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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kpdgal

  1. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Yes, I did, about 16 days post-op, he checked my incisions and said I was good to go... I haven't really had any problem, but I did FIND a new problem!!! Apparently my surgery/antibiotics really weakened my immune system and a got a nasty fungal infection on my inner thighs after my first class!!!!!!! Doc said it was bound to happen, the stuff is just out there in the air waiting for a nice warm host!! Ya me!! So I'm on antifungal for 2 weeks and sidelined until it goes away...:blushing: ALSO-- Go to the store and get water-proof band-aids, that's what I did to keep my incisions from scratching on my suit, worked like a charm!!! And I did definetly kick it down a notch the first time back to class, I figured just moving around for an hour in the water was good enough!
  2. kpdgal

    No caption

    From the album: Pearl

  3. kpdgal

    No caption

    From the album: Pearl

  4. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I was also told post-op to take two 10mg pepcid tablets a day, I never had heartburn or the fake burps, maybe thats why they have you take Pepcid... Has anyone else been told to do this? Also, to the question should you do a liquid diet pre-op. My answer is a total YES. First, its good to clean out your system, Secondly, it gets you into the right frame of mind. I don't think I would have mentally been ok with the fact that you just plain ole don't want to eat so much anymore if you don't have that beforehand. I have to plan to eat, I don't eat on my own hunger signals yet, simply because they are NOT there for me yet. I have to make a huge effort to get my food in daily. I am around 550-600 cals and 65-70 grams of Protein, alot of that is just the protein bullets and good choices of meals when the time comes.
  5. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I asked my Dr. this very question last week, his answer was yes, there is a little pressure on your stomach where the band is, and the food is going in much slower. His question to me was this: are you hungry all the time, or are you still satisfied with 1/2 cup of food at meal time, my answer was No, I am never hungry and 1/2 c food does it for me. He said some people lose all the weight they want without ever getting one fill! I don't have my 1st fill scheduled for another 3 weeks, he said I was doing great on my own so far!
  6. kpdgal

    First Post-op visit

    I was banded June 5th, so 11 days, it all depends on how your incisions look, mine are all clear and good to go, so he said I can get back to the pool!
  7. kpdgal

    First Post-op visit

    Dr. very impressed with my progress, says I am doing all the right things, and is happy enough with my weight loss to hold off my 1st fill for another 3 weeks. Great news was he released me to go back to aqua-aerobics yayaa!!! Although I am not losing weight post op as much as I thought I would, I know that I will never weigh this weight again, so every pound off is a pound off forever! Looking forward to a lot of good things this year!
  8. kpdgal

    First Post-op visit

    Dr. very impressed with my progress, says I am doing all the right things, and is happy enough with my weight loss to hold off my 1st fill for another 3 weeks. Great news was he released me to go back to aqua-aerobics yayaa!!! Although I am not losing weight post op as much as I thought I would, I know that I will never weigh this weight again, so every pound off is a pound off forever! Looking forward to a lot of good things this year!
  9. I know, when I tried to upload it it just freezes! there is a pic of her in my blog..!!! Not a good one, but that's her! I see if I can do an album or something instead maybe get around it that way

  10. kpdgal

    Post-Op Day 10

    permalink Im day 10 post-op, feeling great... im on the thick liquids portion of the post-op diet til thur, then I get to start cream of wheat and stuff like that. I can have creamed soups that have been strained, and have been living off of cream of potato and cream of chick soup and my protein drinks. I did get out with my fiance for a 1.5 mile walk... over did it totally, had to rush home for an emergency bathroom visit! I think this is about the point where the free ride of losing weight without exercise is over for me, gotta get my tail moving. I took 6 weeks off from work, so my only job is to make sure I do the maximum I can to get the best results before going back to work. Everyone knows I have had this procedure, so I am sure they will be evaluating my success (you know how women are!). Have my follow up tomorro afternoon, so looking forward to getting released to get back to my aqua-aerobics classes!!!!
  11. kpdgal

