Yesterday I made the decision that Lap band Surgery was the option I was prepared to take to take control of my weight. Being in my late 20's and having had my two children I now feel this is the perfect time to start focusing on me. I'm at the start of my journey and looking forward to my consultation on December 16, 10:45am to be exact. Seems like the wait is excrutiating!
Current weight is 103 kg, cant believe I said that out loud !!
Very excited right now, wish the op was tomorrow and I was on my way :wub:
I must be patient because I know all going well I will have the op in March/ April next year and in 12 months from today I will have lost a substantial amount of weight!!
Not planning on telling anyone untill the weight starts coming off, but it's hard to keep such a BIG secret.:eek:
Here is me 103kg 20th October 2008.
Brace yourselves! :thumbup: