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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandsterintn

  1. bandsterintn

    What if...? cheese?

    I just read this and just had to post. You dont try to become super tight and that is the right thought process....speedy fast fills is not the way with the band. However I just want everyone to understand that you can be at a perfect fill for months and then stress and other factors can play havoc with your body and then your perfect fill has to be unfilled. Please take it from me I have been at that point and then something stressed me out (really bad) or had a stomach virus (puking and heaving) causing the stoma to swell. So even though our intent is not to get to the point of being super tight sometimes it is out of our control. BandsterinTn banded 12/19/2005 Lost 115 pounds and still loosing! :thumbdown:
  2. bandsterintn

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I do not get my care from the GBI. I do live in E Brainerd so that would be easy. I get my Care from Dr. Sass at memorial. Do they have restrictions if you are not their patient?
  3. bandsterintn

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hello everyone! Just wondering. Are there any support group meetings for bandsters in Chatt...other than memorial? I cannot make theirs it is during my work time. I have a strange schedule b/c I work in a call center...such is the life of a CSR:eek:! Anyway need some support and accountablity!!!! Even thinking of going to weight watchers :confused:just to get it.....PLEASE HELP!!!!
  4. bandsterintn

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    I am a very libral gun packing dem. To say that just because you are a liberal or dem and belive that guns are evil is rediculous but I HAVE A BRAIN and do not vote on ONE issue. Last time I checked and as much as I can I have watched and read lots on both campaigns there has not been any mention of gun control....it is just not a topic that has been address....of course saying that just because you vote to the left your for gun control is like saying just because you vote to the right you are definately anti-abortion. Well I should say they try to say they are pro life but remember the Clinton scandal when all the PUB's were being exposed for the abortions they bought for their girlfriends? Bottom line is that to vote on one even two issues is CRAZY....you vote for who you think will represent your values....as for gun control the 2nd amendment is not going away anytime soon just like the 1st it is here to stay! GO OBAMA GO!!!!
  5. bandsterintn

    Already fell off the wagon...

    You guys aren't restricted yet. I know it is like preaching to the choir but really let your body heal. Stay to your Dr's regement liquids mushies whatever just let your body heal....you are going to be hungery this is normal!!! LET YOUR BODY HEAL dont feel like you went off the deep end unless your outside what your DR recommends at this stage!
  6. bandsterintn

    Ur view please - Sleeve vs Bypass

    FYI Your hair does not fall out with the band from malabsorbtion SP??? but from anesthesia....and no matter what surgery you have you will have anesthesia!
  7. bandsterintn

    Surgery Nov 18th

    Good luck! I was banded in Jacksonville FL by Dr Webb in Dec 05...congrats on giving it the old college try...to loose it on your own! But I am glad you are are going for it! I too am vertically challenged 5'2.5" and started at 324 I am now down to around 212 (on a good day as low as 207) and have been on a band highatus for about a year and 1/2....I have not been properly adjusted in a 1 1/2 years but I have kept off most of it (all but about 10 pounds I loose then regain) and even though I am not at goal I am so greatful that I did this!! Good luck YOU are doing the RIGHT THING!!! Stopping Obesity in its tracks !
  8. Hello I am almost 3 years out....lost most of my 100-115 (depends on the month) pounds in the first year. Have been kind of stagnent in the WL department for about a year and half....first did not have insurance that covered fills and had to pay out of pocket...I have a fickle esophagas(sp) that if my band is the least bit tightened too much at once spasms and I have to have an almost immidiate unfill. Have about 4.1 in my 11 cc band right not...going for a fill tomorrow...found this sight and looks like a place I need to be....need to get my head in the game for several reasons....guess I am sick of beating myself up and ready to do this thing!! Primary reason is to get invitro...Doc says I need to be at 35 bmi to get best results and since I am only 20 pounds from that should be no sweat right???? Well you would think and that was June and here I am October and still gaining and loosing the same freakin :mad:7-10 pounds...So hopefully talking to others that feel my pain will get me to do what I need to do! Thanks for listening to my rant! bandsterintn!
  9. bandsterintn

    Nice to meet u!

    wow I think u gave the words I needed..just got comfortable...u r exactly right that is where I am comfy and much to comfy!!! and thanks for the words of wisdom...even though I feel disappointed w/myself I have to tell u that the band has been a life changing blessing and even through the bad times I would not have it any other way!!!!as for the preop diet...its worth to give u the best chance of a noneventfull surgey...good look and keep pushing for ur banding to happen!!!!
  10. bandsterintn

    Just a simple question ?

    I see my comment made a few waves. :party: Just so you guys know I was half kidding and half serious about getting my water in. I am a veteran bandster since Dec 05. And I have been really loose (all taken out) and really tight (cant drink my own spit...:eek:eeeww I know) My two docs...original down in FL said the 30 min before and after rule...my new one here in TN say 30 mins after....finding it much easier to accomidate that rule...still both of them recommend small sips over big gulps of water...now being almost three years out I can say that for the most part I do sip...I have trained myself if I take a huge amount of water to only swallow a small amount at at time...were talking split seconds before the next swallow but still sips....I can drink a little faster looser but even with the band pretty loose my esophogas gets fickle lots of sliming:confused: even with water! So YES even after all this time I am still forced to SIP my beloved water:cursing: You guys go with your bad selves....I say if you can SLAM GULP ect more power to you... I will have to keep on the studious task of obessing saga of "DID I GET MY WATER IN TODAY"!!! :Dancing_biggrin:
  11. bandsterintn

    Nice to meet u!

    Yeah have to say that it is nice to go into a store and pull something off the rack knowing it will fit...may not look the most flattering but will fit! youll do great....and WOW 35 pounds you go!
  12. bandsterintn

    Just a simple question ?

    I think if I followed the thirty min rule I would never get my liquid for the day in. Let's see here....drink 8-10 glasses of water a day...very slowly sipping them (cant exactly down them unless the band is loose) and then manage to make sure I get enough protien and three good meals in...HHHHHMMMMM guess the Docs that thought up that rule never really tried living like that....maybe they just did not sleep! LOL

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