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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kpdgal

  1. kpdgal

    My Waist is Smaller Than My Hips

    I hear ya....my waist right now is a 34 and my hips are 50!!! talk about tenting in the back of your jeans!!!!
  2. Holy Cow, I am just now realizing that for once in my life, I am close to actually acheiving a goal I have set for myself. I sat down and thought about all the unkept promises I made to myself, lose 10lbs by Disney, lose 20lbs before dating again, lose 30lbs for family cruise...all never to be realized until now. I am starting to let myself believe that I WILL get to goal this time, that this is the miracle I hoped for all those years. This is not a magic bullet, but a vehicle to get you to your dream. I have worked very hard for my band (not the other way around) I have not taken my commitment to this surgery lightly. I have worked out a minimum of 1 hr, 6 days a week and have behaved myself at functions that in the past would have put me on the road to weight gain yet again. I am so thankful I was able to do this. I am looking forward to losing the next 58 pounds to my ultimate goal of 116lbs weight loss and have not one doubt in my mind that I will get there! Realize Band 7cc's in a 13cc band.. Loving my DOC right now!!:thumbup:
  3. kpdgal

    carbonated beverages

    I took a big sip of my fiance's dr.pepper in a dark movie theater last week by mistake (thought it was my tea!) and let me tell ya, it was the most uncomfortable feeling I have experienced with the band, worse than getting stuck, gas or PB'ing, PLUS it tasted horrible to me.. I was uncomfortable for almost an hour.... The coke you knew and loved won't taste the same to you no matter if you can drink it or not... I didn't find the taste or the feeling of it in my mouth pleasant at all!!!!:thumbup:
  4. well maybe she will say no and you will get another chance!!! it ain't over til it's over!!
  5. looking hot is the best revenge !!!!!
  6. yes it is confusing when u read about those who aren't required to do pre-op liquids and are on normal foods right away id be interested in seeing the results of each of the eating plans I suspect the rules are more geared to faster weight loss then band maintenance...but either way, you can't deny the great results !!!!!! good luck keep up the good work..the week will be over before u know it!
  7. kpdgal

    Do you chart?

