Hi I am new here and frankly new to the idea that this MIGHT be an option for me. I had not really had a weight problem growing up, but since having children my weight has skyrocketed! I am now 220 and cant see it going down. I am sick of the unhealthy feeling I have but I cannot control my eating. Is this an option.....or is it ......for ME..........an easy way out? I admire all of you who take control and do something about your weight. Surgery is not an easy decision.
Sorry if I sound like a whiner or worry wart, but I am so confused about my options. According to the BMI scale, I am not a candidate for the lap band, but I don't see any other way. Any suggestions? Any Dr's that specialize in weight loss in the Langhorne, PA area? What works??? I have tried every diet out there.......I just cant stick to them.. I need some help and advice:help: .
BTW I am 5'73/4 and hit 220 recently:cry .