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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Road_less_traveled

  1. Road_less_traveled

    OCT 29th anyone?

    Hi everyone!! I'm also scheduled for Oct. 29th. I have all the pre-op testing scheduled tomorrow afternoon. I can't believe that after so much time fighting the insurance co., I'm finally on my way. The process went from moving so slowly to so quickly and I have had a reality check that this is actually going to happen. I'm more nervous as the day approaches. Any comforting words??
  2. Road_less_traveled

    anyone banded at dayone health?

    I have dealt with Dr. Galvani and have had a very pleasant and professional experience with him. My banding date is Oct. 29th and am very excited and a little nervous. Surgery tends to make me nervous. I'm hoping everything will run smoothly. The staff is somewhat hard to get a hold but that didn't stop me. Persistence is key! lol. One concern I do have is pertaining to support. Does anyone have any info ontheir post-op support system ?

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