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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kpdgal

  1. kpdgal


  2. I had to be weighed in once a month for Cigna Insurance requirements, there was no weight loss requirement for Cigna, and my surgeons only rule was I wasnt allowed to gain any weight, I ended up only taking off 3 pounds.. So it really depends on your insurance requirements (which you can research to make sure) some want a 10% weight loss. My nurse did RX phentremin (Wrong spelling !) but I didnt take them. Good luck either way,and theres plenty of people on here to help you..!!!
  3. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Got approved May 19, Surgery is June 1st!! I barely have enough time for my 2 week pre-op liquid diet let alone my farewell to solid foods tour!! AGGGG!! It was a alittle too fast for me but I am ready. Hope to be a good addition to the board! I am using Dr. Matthew Mancini at UT Medical Hospital in Knoxville, TN
  4. I actually just go my date...June 1st.. Going with Dr. Matthew Mancini at UT Hospital! Very excited!

  5. kpdgal

    Mixed emotions

    Naynay2, I had mixed emotions too. I would go from being excited to talking myself out of it altogether. The best thing I did was use this website as a tool. I read postings on the topics I was most concerned about and made my decision to go ahead with my procedure in May. The thread that has personally helped me the most was the "share ideas, what did you have to eat today" posts. It helped me realize that you can still actually eat foods you love, just modified into healthier versions and much less of it, which I was fine with. Many of us have restricted ourselves so much more in our past efforts to lose weight difference is, this time we have the right tool in place to accomplish it..! Good luck on whatever you decide to do! God bless
  6. kpdgal

    Banded today!

    So, tell us, how are you doing? What have you experienced in your first almost month post-op? Whats working for you and whats not working for you?
  7. kpdgal

    Banded today!

    Make sure to take gas-x, that will relieve alot of that pressure for you, and rest some, but most said walking around helped them the most...! I hope you have a good rest and report back tomorrow!
  8. kpdgal

    Feb goings-on

    Well, My family and I have planned a trip to Disney World for valentine's weekend. Of course, the only thing I can think of is sore knees and footsies and trying to remember what rides I can actually squeeze myself into. Whats worse than not fitting into a ride? The look on your 13yo son's face as you have to get out of line and take the walk of shame!! But a little sing-songy voice came up in the back of my mind... This is the last year you go to WDW as a fatty!!!!!!! Next year I will not worry about any of the aforementioned issues!! Whoo-Hoo.. So, its bittersweet.. I will make sure to enjoy myself none the less. And look forward to next years adventures. The process so far has been pretty routine, Dr.'s approval, Blood work, Sleep study, seminar. This month will be the psych eval and visit to the nutritionist. My insurance requires a 6month medically supervised "diet". So April will be my surgery month good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!(VE) God bless
  9. kpdgal

    Feb goings-on

    Well, My family and I have planned a trip to Disney World for valentine's weekend. Of course, the only thing I can think of is sore knees and footsies and trying to remember what rides I can actually squeeze myself into. Whats worse than not fitting into a ride? The look on your 13yo son's face as you have to get out of line and take the walk of shame!! But a little sing-songy voice came up in the back of my mind... This is the last year you go to WDW as a fatty!!!!!!! Next year I will not worry about any of the aforementioned issues!! Whoo-Hoo.. So, its bittersweet.. I will make sure to enjoy myself none the less. And look forward to next years adventures. The process so far has been pretty routine, Dr.'s approval, Blood work, Sleep study, seminar. This month will be the psych eval and visit to the nutritionist. My insurance requires a 6month medically supervised "diet". So April will be my surgery month good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!(VE) God bless
  10. kpdgal

    Banded today!

    Good luck on your journey! I hope you post often, it's re-assuring to see someone going through the process from day one and is willing to share the every day stuff with us unbanded folks. Helps to know what to expect and how you made it through.
  11. They do contact your insurance company for approval guidelines and make sure they are followed to the exact letter. Noone from my office has been denied. All insurance companies are so drastically different on what is and is not covered and it really depends on your employer and what coverage they are willing to pay for. I have been at 911 for 10years under cigna and this is the 1st year they have actually covered bariatric! To answer your question though, Lynn is very knowledgeable about the process and will find all your answers. They are all very sweet there and I look forward to every appt... My insurance requires 6months medically supervised "weight monitoring" which Lynn is in charge of, so they won't actually send in for approval until I hit my 6month mark. I am confident that I will be approved though. Good luck and lets keep in touch!
  12. kpdgal

    progress cont'd

    Well, I didnt feel like I slept much, its odd having someone watch over you when you are sleeping and monitoring your every move! Odd thing was, every nurse I came in contact with so far in my journey are so envious of my decision to have WLS and ask me a million questions. I tell them to log on to LAPBANDTALK and all their answers are right there! A lot of people at my work are also getting lapband. It seems like this is the "NEW WAVE" of weight loss. I hope I can be a positive example ! I am trying to document my whole process before and after in order to get the info out there on what to expect.. Be well and good luck!
  13. kpdgal

    progress cont'd

    Well, I didnt feel like I slept much, its odd having someone watch over you when you are sleeping and monitoring your every move! Odd thing was, every nurse I came in contact with so far in my journey are so envious of my decision to have WLS and ask me a million questions. I tell them to log on to LAPBANDTALK and all their answers are right there! A lot of people at my work are also getting lapband. It seems like this is the "NEW WAVE" of weight loss. I hope I can be a positive example ! I am trying to document my whole process before and after in order to get the info out there on what to expect.. Be well and good luck!
  14. kpdgal


