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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Tammi44

  1. I was banded in Mexico Nov 19th by Dr. Gonzales.

    It was an amazing experience. I was very well cared for.

    My Pre - Op weight was 271. I am as of Dec 4th 249.

    I just started a website to send to my friends and family I will share it with all of you. If any of you have any recipes or any advice to help others please leave a message on my message board.


    I feel really good for after 2 weeks but I am very board with the diet thus far any help here would be great.

    I have been walking on the treadmill 30 minutes in the am and 30 minutes in the afternoon.

    Does anyone know when I will be able to eat a salad? I know it wont be for a while but I cant find any information on a time frame to have a salad.

  2. hi my fellow bandsters. one of the er doctors i work with is willing to go to mexico with me to my doctor, to learn how to do fills and unfills. are there many people in the phoenix area that would be interested in using this doctor instead of going to mexico. id like feedback.

    i had a bad episode of gerd last week and went to the er. i was lucky that this great doc was working, he offered to take some fill out if i told him what to do. i knew what to do and walked him through it. thank god, i was completely swelled shut . anyone interested in learning more can pm me. id like to let him know . i think it is great also to know there is a er doc that "gets it", and you can go to in an emergency. he is willing to learn and provide the service if enough people are interested. it would be cheaper and less time consuming than the trip to mexico. :clap2:

    DO you know of a dr in Tucson that does fills? If not I would be interested in knowing about yours.

    Thank you

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