Hi, I'm 45 year old female, 5' 3.5", 230, and have been overweight for most of my life.
I have been doing diet and excersize programs at the YWCA, work 50+ hours a week and my weight is going no where.
I have osteoarthritis of the knee, insomnia, sleep apnea, and hypertension. Have also had Meniscal Tear repaired in my right knee, which limits the amount of excersize I can do while on my feet.
And I find with excersizing on the treadmill 30 min a day 5 days a week, plus 90 sit-ups everyday on a excersize ball, my weight is still not going down.
My dilemma is should I try to increase my excersize level in what little time i have left from the hours I work and cancel my surgery, or should I go ahead with the Lap-Band procedure and continue with my current excersize routine.
Also, I seem to be getting mixed responses from my surgeon and my weightloss/fitness trainer that was at my bariatric nutrionist' office as to what I need to do before/after my surgery.
The Surgeon asked me to go on the Atkins Diet two weeks prior to my surgery, and then a liquid diet four weeks after my surgery, and a gradual move to more solid foods. And that I would require a fill 6 weeks after my surgery and other fills every 3 months.
The weightloss/fitness coach told me that I wasn't prepared for my surgery as I needed to be on a more rigouris excersize program than i'm doing now, a minimum of 5 Hours of Cardio and Resistance Training 3 times a week. I needed to have been eating 110-118 grams of Protein a day before for several months before my surgery. And that I'd require fill's every 6 weeks.
So my concern is i'm not prepared and am doing this the wrong way, and I will either have complications from the band or this procedure will fail in someway.
Please let me know what your opinions are on this, as my sugery is in 3 weeks, and I'm now terrified, and am getting cold feet.