, so does a bubble bath. The hardest part is stopping eating when I feel full because 1) the food tastes good and 2) its always that 2 or 3 more bites that causes the discomfort. Even in my worst moments, I haven't regretted the band, though I've certainly thought it would be great to have it taken off for about an hour, just to eat with out discomfort. I miss diet coke tremendously!!! What I don't miss is the obsessive thinking and eating that came with my pre-band life. I feel like I have peace of mind for the first time in a long time.
  2. Hi there. I'm so excited by this site. I've been searching for real stories from real people to help me make up my mind about getting the band. I've read people's victories and their struggles and am leaning toward getting it done. The financial cost is high, but I'm starting to see that it works, and my health and happiness are worth it!! Please keep up the sharing. :eek:
  3. joannelh

    Manitoba anyone?

    Hi Mimi. How did your pre-op meeting go? I got banded on the 2nd and am now 3 days post op and feel pretty good - still taking tons of naps, but otherwise no pain as such, just some generalized discomfort now and then. I'm still not sure what hunger feels like, but I now have a sense of full - kind of a pressure feeling in my throat, which is usually relieved by sitting up for a while. When is your date? How is the opti-fast going? If there is any way I can help, please let me know. Take care, Joanne
  4. joannelh

    Manitoba anyone?

    Hi there. My name is Joanne and I'm being banded at maples on jan 2/08. I have had a huge amount of difficulty sticking to the pre-op 600 cal/day diet. In fact, I haven't stuck to it. But I have decreased my intake by at least 2/3 of what I used to eat. Hopefully that will be enough. Do you have a date set yet? You can contact me at tundragal@hotmail.com if you'd like to talk. take care.
  5. joannelh

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    I'm getting done jan 2/09 and started my pre-op diet 5 days ago - it hard, hard, hard. I have been doing ok until today. I don't know how I'm going to make it til my surgery with only eating 600 calories a day. I'm scared I'm going to fail.
  6. joannelh

    stress eating

    HELP!!! I am being banded on jan 2/09 and started my pre-op diet 5 days ago. It wasn't going too bad - I'm restricted to 600 calories per day - that's 3 boost and some veggies. I haven't been perfect on it, but have definitely cut down my calories by at least 2/3 and have not given in to any seasonal goodies - until today. I overate tonight, feel physically uncomfortable and totally ashamed and scared that now I won't be able to get the surgery because my liver won't have shrunk enough. I was just so damn tired of being hungry and not being able to eat. And I suppose emotionally, I felt empty too. Has anyone else cheated like this on their pre-op? I'm scared that if I cheat now, I'm going to fail at losing weight later too. I'm feeling really low and defeated - questioning my ability to succeed at losing weight even with the band.
  7. has anyone had the lapband surgery done at the maples surgery center in winnipeg? I'm considering getting it done there. I need all the feedback I can get. Hoping to have it done in Jan/09 - scared and excited.
  8. joannelh

    2009 Bandsters?

    I'm getting done jan 2/09 - what a great way to start the new year. I wonder where I'll be a year from now. I start my preop fast dec 19/08 and don't even mind missing all the holiday goodies (though I might have a bit of xmas dinner) - I've certainly been experiencing the "last supper syndrome" for the past few weeks. Any one else doing the same? - Joanne
  9. joannelh

    6 days post op

    Thanks for sharing the start of your journey. I'm getting banded Jan 2/09 and am sometimes overwhelmed by all the info on my soon to be new life! Your comments helped me to slow down and just focus on changes one week at a time. I hope I don't experience too much gas pain. I've read that others have found it helpful to go for little walks - did that help you? Keep in touch - I'll be looking out for your comments. Take care, Joanne
  10. I'm gettting my band done in wpg on Jan 2/09. I'm paying $18.500 This includes unlimited fillings, consults, dieticians for one year. Fills after the first year are approx $150. I considered going to Toronto as it's cheaper ($16,000), but factoring in the convenience of having it done at home, and the cost of travelling to TO and back, the savings didn't really seem worth it.
  11. joannelh