    Post-Op Day 10

    permalink Im day 10 post-op, feeling great... im on the thick liquids portion of the post-op diet til thur, then I get to start cream of wheat and stuff like that. I can have creamed soups that have been strained, and have been living off of cream of potato and cream of chick soup and my protein drinks. I did get out with my fiance for a 1.5 mile walk... over did it totally, had to rush home for an emergency bathroom visit! I think this is about the point where the free ride of losing weight without exercise is over for me, gotta get my tail moving. I took 6 weeks off from work, so my only job is to make sure I do the maximum I can to get the best results before going back to work. Everyone knows I have had this procedure, so I am sure they will be evaluating my success (you know how women are!). Have my follow up tomorro afternoon, so looking forward to getting released to get back to my aqua-aerobics classes!!!!
  12. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Im day 10 post-op, feeling great... im on the thick liquids portion of the post-op diet til thur, then I get to start cream of wheat and stuff like that. I can have creamed soups that have been strained, and have been living off of cream of potato and cream of chick soup and my protein drinks. I did get out with my fiance for a 1.5 mile walk... over did it totally, had to rush home for an emergency bathroom visit! I think this is about the point where the free ride of losing weight without exercise is over for me, gotta get my tail moving. I took 6 weeks off from work, so my only job is to make sure I do the maximum I can to get the best results before going back to work. Everyone knows I have had this procedure, so I am sure they will be evaluating my success (you know how women are!). Have my follow up tomorro afternoon, so looking forward to getting released to get back to my aqua-aerobics classes!!!!
  13. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Ya, it hurt, but it was worth it! :tongue_smilie:
  14. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    2nd and 3rd day were my worst days, really needed help getting up off of anything, couch, bed, chair. Just have to really baby your tummy a few more days, walking helps alot, and tylenol to keep the pain at bay, ice and heat also helped my tummy. By Day 7-8 I feel totally normal again, altho I did slip on steps last night, and I could feel my port site pull, but the pain didn't stay...
  15. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Have you tried the protein bullets? They are 45grams for 3 oz,and altho they taste pretty bad, its over quickly.. They are avail in fruit punch, lemon-lime and peach... Peach is the only one I can tolerate. each tube has 190 cal, but no fat or sugar, I will drink some or all of one to get my protein count to atleast 65 (thats my minimum) I am on day 9, I am down 20, but today is the first day I didn't loose weight on the scale, so I think my "free-ride" with no exercise is over, time to get on the ball (treadmill) and get things moving again!
  16. its 305-WELL (305-9355)!! 1924 Alcoa Hwy (UT Medical Center)
  17. kpdgal

    Post-OP days 6-8

    Well so far so good, nothing new to report! Just transitioned over from clear liquids to thick liquids on Fri, which means I can have a little cream of ? soup thats been put through a strainer. and milk. I did learn one valuable lesson though! Don't drink milk for the first time in weeks and then run out the door for errands! Had to do a bathroom tour of east Knoxville and it was not always pretty! I am down 20.4 pounds (7 was pre-op) and very happy, trying to meet a mini-goal of 37 more by the end of Sept for my wedding. Not so much a vanity thing, but a physical thing. My Fiance and I are going on a 10day tour of Europe and I want to be able to keep up with him! When deciding to get my band this far into it I actually questioned wheter I should do it now, or wait til after the honeymoon so I could sample all the worldly food they had to offer. I decided I would rather be able to walk thru Paris than eat thru it, so I went ahead and had it done... I think I made the right choice!!!
  18. kpdgal

    Post-OP days 6-8

    Well so far so good, nothing new to report! Just transitioned over from clear liquids to thick liquids on Fri, which means I can have a little cream of ? soup thats been put through a strainer. and milk. I did learn one valuable lesson though! Don't drink milk for the first time in weeks and then run out the door for errands! Had to do a bathroom tour of east Knoxville and it was not always pretty! I am down 20.4 pounds (7 was pre-op) and very happy, trying to meet a mini-goal of 37 more by the end of Sept for my wedding. Not so much a vanity thing, but a physical thing. My Fiance and I are going on a 10day tour of Europe and I want to be able to keep up with him! When deciding to get my band this far into it I actually questioned wheter I should do it now, or wait til after the honeymoon so I could sample all the worldly food they had to offer. I decided I would rather be able to walk thru Paris than eat thru it, so I went ahead and had it done... I think I made the right choice!!!
  19. Hey Vanity,

    Not sure how to actually send you a pic on here, so I put pic of Pearl in my albums for you to check out.. LULU, love the name! Hee hee

  20. Hi Lucky!

    Ya, Im doing great, got my band 6-5 and this is my 7th day. Started back on the milk based protein this am. Boy was that a mess on my system!!! But Im down 20lbs and am very happy!

  21. kpdgal

    My baby when she was a baby

    Oh my gosh Vanity we have the same baby!!! Mine is 4 now, her name is Pearl..!!!! I will have to send you a pic!
  22. kpdgal

    So You Think You Can.. WALK?!

    Day 5 post-op Well after feeling pretty good I decided once again to venture out on a road trip with my twin to the airport, 4 steps out the door and I hit a good ole wet orange Tennessee mud patch and down I go! Lord help! Right to the butt! Ah, pulled my port site, goodness I hate that, and worse of all...It was not graceful at all!! haha
  23. kpdgal

    So You Think You Can.. WALK?!

    Day 5 post-op Well after feeling pretty good I decided once again to venture out on a road trip with my twin to the airport, 4 steps out the door and I hit a good ole wet orange Tennessee mud patch and down I go! Lord help! Right to the butt! Ah, pulled my port site, goodness I hate that, and worse of all...It was not graceful at all!! haha
  24. kpdgal

    Seciond thoughts

    You also have to remember, weight loss right after surgery isn't going to happen over night. Remember all those IV's you were hooked up to, you are full of fluid, Plus your intestines are still sluggish a few days after surgery and even more if you are still taking your pain medication, so your not getting out the waste that way either. Key is to drink lots of liquids and get your protein going, things will start moving along better, and the weight will come off. Good luck guys..!

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