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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kpdgal

  1. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    first day after my 2nd fill of 5cc's and feeling pretty good, have been getting migraines, but not sure if thats hunger from the liquid diet part of fill day or what, but I did wake up 2 pounds lighter..!!! I am off to Longboat Key,Fl for a long weekend with family, Hope my hunger is under control because there will be a ton of temptation!
  2. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Had a few hairy weeks of unrestriction! Went back from my 2nd fill this am... he checked my level and i did indeed have atleast 4cc's in my band, so he added 1 more cc today so I have 5cc's in a 13cc band. this one went much smoother than the 1st one. i go back in 4 weeks for my 3rd fill, but my NP (Lynn, I love,love her) said if I have another week like I did this week, to call and they will fill me sooner.. So I will try to make it 4 weeks, but have a feeling I will go back in 3...
  3. Riley, Thanks for your words, very encouraging!
  4. make sure to follow the guidelines on what you are eating post-op even if you can eat something doesnt mean you should unless its on your list...and tell yourself this...... any weight you lose, is weight that you will never see again, I'd rather just lose 2lbs and know its never coming back than 20 that will come back 10fold!!!!!!
  5. I had my first fill tuesday...Nothing has changed for me. Looking forward to my next fill in 2 weeks, that will put about 5cc's in my band. The only thing that keeps me motivated is that I can get satisfied on just a 1/2 cup of food, but I don't just eat anything, it is mostly protein. But my Dr. paperwork says at this point I should be getting full on 2oz's!!! There is no-way that would work for me right now, so I will stick to my fill schedule and hope at some point I get to feeling like I thought I would when I first started all of this!
  6. I am the same way. I have actually timed myself, even with no restriction I still chew/chew/chew and at a maximum take 20mins, but I figure the 30min rule is really for people who are a couple of fills ahead of me, so I keep doing what I am doing, stop when I am full and enjoy my dinner.
  7. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I would hope by the 2nd (in 2 weeks) or 3rd fill (in 4 weeks)..They told me to cancel my 2 week appt if I feel I don't need it, but I am sure I will.. Oh and I forgot to mention, The fill did not hurt at all, a very tiny pinch and that was it, I actually didn't know he had the needle in there until he told me he missed his mark!!!
  8. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    You are basically just running on willpower and following the rules at this point. 2 weeks post-op I don't think sushi and I assume rice is on the list of foods to eat, you are still healing and can cause damage to your band. I would not (and did not) eat anything that was not on the list. You may not have a list, so many doctors are so different, but it really has to be a commitment on your part to let your band help you. It does not feel any different for me now than it did before I had surgery. Hope that helped!
  9. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I had my first fill today too, and I was expecting it. I was MORE nervous about the fill than I was going into surgery!!! And ya, they kept asking me if I was hungry and I am like, uh not really, I eat when I am hungry!!! But they say at this point I am not supposed to be hungry! Anyways, I have a 13cc Realize band, he first put in 4cc's, and apparently missed the port, and had to give me another 4cc's, so I have about 4cc-6cc's in me I guess. I was so scared to take that first sip of water my hands were shaking!!! But, sitting here tonight, I feel no different than I did before surgery. I am just scared to push it just in case I do have restriction, and if fear itself is enough for me to lose weight for now, I will take it..
  10. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Well I am up a couple of pounds without really changing my eating, although I think I am not getting enough calories, I average 500-600 a day, and that's being able to eat pretty freely, I am afraid of what is going to happen after my fill. Hopefully my body will adjust to less calories favorably!
  11. kpdgal

    5th week post op

    From the album: The Journey

  12. kpdgal

    5th week post op

    Thank you very much I feel tons better too!
  13. kpdgal

    1 week before surgery

    From the album: The Journey

  14. kpdgal

    1 week before surgery

    From the album: Pearl

  15. kpdgal


    My puppy pearl
  16. kpdgal

    I need some help ..

    I find the "SHARE IDEAS, What did you eat today" Thread to be very helpful as far as what everyone is eating... Try that, or get back with your nutritionist and ask them to give you a refresher, maybe they can map out a menu plan for you if you are struggling...?
  17. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    You just need to remind yourself what put you on this journey in the first place. One you have had your fill, maybe things will fall into place for you... Maybe you need to go talk to a counselor or something, sounds like you are in for a stressful few months.
  18. kpdgal

    6/22/09 2 days pre-op

    Hee love the Hello Kitties!
  19. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hi, you are at the right place!!! How is it going for you?!
  20. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I don't eat until full, I eat a half of a cup at a time and when it's gone, I am done, I do feel satisfied, but not full, have not felt full since surgery, The rule is 1/2 cup or until full really for my Dr. I eat every 3 or so hours now, mostly high protein (cottage cheese,protein shakes etc). I think especially for the Realize banders who haven't had their first fill that we can't eat til full, its too much food because we don't have much restriction at all, I caught myself GULPING down water today because I was so hot, had my band been full, that probably really would have tripped me up. I am actually worried about my first fill because I don't know that I will no exactly how much to chew etc not to PB, My first fill is almost at the 6th week where I start eating meat again, and that to me is SCARY!:thumbup:
  21. Walmart brand instant single tea packs in peach/lemon etc a cheap! Compared to crystal light etc..!
  22. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    You guys will do great, you will be home kicked back on the couch before you know it! Surgery was the simple part, it really is a breeze. Be prepared for a few uncomfy days, but lots of rest/walking and drinking your fluids will help you along quicker! Get your heating pad and ice packs set up tonight and maybe an extra fluffy pillow for your stomach! Cant wait to hear how you did!
  23. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Ya I met with the surgeon post op and my incisions were basically all healed over already so he gave me the blessing, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I got this nasty fungal infection (not in my incisions, but groin area) was from my gym's pool. I actually stopped and checked the health rating from the health dept. posted at the door, and they had a 100%, but I still think the pool was the culprit!! :blushing:
  24. kpdgal

    My Pearly!

    You see the purple sheet next to her? That is her blankey, she sucks on it all the time, she will actually carry it with her room to room!
  25. kpdgal

    My Pearly!

    From the album: Pearl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