    2009 Bandsters?

    I'm getting mine done jan 2/09 - what a great way to start the new year. I bought myself a 16 month calendar today - by the end of I will be a happy, healthy, attractive and confident new woman!!!! YIPEE
  12. joannelh

    Considering banding in Manitoba

    Hello ladies from winnipeg! I'm going to Maples Surgery Center Nov 4/08 for a pr-op meeting and am hoping to have my surgery jan/09. I've been reading your comments and haven't seen anything too concerning in what you've had to say about it. Some of you had your surgery a few months ago. How are you finding having the band? Would you do it again? Are there any support groups in Winnipeg? Please give me any advice you feel is important to share. Looking forward to hearing from you all. Cheers! Joanne
  13. Things I won't miss: -walking into a room and looking to see if there is anyone fatter than me -the look on my blind date's face the first time he see me -having different tops that all have the shape of a box -looking in the mirror and only focusing on my face -seeing stairs in front of me and inwardly sighing -being told I have a pretty face and knowing they are thinking "too bad about the body" -feeling shame -feeling like I don't belong
  14. I have been very selective about who I have told about my upcoming surgery (feb/09), mostly because I am a private person and fairly shy. A few very close friends know, and have been supportive. Part of my reluctance is that I am financing this myself and have decided not to tell people how much I'm paying for it. I guess there is also the fear of failure. Once I have the surgery and am comfortable with my new way of eating and seeing results, I will probably tell more people. I also don't want to be part of work place gossip - 3 people have had the surgery and have had varying degrees of success. I don't want people knowing about the surgery and judging everything that goes into my mouth. Lastly, I haven't told my parents (meaning my mom ) because my weight has always been a huge issue between us - the basis of much emotional abuse ( "no man will ever love you if you're fat") and name calling ("tub of lard"). Through counselling I have come to see that I am doing this for myself, not so she can be proud of me and certainly not for her approval. I have a feeling I will naturally evolve to a point where I am proud of the changes I've made and will share my story to help others struggling, but for now my comfort lies in selected silence. Thanks for listening. This was theraputic.-joanne
  15. joannelh

    surgery in 24 hrs

    My best wishes for a quick recovery. Please share your journey with us. We can grow from each others experiences. My surgery isn't until feb/09 - I'm sure I'll be feeling the same.
  16. joannelh

    Emotional eating.......

    It's easier to eat than it is to be honest with myself, but when I'm wanting to overeat I've started to ask myself "what would I be feeling if I wasn't eating?". Sometimes the answers are startling (anger, resentment, fear, abandoned)and sometimes simple (tired, bored, thirsty). I don't always want to face my feelings, but honesty is the most important tool I have in my battle with food. Hope this helps - Joanne
  17. joannelh

    Confessing, Then Moving On

    Thank you all for your honesty! I'm considering getting banded and it did me good to see that this is not a quick fix solution - it requires commitment and awareness. I'm sure I'll have my easy moments and my tough ones. It's good to know I won't be alone and it's all part of the journey.
  18. joannelh

    Winnipegger looking for contacts

    Is there anyone out there from Winnipeg? I'm considering having my lap band surgery done here and am wondering if anyone else has had it done in Winnipeg? What is your experience? I'm looking to have it done jan/09 and am really ready for it. Any words of wisdom? I've read lots of success stories, haven't heard any negative experiences. Thanks!:confused:
  19. joannelh

    Winnipegger looking for contacts

    Is there anyone out there from Winnipeg? I'm considering having my lap band surgery done here and am wondering if anyone else has had it done in Winnipeg? What is your experience? I'm looking to have it done jan/09 and am really ready for it. Any words of wisdom? I've read lots of success stories, haven't heard any negative experiences. Thanks!

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