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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by adwalton

  1. I tried to switch doctors, there is another one at the same practice who I prefer, but he declined to take me on as a patient. They said they don't like to switch in mid-stream. So, I need to look at another practice but it's hard to get an appointment after you have already had the surgery and there aren't a lot of choices in Oklahoma. I'm thinking of lying and saying I've moved to just get in the door. I have the back pain when I drink something cold...

    What are PB's???

  2. Hi everyone

    I was banded May 23rd and I've lost 53 pounds so far.

    But, I don't think I'm doing this right. I don't like my doctor much so I don't feel I have anyone to talk to.

    The first fill I didn't feel any different and could eat anything.

    The second fill worked, and I was not hungry very often.

    This last fill I think was too much, I'm never ever hungry and when I force myself to eat something it's just a bite or two before I get all gurgly and burpy and sometimes heartburn. Cold drinks are difficult to swallow.

    I've had reflux at night so I sleep sitting up.

    I have a pain between my shoulder blades and I'm tired a lot of the time - except when I perk up with an energy drink.

    My hair is falling out.

    But I'm losing a TON of weight and I can wear clothes I haven't worn in years.

    Are these things I just need to accept?

    If I have him loosen the band, I'm afraid I'll overeat again - I'm one of those late nite binge eaters and having the band has stopped me from this bad habit completely.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
