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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by stoneentertainment

  1. :frown:Had my surgery on 9/29/08 after surgery lost 15lbs. Went for my first fill on 10/31/08 and I gained 3 lbs. This is very depressing. Doctor told me I may gain a few more lbs before the next fill. And I have a appetite..Is this normal:confused:

  2. I had surgery on 9/30 and I go for my 1st fill tomorrow! (10/28)

    Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous about this.

    I was down 28lbs@ 2wks post op, so from the 2wks pre & 2 wks post I was pretty happy about that, but that last 10 days or so, man I've been a HUNGRY monkey! I called & talked to one of the girls at the office, she stated this was norman, that ll my swelling was gone & I was ready for a fill. Man it couldnt come at a better time. I've noticed I've put on 3lbs, and I was so feeling like I had 'failed' the band.

    So, I'm gonna get my self motivated again, and see bigger changes by the holidays, especially Christmas!

    We've come this far! We can do it! =D ....right?lol....


    We have the same lap surgery date, I had my first fill on Halloween. I had the same issue I lost 15 post surgery, gained 3lbs. And I have been hungry and eating like crazy. I'm a little discourage but my Dr said I would gain a few lbs and after this fill 4CC. He stated I may gain more weight before the next fill. Hang in there

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