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  1. Well I have some what because anorexic and belimic, because I can't stand the way it feels when you know your going to be sick but it could take an hour to come up and it's uncomfortable, so [bet you didn't expect me to write so much back] now I've become acustom to just making it come up if it wont stay down, other times I just wont eat to avoid the problem. But Its not completely like that. I still eat. I just last week a had a BAD situation, because I kept throwing up to the point where it was so swollen I couldn't even hold back soliva and I was throwing up some blood. So I had to get fluid out so the swelling could go down. I go in tomorrow to have the fluid put back in. So aside from all those bad things.. Not being able to eat like a regular person with family and friends. Now I'm smaller and more secure with myself.. a bit. Not completely because I still have some social anxiety, old fears wont go away for awhile. But I can do more, have more energy..

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