    100% a dailyplate worshiper!! I log everytime I can, sometimes I don't have computer access and I actually under-eat because I don't want to mess up my progress.. Its just as good of a tool as the band is..!!! Suggestion: I make my log public, so newbies can see what I am eating and maybe give them some new ideas...SEE BELOW!!!
  8. I would say that most of us on here have had a slip up.. but really compared to our usual "CHEATS" don't you giggle to yourself that your upset over a few bites of meat?!? Think of how you were before, and how you will be now... Huge difference. As long as it didn't get stuck or cause you any obvious troubles, I am sure you are fine, if you are on schedule, you should be scheduled for a fill in 2 weeks right?...That should help (only a little though, don't put too much hope in the 1st or 2nd fill or you will be disappointed) It takes most of us 3-4 fills to get where we need to be, but don't despair, you will be singing your praises (Like the rest of us) in no time!!!
  9. the first thing your doctor will ask you when you go in is.... are you hungry...if the answer is yes,you need a fill... the eating little is normal, we are only supposed to be able to eat 1/2-1c a food 3 times a day (most people, some have different rules)..you will go up and down on your thinking bout fills, one day you don't think you need it, the next day you are starving to death.. keep your appt is my advice!!
  10. I too have been told by doctor there is no issues with flying and the band. I have flown 2 weeks after surgery and fly about once a month with absolutely no issues. I am flying to france next month for my honeymoon and was told not to expect any problems !!!
  11. Is it possible to hit your sweet spot 4 weeks after your last fill (Fill #2) or have I done something to myself??? I had a fill over a month ago, 5cc's in a 13cc band, and have been doing ok, about 2# loss a week, literally the night before my 3rd fill, I had a hard time eating stuff I have been eating with ease this whole time, ie sliced deli meat,cheese.. I went to my appt. and told them about my night, and they held off my fill til next week. I have been exercising 2 hours total a day and really haven't changed my eating habits, no vomiting or PB's.. my weight loss has increased, so I am happy just think it's odd that it took 4 weeks after a fill to feel it?!?
  12. well I was told that if im not better by fri that I would have to come in for a upper scope, but I am fine with the swallowing now, just have to pay attention my eating ...down 2 lbs in 2 days!!!
  13. I would first, go to the seminar, and see if you like that you hear. My first seminar (By-pass) I went to years ago scared me away and I decided not to go through anymore of the process. (That was before lapband was popular). I went on Atkins to give it one more try to see if I could do it on my own. I was successful for awhile but went back to my old ways. But I was glad I gave myself one more time to try. I don't think you will find many people on here that aren't thankful for their bands. I wish I would have known about the band sooner. As far as emotional eating, I think everyone is an emotional eater to one degree or another. It's just something you learn to work with when you have the band. Do your research here on the site and keep asking questions. You will be fine!
  14. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Ya, I tell everyone I am on forced Atkins!! It's the only kind of food that doesn't give me the BLUES! haha If I stick to meat, tuna, cheese and eggs, I feel fine...I do get some high fiber crackers and a few (tablespoon) of potatoes, but for the most part it is an Atkins based diet that I stick too... I had my 2nd fill Aug 28th, and I am down 11.50 pounds, so it's working for me..Almost to my wedding GOAL!
  15. Your kind of a mystery, do you stop drinking 30-60 before a meal and not drink again for 60mins after your meal? And what are you drinking to make you so full? Are you sipping or gulping? Although everyone is different here, most are ready for their fill when the doctor makes the appt. but my Dr. has also said that he has had successful patients who never get a fill and that the band itself is restriction enough. You should have lost more than 1 pound since surgery, have you kept track of the inches you are losing??? Fills are not scaring and you don't leave the office until you have swallowed liquid in front of the doctor or nurse. You won't be sent out of there not being able to drink or eat I promise. You may find after your first fill that pounds will stop dropping for you better..!!! Hope this helps?!
  16. its like this real thick mucus that comes up in your throat. its usually followed by a PB (productive burp) but in my case it wasn't. not scary, just gross!
  17. exact same thing happened to me, I left for vacation right after my second fill. The first 2 days of the trip I was feeling no restriction at ALL. On day 3 had a couple of small bites of my fiance's hamburger (It had to be done, it was from a childhood drive-in I used to go to when I was little). Any ways, I thought I was fine until about 3 mins later I was overcome with fullness and SLIME! It was terrible, I had to keep stopping to spit! AG... I remember thinking how odd it was that on day 3 I am just now getting restriction?!?! Well moral of the story is, I have lost 10 pounds since my 2nd fill 3 weeks ago, and its still coming off...Learned my lesson big time.. No more eating that nasty food!
  18. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Depends, What is your height to weight ratio? I would shoot for a few mini-goals to get to that suggested weight! CONGRATS TO YOU!!
  19. you may have flipped or displaced your port I am 2 months out and still take it very easy on my abs. I am afraid of injuring my port!
  20. I had my 13cc band put in June 5th, and I am very happy with it, no complications so far that have been the bands fault!! My port sight is still slightly tender, but due to the fact that I have to sit in uniform pants for 12hrs a day without much get up and out time...I think you will be very happy!
  21. kpdgal

    Apple juice

    Ya, the only juice I couldnt have was citrus juice, it does say to half dilute your juice with water tho, cuts down on the sugar intake... I like juicy juice apple....!!
  22. kpdgal

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    This thread is for those of us who had surgery in June, but if you go to the home page I am sure there is a August group started... If not, you can start one! Good luck on your journey!!!
  23. kpdgal

    Take Out

    Chinese I get egg drop or won ton soup and some grilled shrimp or something like that. Pizza, I have no idea...still afraid to go there!!

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