    Well Thurs was a big day full of pre-op requirements. Had to get my PCP to sign off on my surgery request. I was really nervous and thought he would not support my decision. He gave me a full work-up, blood work, ekg, chest x-ray etc..all looked great. My family history of diabetes, stroke and cardiac was enough for him to sign off on me and he wished me good luck and said I was making the right choice (Big sigh of supportive relief!:thumbup: That night I had my sleep study. Lord BE! I get hooked up to a hundred different wires, arms, legs, fingers and hair! out go the lights and Im told to have sweet dreams! Although impossible, I thought it was cute that she said that because that is what my fiancee tells me every night before we hang up.
  15. kpdgal


    Well Thurs was a big day full of pre-op requirements. Had to get my PCP to sign off on my surgery request. I was really nervous and thought he would not support my decision. He gave me a full work-up, blood work, ekg, chest x-ray etc..all looked great. My family history of diabetes, stroke and cardiac was enough for him to sign off on me and he wished me good luck and said I was making the right choice (Big sigh of supportive relief! That night I had my sleep study. Lord BE! I get hooked up to a hundred different wires, arms, legs, fingers and hair! out go the lights and Im told to have sweet dreams! Although impossible, I thought it was cute that she said that because that is what my fiancee tells me every night before we hang up.
  16. I am 40yrs old and am too nervous about what i would have to give up with the lapband. I am due to have surgery in april. This website is priceless and full of wonderful info. I mostly read what people are eating post op and gauge if I can deal with it.. Basically if you are like me, your whole life has been giving up one thing or another, whether its no carbs on atkins, or not being able to ride the rollercoaster with my son.. I am willing to give up food for adventure hands down. As for the surgery and the fear of dying, just put your trust in god. He will see you through!
  17. Hi Guys, Im from Knoxville too... I am going through Dr. Mancini at UT Hospital. I have CIGNA insurance. You should be able to go to your insurance carriers website and look at pre-req's for the surgery. Most with lower BMI's require a seconday factor like high BP, Sleep apnea, diabetes, etc. I found Lynn Moreland the PA there to be very helpful in the process and they make sure that everything is done and qualified before you spend your own money..I was going to Dr. Boyce, but he had a $3,000 requirment for "follow-up" etc, where Dr. Mancini only required $578 out of pocket. Their staff is great though, Several ladies at my office have been through the procedure already! GOOD LUCK 2 YA!
  18. kpdgal

    My Pics

    This first Pix is of my sister Tiffy and I in NY this Christmas The 2nd one is of my 14yo boy Gabe and the 3rd is the love of my life, my fiance John:tt1:
  19. kpdgal

    My Pics

    This first Pix is of my sister Tiffy and I in NY this Christmas The 2nd one is of my 14yo boy Gabe and the 3rd is the love of my life, my fiance John:tt1:
  20. kpdgal

    Twin Win

    Well, I am new to this, and really looking forward to a change in my life, not only for me, but for my identical twin sister, who is letting me do the lap-band first to see how I do. I always had to go first growing up since I was the oldest (by 2mins!). So I have extra motivation to be successful, not only for me, but for her too.. I "started the ball rolling" on Nov. 5 2008. I had not made up my mind totally that this was the right thing for me to do, but I joined lapbandtalk and studied the posts, and did my own research and came to the conclusion that this was something I could see myself doing successfully. I made an appt. with Lynn Moreland, PA with Dr. Mancini's group out of the University of Tennessee Hospital. She made me feel like I had made the right choice and I was immediatley at peace. I have CIGNA through my work at Knox Co 911, so this procedure will be covered 80%. I waited until Jan. to start all my pre-surgery requirements so I could start working down my $750.00 deductible. Got the sleep study and PCP referral and all the blood work out of the way already. Next month will be the psych. eval and the seminar!
  21. kpdgal

    Twin Win

    Well, I am new to this, and really looking forward to a change in my life, not only for me, but for my identical twin sister, who is letting me do the lap-band first to see how I do. I always had to go first growing up since I was the oldest (by 2mins!). So I have extra motivation to be successful, not only for me, but for her too.. I "started the ball rolling" on Nov. 5 2008. I had not made up my mind totally that this was the right thing for me to do, but I joined lapbandtalk and studied the posts, and did my own research and came to the conclusion that this was something I could see myself doing successfully. I made an appt. with Lynn Moreland, PA with Dr. Mancini's group out of the University of Tennessee Hospital. She made me feel like I had made the right choice and I was immediatley at peace. I have CIGNA through my work at Knox Co 911, so this procedure will be covered 80%. I waited until Jan. to start all my pre-surgery requirements so I could start working down my $750.00 deductible. Got the sleep study and PCP referral and all the blood work out of the way already. Next month will be the psych. eval and the seminar!
  22. Hi, Im Stephany I am a 911 supervisor in Knoxville, TN. Just starting my 6 month diet monitoring plan with Drs. Mancini out of UT Hospital. Currently on ATKINS to get myself to a more comfortable state of being! Looking forward to May and starting my new life. Have been on Atkin's for years and years, and like many, I am usually very successful losing the weight, its the keeping it off where I lack skills!:cool: Will try and learn as much as possible in the next 6 months by reading your posts...! Would love to hear from others near-by!

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